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About adeku015

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  1. Hmm . Sometimes Ncsoft fvcked out the name of items Like the breastplates(the main body) It says Vorpal Leather Breastplate {PvP} But theres a space after "Breastplate" So you need to include a space after the name of the main body armor Legging helmet gloves and boots is normal . Just the main body Dont include the SA of a weapon . Just the {PvP}
  2. We all know that its kinda boring to add attribute xD I found some Auto Attribute by using script in l2 net Credits to Mochitto . You just need to edit the "STONE" And "Item" For sure you are not really dumb not to read the script before using :)
  3. Guys is there any server that have Stacking buffs/Stacking skills(you can learn all the skills)/Stacking buffs/+2000-6000 max enchant ? I found a server but i cant remember it coz i played that a year ago . Can anyone tell me any server that have a feature like this ? Thanks
  4. This one is just a repost . I just need this badly :/ http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=255770.0 This is the original . But no one replied . But it seems that chatting with the blacksmith for augmenting seems to be different now I saw in freya that when you chat blacksmith for augmenting theres the "augment item" option And another option for cancel augment which is "Cancel item augmentation" In H5 its different . I need to click first "augment item" then choose from 2 options the "augment item" and "cancel augment" which is different from freya This is the script . But i need the option of "Augment Item" so it will work But i cant find any working commands . When i clicked the "DEBUG MODE" then clicked again the "augment item" option It says "DEBUG:NPC Chat Click:bypass -h npc_268452741_Chat 5" Then "DEBUG:NPC Chat Clickbypass -h npc_268452741_Link common/augmentation_01.htm" Then "DEBUG:NPC Chat Clickbypass -h npc_268452741_Augment 1" So I need an extra command for the "DEBUG:NPC Chat Click:bypass -h npc_268452741_Chat 5" Can anyone help me ? AA_ScrObj.NPC_DIAG11 = "#$bypass -h npc_<&TARGET_ID&>_Link common/augmentation_01.htm" AA_ScrObj.NPC_DIAG12 = "#$bypass -h npc_<&TARGET_ID&>_Augment 1" AA_ScrObj.NPC_DIAG21 = "#$bypass -h npc_<&TARGET_ID&>_Link common/augmentation_02.htm" AA_ScrObj.NPC_DIAG22 = "#$bypass -h npc_<&TARGET_ID&>_Augment 2"
  5. still pro playing is the best :))
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