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Everything posted by zourass

  1. pakage declaration and class declaration. where exactly ? Description Resource Path Location Type ABNORMAL_EFFECT_HOLD_1 cannot be resolved or is not a field L2PcInstance.java /L2J_Server/java/com/l2jserver/gameserver/model/actor/instance line 10619 Java Problem Description Resource Path Location Type ABNORMAL_EFFECT_HOLD_1 cannot be resolved or is not a field L2PcInstance.java /L2J_Server/java/com/l2jserver/gameserver/model/actor/instance line 10690 Java Problem if (getSubClasses().containsKey(classIndex)) return false; startAbnormalEffect(L2Character.ABNORMAL_EFFECT_HOLD_1); <<ERROR>> setIsParalyzed(true); sendMessage("You are paralized untill your subclass load."); if (Config.DEBUG) _log.info(getName() + " was given " + getAllSkills().length + " skills for their new sub class."); setIsParalyzed(false); stopAbnormalEffect(L2Character.ABNORMAL_EFFECT_HOLD_1); <<ERROR>> sendMessage("You are unparalized."); return true;
  2. Hey Zoey76 as you see iam realy newbiew What you mean add import?
  3. + + setIsParalyzed(false); + stopAbnormalEffect(L2Character.ABNORMAL_EFFECT_HOLD_1); + sendMessage("You are unparalized."); i have an error ABNORMAL_EFFECT_HOLD_1);cannot be resolved or is not at field
  4. # Kills (PvP+PK) for Hero Status (Default: 20) HeroStatusForKillsCount = 5 # Death for removed Hero Status (Default: 2) DeleteHeroStatusDeathCount = 2 when Player die 2 times he still have the Status :/
  5. NPCTable: Skill data for undefined NPC. npcId: 13136 NPCTable: Skill data for undefined NPC. npcId: 13136 i spawned thsi Npc and now i cant remove it and i have this msg on Gameserver console i tryed to find the NPC ID From NPCskillTable but It wasn't there . if anyone can help me please reply
  6. Hey guys how i can make the PvPGear Tradeable,sell,etc.
  7. You can make the PvP weapons tradeable/sell/des/aug/attr/ just change the code + game/stats/items/
  8. Kalhspera se ollous l2j freya pack Ola t class pernoun low lvl skill otan einai max lvl kai dn ginonde ta skill enchant Opios gnorizei as kanei ena reply thnx
  9. Pws mporw na alla3w to time apo to server mou gia n boresw na rithmisw oly events
  10. this item is not siutable leei file mou einai PvPweapon
  11. pws ginete n mporw sto server mou na bgazw ta augment apo pvp weapons mporw na t kanw augment alla na t bgalw dn borw :/
  12. # Allow players to cancel dances/songs via Alt+click on buff icon # Default: False DanceCancelBuff = True kai sto game dn bgenoun t buff an 3erei kapios as me voithisei euxaristw
  13. Loipon ekana spawn ena battle_banner kai otan mpenw sto game me petaei critical error yparxei tropos na to bgalw ? ekana del apo th DB TO NPC kai dn m bgazei cr error alla sto gameserver console mou bgazei auto to msg NPCTable: Skill data for undefined NPC. npcId: 13136 NPCTable: Skill data for undefined NPC. npcId: 13136
  14. Ginete na mpenoun automata ta forgotten? se l2j pack freya an nai as me voithisei kapios euxaristw
  15. se euxaristw para poly file alla den alla3e tipota
  16. Kalhspera se ollous exw problima m to buffer tou goldenboy freya douleoun ola mia xara ektos apo to other fuctions Recover HpMpCp kai remove buffs bou bgazei auto to (message) You are either not on a quest that involves this NPC, or you don't meet this Npc minimum quest requirments
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