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Posts posted by screpy

  1. Ok It's kind a stupid but it wokrs in 90.99 % servers were items can be droped ;D


    You will need L2phx and find some server  :)

    I do this with mp potions, you can do this with whatever you have (but u must have it alot atleast 10k)

    Login into server drop for example 1 adena(i am doing with mp potions because i have them the most) and get code "requestdropitem":


    Copy code and paste to l2phx "Send packets"

    The options shuold be like this:


    and press "send every"


    You shuold start droping items...and people will start say  ;D :


    You can do with one pile but i do whit 6, bigger lag and server crashes..


    P.S. dont look at piles you are droping it makes much lag better look other side  ;D ;D

    Good luck :)


    BTW drop items near gm shops, respawn places, were is much ppl...


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