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Everything posted by KaoSs

  1. Wtf Gl with your server i think ppls looking for normal srv l2 is allready costum with that update offcial with that alot armor weapons and u add more :D u must got big brain ^^. i hope ppls dont cry for balance coz i am sure even on offcial is not existing ^^ hf and sorry for spam that is what i feel and i think u can tell what u feel for free :P
  2. ahha thats really good.
  3. oly bugs u get instand ban coz of friends watching the mache and he can take easly screenshoot ^^ gg
  4. thanks i go try it
  5. thnaks for sharing good trick
  6. usefull tool thank you. coz my hand hurt.
  7. Enchant is just luck.
  8. lol this server is dagger server all make dagger and kill all classes on 3skills
  9. Very Good Server!! much Pvp
  10. i saw some around on random server i think they are littel funny greek ofc ^^ ArxiDiStoGraSidi-----FoniKoTsoureKi
  11. Like the mages need more p.def with the tattos u have added lol tattos only benefits mages and they are already op.
  12. -Hi all -Im looking for a hi5 pvp server like title say. -Easy lvl up with costum mob or instant 85. -Enchants safe: 4 max:16 Blassed scrolls 100% Max skill enchant 15 for some balance betwen evasion and accuracy. -Farm For Weapons Armors Codexs Blassed. -No PvP Weapons Armors Delete fame from server. -No quick healing potions from hero castel or eny other way to obtion them. -Official buff limit24 buffs 12 dance songs. -I like it more costum like (A) grade gears with s84 stats Its ok if not boss jewerlys on gm shop. -No elemental stones of eny kind quest or farm. -No Sub certi Or barrier removed. -Balance the classes like touch of death steal divinity curse of divinity warp No song of purification on buffer and windstorm let those 2 reital like some op skills that are not meant for pvp server with that huge cooldown. and that much buffs. -Plz no corruptet server with corrupt admins gms. -Hope u like my proposation and i hope to find this kind of server Thank you.
  13. Did i say that atribiute have 7 years on l2 i sayid that my expiriemce is 7 years laren to read before posting sh1ts troll unbelivable how many idiots this forum have! -Server Lost Community and whe all know why unlimitet buffs 0 balance. -Next time when u rise a server try it at home offline with ur friends. -Read some buffs and check how they effect balance on pvps. -I cant say that it was fun the 2 days that i spend there sry.
  14. Omg wtf i have 7 years expireince of l2 dude u gona teach me how atri works WTF im gona say to u that i was full atri wepon and armor enhcantet buff dance of bersek full p.attack and 500 crit on mage u tard go try it u idiot first check it then post that sh1t1 replay UNSKILLED. And what atri have to do with heal power server need some smart admins :S
  15. Thats very funny Song Of Purification and Song Of Wind Storm 3Hours! Where Did You Saw The Balance Read What Effect They Give.. and then use them on buffer and that time u edit is like starwar paladin heals by secrifice 6k HP instand and MC 11k thats really Wow and mages heals for 967hp instand and 1798hp MC and why we should make bishop? and archer make 500critical Dmg! what is this? a joke? or something amazing balance +1vote for your balancing mode go on! keep do it more good! Learn too make one Normal Server then make it Online!
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