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About lie2me

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  1. http://sirium.servegame.com/ rates - x30 StuckSubclass - main+3 very good balance very good balance no overpowered chars no overpowered donators best IL server cool event vote system and more
  2. L2 4Vendeta SubStack server - Server opened on 01.02.2010 Gracia Epilogue Rates: EXP: 35x SP: 35x DROP: 25x SPOIL 25x ADENA 50x Enchant: Safe: +3 / +4 One Piece Armor Max: +25 Success: 66% Blessed: 85% Features: Sub Stack - Mutations are allowed (for example you are Necromancer and you can make subclass Summoner or Spellsinger and than you have skills on Necromancer and Summoner) You can make 2 subclasses. Subclass Without Quest Global Gatekeeper Raid Gatekeeper Auto Skills Class Change without quest GM Shop NPC Buffer 1hr Buffs All Raidbosses Working Custom Raidbosses Farm Area Exp Area 7 Signs Working Olympiad working All Skills Working All Quests/Areas Working Sieges/Augments etc all working Champion Mobs Tattoos Full Geodata Events: Automatic TvT event every hour ! Active Staff, with many custom events ! Server Machine: Intel® Core i7 CPU 920 @ 2.67Ghz / 2.70Ghz 12,0GB of Ram ( DDR3 2100 MHz) 4TB Hard drive (15 000Rpm) Internet Connection: 1Gbps Internet: BG:100 Megabits upload/download INT:50 Megabits upload/download 4Vendeta Team http://l2.4vendeta.com/
  3. need Help.html(and an ifno how to enableit) that was used on Idragon3d so time ago, cause i found a server (www.l2phoenix.com) that is a direct copy of the old Idragon3d , maybe some1 also has the help.html that works on l2phoenix.com
  4. Hey Maxstor , i found a server www.l2phoenix.com its the same as the ol Idragon3d (it was stolen for Drake- the owner of idragon) it uses the same base as the old dragon(its not even full c4 now :P) , i was wondering maybe u still have the help.html that u made for Idragon cause i think it could work there , and maybe u can check the server yourself and maybe optimise the help.html cause i tryed to use v1.5 and it doesnt work , i really doubt they fixed it.....
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