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About dalamare

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    Skype: PavluhaKiev

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  1. http://l2.empiresgaming.com/ IT x1000 ~15 Dupe by WH/Tp script
  2. dude,since when it fixed?few days ago i was playing there (i was duping,enchanting,and anti-targeting) wtf are y talking about? 1st anti-target,after dupe,cuz without anti-target,y cant dupe.(i will post later that dupe if ydont cnow howe)
  3. look if trying to by clean wepon from gm shop and y wont to (re-by it from 0-15,or 10k,or 20,or any(with l2phx).....it should be fixed...cuz its sooooo old bug,and fix. You should finde some diferent ways,try some dupe,or dunno.But anyway iwill look now.
  4. howe to dwnload the patch?i just registerd but i cant find patch.
  5. hello i got 1 intersting bug,so lets start: Here is video:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NDo9f5YNDe0 1)We need 2 windows(l2),give party to chars. char A must sit on sell,and sell 1 SS for 1 adena,char B will dupe it. 2)Char B must by 1 SS,we check pack SendPrivateStoreBuyList,then we making Action,taking 2 packets Action,UnselItems(coins which y cant trade) 3)Now you take pack SendprivatStoreBylist looking for bite which responsible for the bying item,then changing it for our UseItem(coins)then you should find another byte which responsible for the numbers and changing it for our numbers(of coins),then we should by quest coins,then Action, with our old Useitem we relog,and after againe we bying 1 SS,then againe SendPrivateStoreBuyList changing againe for coins,buy all but one must left.Like this we can dupe any item like quest coins :) PS:againe sry for my ching-chang-english. ::)
  6. give me link of server
  7. lol i if y lazy to find it...what i can do. but ok i tell next time for idiots..... Re: Bugged server l2phx Re: Bugged server l2phx Re: Bugged server l2phx Re: Bugged server l2phx now y understand which 1?
  8. It worcks on servers where after when you turn .offline char 5-10 seconds still online. So:dont take 1/2nd prof,lvl up your char to 3rd :D 1.Siton sell/by...anything 2.If there trade zone and you cant sit behind class mager....just type .classmaster in chat. 3.Ok your char on trade,with window where you can choose profs,(you can make macro ifyou wont) 4.If you got off-trade by: .menu,you'll need to write in advance to chat ".classmaster" or make macros. 5.Click to go offline trade (writes that successfully got into the off-trade)after this fast choose prof. 6.Now we login without profesion,but with skils :D :D :D Dats all from 1st post by circle take all profs :D :P
  9. Server: http://l2innovation.eu Video link :http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CDfqrsoxK1Y Works at many server so lets start! After relog skils disapears We need 2 windows. 1window 1.lvl up it to 3rd job. 2.Take sub(any) 3.Give party to twink (Char who will have MultiProf) 4.Click Cancel sub class(Sub which you use right now) It should look: char will have 0hp,0mp,0cp,and all stats-0 2nd window 1.Lvl up it to 3rd prof. 2.Take any sub-class(which clas you take,there will be same skils,after you lvl up it) 3.WEAR WEAPON!!!!!! 4.Now you going and lvl up your prof. 5.Take 3rd job. 6.And againe like it was in post 2 (2.Take any sub-class(which clas you take,there will be same skils,after you lvl up it) until you get bored to add skils :D If you run out of subs!!! For example last clas which you take is Ghost Sent... Just cancel previous sub And take againe new :) PS; i done :D (and againe sry formy chinese-engl) have fun dudes ;)
  10. http://l2-blackpearl.org/ Interlude Online 50-90 Anti-target,Tp scripts
  11. http://l2family.com Interlude x10k L2phx+5 (action dupe,safe enchant by WH :D
  12. http://l2olympiangods.com Interlude+custom,Mult-sub x10k +script tp +script anti-target http://l2fullvagos.ucoz.com/ Interlude+custom x1000 Online:40+ Action(dupe)
  13. http://l2deathland.lt/mid x75 Interlude Online: 700+ 1).Running with trade/sell/craft on head :D 2).Dupe,MultiProf 3).Fake dupe weapon/arm/adena through WH PS: if I helped,you cnow what to do :D
  14. http://l2.avantasiaonline.com/ Rate x8/x10 L2phx +5!!!!! Online -100+/- Now bugs: 1)party with yourself 2)Running with trade on head 3)Action!!!!! 4)Dupe with strider 5)Bug with fitting things (in weapon shop)(Not always worcking,little retarded) 6)Script TP 7)Auto-Res 8)Script for Life-Stones PS: Dats all,have fun! (sry for my engl)
  15. Hello my cheater.I am new here,and now i am going to post 1 bug(or howe to say it)Mb it can helps you. Ok lets start....... Char A Char b 1.Char A -selling 1 SSD(or w/e) 2.Char B -bying 1 SSD 3.remember 2 packs 3.1 Pack - (when y starting to sell item) 3.2 Pack - (when you bying it) 4.Lets try to trade hero weapon :D (use it,look pack ->>useItem->>remember OID of weapon. 5.In packet (Sit on trade) replace OID (SSD) for OID (hero weapon).when you done->>>sit on trade. 6.In pack (when you bying item)replace OID (SSD) for OID (hero weapon) -->>click send pack...And we see at char hero weapon :) We can trade anything,even donate items. This bug was tested at Pts servers,but i thinck it can worck in Java too. PS; Thx for your attancion,if its wrong place to post theme like this,replace it or del. If you like it,i will post many like this. sry for my chinese-english :D
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