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  1. ~INTERLUDE~ XP/SP/Adena:500x Rate Enchant : +3/16 Augument : 1/5/10/20 % Custom Items : Apella Armor Dynasty Armor Dusk Weapon Special Mask Patch : http://www66.zippyshare.com/v/21083280/file.html [glow=red,2,300]This is no for noobs on this forum ![/glow]
  2. ~INTERLUDE~ XP/SP/Adena:500x Rate Enchant : +3/16 Augument : 1/5/10/20 % Custom Items : Apella Armor Dynasty Armor Dusk Weapon Special Mask Patch : http://www66.zippyshare.com/v/21083280/file.html [glow=red,2,300]This is no for noobs on this forum ![/glow]
  3. Haw i can make webiste TOP200,Gtop100!
  4. Rates: xp75x / sp75x / adena70x (all adena is divided by 100/all shops prices too) AIO NPC Buffer There is a support buffer spawned in every important town The buffs last for 1hour and are free of charge. Noblesse Rise OF L2Gold has it's own noblesse system. Once you have completed 3 subclasses you need to collect various items from the following raid bosses in order to become a Noblesse. - Death Lord Hallate - Kernon - Longhorn Golkonda - Shilen's Messenger Cabrio Once you've collected all the items and your character is lvl80, you can go to the Noblesse NPC ''Eddy Wally'' who's located on the stairs in Giran Castle Town, and become a Noblesse. Low lvl Protectors All the low lvl zones up to lvl60 are protected by our low lvl zone guards. These guards kill red players in order to give new and low lvl players a fair chance to train up to a decent lvl. Craftable S Grade SA's Special Abilities on S grade weapons can be obtained through craft. The recipes you need are dropped from mobs in Imperial Tomb and Elven Ruins. You will need a Warsmith/Maestro lvl 78 with create lvl 8 in order to use the recipes. C/B/A Grade SA's C/B/A grade weapons with Special Abilities have been added to the mantra manager. In order to put an SA on the desired weapon you need a certain a-beep-t of animal bones/water mantra/wind mantra. Mantra Drops Mantras are needed for weapons/armors A grade and above and for . These mantra drops are now categorized by mob levels. 50-70 water mantra 68-70 wind mantra 60-67 wind mantra 76+ wind + fire mantra's Raid Bosses A lot of raid bosses have been added! These can be found at their original spawn points. Keep in mind that only the raid bosses of lvl76 and above have been added (Apart from the Ant Queen, Core and Orfen) Unique L2Gold Weapons Weapons with a unique SA on it. These weapons can be dropped from the raid bosses on L2Gold! Duals Crokian*Crokian Patk 371, Matk 138, Crit Rate +95, Atk Speed +7% Doll knife*Doll knife Patk 371, Matk 138, Atk Speed +7%, Guidance +6 Swords Crokian Blade Patk 310, Matk 138, Crit Rate +95, Atk Speed +7% Sword of Apostle Patk 310, Matk 138, Guidance +6, HP +25% Mage Dusk Staff Patk 156, Matk 200, Cast Speed +17,5% Dusk Sword Patk 156, Matk 200, Matk +15% Lady Fan Patk 231, Matk 204, Cast Speed +7%, Matk +7% Polearms Dreadbane Pole Patk 310, Matk 138, guidance +6, wideblow 8 hits, 360degree hit Axe of Ketra Patk 310, Matk 138, Guidance +6, Crit Damage +265, wideblow 8 hits Daggers Doll Knife Patk 275, Matk 138, Crit Rate +95, Crit Damage +265 Giant Trident Patk 275, Matk 138, Evasion +3, Crit Damage +265 2 Handed Sword Sword of Vampire Patk 371, Matk 138, Crit Rate +95, HP +25% Blunt Cudgel Patk 310, Matk 138, Crit Rate +95, Atk Speed +7% Bow Halisha Bow Patk 610, Matk 138, Crit Rate +95, Guidance +6 Shields Dusk Shield Pdef 300, Evasion -16, Shield Rate 40 Shield of Reflect Pdef 319, Reflect Magic Debuffs, Shield Damage Reflect Shield of Evasion Pdef 110, No Evasion Penalty, Run Speed +7 Rise OF L2Gold Refining System Information: The Refining System gives you the opportunity to upgrade your S-Grade armor and jewelry. This can be done at our Mantra Manager Wilbrand. As you might have noticed, all S-Grade armor and jewelry are standard at 50%. You can upgrade your stuff all the way up to 100% in steps of 5%. For an example I used a Draconic Leather Armor. This will be the items you need for the first step, going to 55%. Here are some examples of the changes compared to a standard 50% armor: As soon as you get your armor to 100% you will be able to turn it into Apella: Some things you need to know before you start to refine your armor: - Refining can not fail. - As soon as 1 part of your armor set has a different % than the rest, you will lose your set bonus. - You will not lose enchants on the armor if you refine it. - With heavy armor, you need to get the upper & lower body parts to 100% before you can turn it into a full body Apella. http://riseofl2gold.info/
  5. an you post www.l2-maniaks.lt NO HAVE DONATE! ONLINE 200~ you have on server 40 ppl !
  6. IS OPEN !!! I Play here ! Are good ! Looks like evo !
  7. Thx man for comment !
  8. This server have good protection ! Malakas
  9. Server no have bugs all are good !
  10. I like name but add to hopzone !
  11. Premium user to Gtop 100 !
  12. More feauture,image to website !!! http://l2desperas.num.ro/
  13. I am administrator two servers L2Atantis and RiseOfL2gold !NOOB
  14. New Server (Server 2) Server 2 , Some things on the server but have the rates XP:45 , SP:45 , Adena 40 , Drop 3x, Spoil 5x. Grand opening on 01.04.2012 at 20:00 GMT+2. - Server conceived for a long term game play. - Dedicated hosting machine. - Active GM & DEV staff with a large LineAge 2 knowledge able to take care of all your problems. - Hospitable community. - Daily updates & backups to prevent unwanted problems that might appear. - One restart on day. - Geodata activated. Posted by xop - 1 day 5 hr ago Patch Update New patch available. Please download and put in your client. - For bug report use the forum. - Please vote every day. -Today Fixed: - Multisell for special abilityes A - Grade weapons. - Some L2Gold Weapons. - Blue apella Defence(at normally) - Update your A-grade weapons in A-grade weapons interlude at Refining system. - Dances and Songs Lv. 2(usable only with the new patch) - Giants Cave (silver nuggets drop). - Respawn mobs in Imperial Tomb, Giants Cave, Elven Ruins (now is normaly). - Drop rate is customed but is 3x and spoil 5x. - Some zones on Geodata - Web register, all players please to put e-mail on accouns for Forgot your password. - Web server status and players online. - Web Rankings. Posted by xop - 3 days 18 hr ago Is officially started. Lineage2 RiseOFL2Gold.info has been started. - For more ppl please vote every day. - For reporting bugs please use the forum. http://riseofl2gold.info/
  15. Good server but have lag ! MOre
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