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Posts posted by Isido

  1. you don't really need global gk , gm shop? - you have A grade in luxury , buffer - since it's a low rate the adventurer's guide is enough ( maybe it could give from 6 till 75 )

    As you can see, he sayd, that he want to open h5 mid rate, because is most popular atm. And there is no point to open low rate, because soon aweria will be up. 

  2. Rain after this night you will not make more LAG with your DDoS ...


    Wait for tomorrow !

    Better think about today, whats going on now, not tomorow. Your team said after 2h lags will gone. Same sh1t. You dont know how to reduse ddos attacks and you waiting for tomorow and you think that if you will ddos stalone he will stop? Better try to find solution how to stop these freeze, then not to dream about tomorow, cos tmorow you will play with 100ppls. Now situacion is 10s you can move, 30s freeze/dc. Exp runes lost and what we can hear from you only promises

  3. I fully understand, but let's look from another angle. Some random guy got 1 Baium and 1 AQ. In 5 days Baium will be up again, AQ tomorrow, if not even today. Prove that you don't need the server to be down in order to get these epics. Fight for them, get your party, get your clan and go kill the competition. It is easy when noone is there, it is fun when there are many :)

    I started to play in mid rates after a lot of years in low rates, cos of a lot of changes in my life. New country, new work. Don't  have time to play like others, thats why i wanted to play in mid rate and in mid rate, every lost day means a lot for those, who play alone. Not every1 playing with cp's, clans. If i will play with clan/cp, i wount qq here, cos 1-2days not really big deal. But for ppls like me, means a lot. I hope you understand what i mean :)

  4. Well, it was not ideal that the server started with login down and being off for a while, but seems that the team is working to improve the DDOS protection and hopefully this time they will do better. I will not quit but will give it a second chance. So far it seems a server with good features and if the server manage to overcome the problems which every new private server has, then why not staying here.


    See for example l2dex. They are so big and what, they got their ass kicked, the server was 5 days off, login completely crashed and they had to restore the database from scratch, then hacked by some guy who gave items, ect. Well if l2dex fails after so many people donating there, I think we should give a chance to this server.


    Something I like so far is the attitude of the l2roe stuff. Working to resolve the issues, never been impolite, don't give fake promises. How often you see a good team? From my experience it is kind of rare to find a responsive team, who doesn't threat you as some lowbie. 


    So your choice, to quit, to stay, to start, but we haven't really seen the server yet as to judge if it is good or bad.

    The point is, a lot of ppls was unable to log in server till now, while (about 200ppls, .online shows that number) played. So they can easily w/o any problems kill aq/baium, all best places was free. So its a little bit unfair for those, who couldn't log. And for example me, yesterday i created account, i logged at start, created char than dc and couldn't log till morning. When i log in morning, exp rune was gone, after few min dc and again can't log in. If they solved the problem,. they should reopen server, but not like that. Some ppls can play, some no

  5. Please add varn on user MattHaw for spamming. Its first.

    1DC = 1E so AQ = 50 euro set normal vesper(4-5h of craft)=50E... So stop qq for donation.


    Second. Its not admin faul when server have DDOS ;/ We can only wait for new ddos protect etc. Server its great. If you have problem go to l2stars etc when clan Extasis make 1k E donate to server and kill valakas without FOG... Admin Spawn.


    N/C for looser and spamers...


    For Realy Players we must only wait.! Thanks.



    Zapraszam do PL Klanu!

    "fl00w albo "MarzeniePedofila

    You qq about clan that donated 1k euro, So you think here no1 will donate? Donate for 5eu=250kk at start is not so much. The point is, that in donate are items, that normal ppls can't get w/o donate. Or if they can, only after weeks/months. Donate shouldn't affect so much game. But now, look at shop and think a little bit. Normal server, that care about server future, never have donation like that. This donation is to get as much as possible money

  6. Find me a server without donations and I'll do whatever you want. Or give them money to pay for server and remove donations.

    All servers have hidden donations. Especially vercetti's servers and you don't agree with the donations shop?! WTF.


    Ps. Donations are not opened yet.




    Go play to vercetti's fail servers. You will come back for sure.

    Dude, you are the only 1 smart here? Did you even saw the donate shop here? I'm not against donate, but this donate... 1eu 50kk, really? epics, vesper, bead to make s84 gun found?   ??? And server allready failed, why? Some ppls can log, some not. So till evening (as GM said) will be everything fine. So 1 day (24hours if you dont know) some ppls playing w/o any problem, and some only can start at evening. That is normal for you? GM's should close server, make new eta for today evening, but not like that

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