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Everything posted by RabbitRounds

  1. I am using moblists. I'm currently in Hot Springs so everything there is named HOT SPRINGS. However my character wasn't running around. He stood there until a spawn was close enough, then would run and kill. Stand and wait, and wait, and wait, until a new spawn closed by. I will re-evaluate the tut video and see if there is something I missed, or over-looked. I'd just like to say 'THANK YOU' for taking the time to create this bot. Seems some people do not know how to be thankful for things that are free.
  2. I got it working and all, but what about the 'Melee' classes? I mean you literally have to find a fairly monster heavy area, so that you are in close range for auto target. As unless I'm mistaken there isn't an option for your character to move around during monster downtime. He just stands there, and waits for new respawn. Which raises a HUGE flag to me, as 99% gamers don't stand in 1 single spot (especially melee classes) waiting for a respawn. You run all over picking up what you can from the KS'ers. Once again, unless I'm mistaken, this bot is more for Nuker class than it is for melee. Just for the sole purpose that the auto target option isn't as wide scale as it once was. Hence why I believe this was changed some time ago. Any insight would be greatly appreciated. As I'd like to continue to use this. Thanks.
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