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Posts posted by xgilgamesh

  1. Hello pto,

    how is at korean servers, do you teach the developers how to math and develop a game ?


    You wanted to be famous, now you are https://www.worldofages.org/forum/index.php?/topic/3892-dagger-dmg/page-2&do=findComment&comment=28349


    Best retard for 2013, good job! :)


    p.s. i would accept the advice for math from everyone but from you... :(

    Some random copy paste java dev trying to flame the almighty pto huhuuuu ;D

    nigga plz, ur too low to touch me. first learn how to code, and not only use copy paste :D

    at ur shit server wr was doing 1.3k dmg while gh was doing 3.8k and ur still trying to prove anyone that ur right ;D



    GET A BRAIN NIGGA PLZ  :dat: :not bad:

  2. L2 WOA


    Test center of bugs and exploits, we da best our antharas/valakas raids dont even move or attack, you can kill it with 5 ppl ! best AI ever! we offer tons of exploits/bugs corrupt gms selling epics for 5 euro on MXC. our top fake online shows 2.2k online while there are 10 ppl in DV. Our top developer l0l3d is braindamaged and develops his own lineage 2 for you!


    join now, and expierience the most bugged shity server in lineage 2 history.

  3. Hello, pto or orfanos or prey...

    Since you are banned, you decide to spam here ? np atleast bump our topic :)


    Fate is a b1tch sometimes, isnt sad that you sold items to a guy, and at the end that guy refund his money and now you are banned and with 0 cash in DA pocket ? :)


    Cry how much you want manipulating kids.

    yup fate is a b1tch, thats why you gonna suffer from it like you did 5 last servers  :troll:




  4. pto keep flaming


    from your pt can do somethink only prey / and the wr



    your ol cant handle one trickster in noble set [l0l] with 1 sec reuse chain heal


    but now you can be pro party



    you can fights vs party with the hellknight in noble set (dunno his nickname but only one at server hk with noble vesper set hvy set)


    and his party with rolled 2vs8 with achylek.

    i still dont see any 9vs9 pm, jok3 ur pt died to us 3vs5 while u had 2 healers, why you even talk?


    Kids got banned/quit the server now they try to destroy the server :D

  5. U get support or why u defend L2World ?:DDD


    Joke pt quit server, our pt get banned, soon quit BadColor cp, now left Stormy clan  and Polish idiots, and server at was only randoms.


    who joke? whos badcolor? factors that hide deep inside loa to farm? got banned for expoilting and now you cry? XAXAXAXAAX gogo cry more

  6. anyway server is corrupt, jok3 picture is enought


    dat pto, every server failing, every server feeding our pvp score

    oh please, go fuck urself unskilled l2j admin, go back to school and learn java before u setup servers. braindead kid.

    L2world is bugged like shit, and needs many fixes.  but its the only server wich is FREE from corruption. i am completly sure about this.And thats the reason why me, my cp, and many other clan are rejoining l2world. Just look at stalones/yuris/mouse servers, 1 month max and dead, EVERYTHINK from donate.

    Look at l2tales donate, epic jewels olaf shirt etc etc. totaly unbalanced.

  7. The buster from pto was an refund for 0 drop from tezza, please stalone go fuck urself with ur 300 online servers. They cant ddos l2world so they start to post crap.






    btw stalone, u still mad for canceling my donations on paypal on ur shit server?


  8. bump and changelog from yesterday


    Increased reward for ThreatRemoval quests.

    Fixed exp on exp off sry for the problem :/

    boosted orichalcum/adamantine spoil, min 5 per spoil

    Added new Seal Stone exchange option in GM Shop

    Fixed Zaken Cloak exchange fixed

    Increased Spawn chance for special mob for TakeYourBestShot quest by player request

    Added missing quest HandleWithCare

    Added Herb drops to ol mahums

    Added Deep Blue Spoil/Drop mod by player request

  9. online up to 110, rising very fast.


    last changelog


    Added LvL of mobs to mob title by player request.

    Increased max buff slots to 27 by player request.

    Increased Spoil rate from 15x to 20x by player request ( Premium Spoil is now 30x )

    Added Hopzone Vote reward system

    Fixed Bom Mom 7s restriction

    Fixed Tallum Blade*Damacus Duals

    Added Sirra's Blade to GM Shop

    Fixed Quest Possessor Of A Precious Soul - 1 ( Crimson Moss drop )

    Added noble blessing to NPC Buffer

    Fixed Kamael Stronghold TP's in Global GK

    Removed l2j's spawnlist, that spawns are a joke lol.

    implemented rebellions XML spawn engine

    Fixed geodata in 23 21, 24 21, ( DV and LOA )

    Added Seal Stone Exchange option in GM Shop

    Added Vote reward system via www.http://l2-memory.co.cc/vote

    Added Giant Mouse Vote Manager NPC in Giran, he gonna handle the vote rewards.

    Added AI for DV Walking Scout Mobs

    Added AI for LOA Knoriks walking mobs

  10. last server changes


    Added Clan Items needed for clan lvl 3-4-5 to GM Shop

    Added missing spawn from old Loa Dv to Watcher's Tomb

    Added missing Quests





    Quests will start to work after today's night mainteance.

    Fixed Aggro Behavior in Dv/Loa

    Fixed Toi TP from Global GK

    Added LvL of mobs to mob title by player request.

    Increased max buff slots to 27 by player request.

    Increased Spoil rate from 15x to 20x by player request ( Premium Spoil is now 30x )

    Added Hopzone Vote reward system

    Fixed Bom Mom 7s restriction

    Fixed Tallum Blade*Damacus Duals

    Added Sirra's Blade to GM Shop

    Fixed Quest Possessor Of A Precious Soul - 1 ( Crimson Moss drop )

    Added noble blessing to NPC Buffer

    Fixed Kamael Stronghold TP's in Global GK

    Removed l2j's spawnlist, that spawns are a joke lol.

    implemented rebellions XML spawn engine

    Fixed geodata in 23 21, 24 21, ( DV and LOA )


    online up to 100 players atm

  11. 50 online, and rising.


    Changelog from yesterday


    Added GM Shop up to A Grade

    Fixed Geoengine

    Fixed DV Mobs

    Added Global GK

    Fixed DV AI

    Fixed Chest AI

    Fixed Palaika 73

    By player request added:

    Champion mobs

    Gift of Vitality Event

    250 Bag slots for players

    Fixed quest multiplier rewards

    Fixed Hardins tp from global gk

    Increased mana potion power from 100 to 500 by players request

    Lowered A Armor price in GM Shop

  12. Greetings, im Gilgamesh and i'd like give some server info.


    Our project is an Mid rate server without any custom client modifications.


    Website: www.l2memory.com.pl

    Forum: www.l2memory.com.pl


    Server Start Today 6.2.2011!!!


    Server rates are set to the following


    Exp 25x

    SP 25x

    Drop 15x

    Spoil 15x

    Adena 30x

    Quest Drop 5x

    Quest Reward 4x

    Raid Drop 5x

    Epic Drop 1x


    Enchant rate


    Normal scroll 66%

    Blessed scroll 75%


    Npc buffer ( No FS Buffs like CC Dance of Zerk etc )

    3 Hour buff time

    Classmaster NPC

    Antibot PHX L2r L2Control Clicker etc protection

    Event Engine with MANY events

    Achievements Engine

    Balanced classes

    Siege Clanhalls

    Clan Helper NPC

    No Subclass Quest

    any many more.


    Server Hardware


    Intel Xeon E-1245 Quad Core


    2x 3TB Sata 6gb HDD

    100 up down connection

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