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About Mamalakis

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. Hi paizw se enan prive gracia me pliromeno IG 2.05 ekei pou epeze kanonika trww DC kai meta molis to ksana evala pataw to start fun kanei auto buffs kanonika alla otan pataw start combat kanei target ta mobs alla den kanei attack. Exei tuxei se kanenan? or kserei kaneis ti paizei???? tnx :)
  2. Mallon tha einai kana antibot system giati se allous prive trexei kanonika.
  3. Hello paizw se enan prive me to IG 1.99 , me to pou logarw meta apo 20" me petaei (oxi sto log in , alla teleiws) Xerei kaneis ti mporei na paizete ??? ??? ???
  4. Hello i use the IG 1.99 in a private servver.i log in and after 10-15 sec, it logout auto. Anybody knows why??????? ??? ??? ???
  5. I try it and its very good, you dont have the class quest but you must craft your A armor and weapon can you??? the best win ;)
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