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About iqman13

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  1. As a representative of l2-scripts dev studio, I can approve that this man using the retail pack bought from us. Also acc. to his request I can confirm that he pre-paid his advanced tech. support (30k rubles per month) for the following month and our team working on his project in high priority. Good Luck!
  2. For you attention. This guy is not our partner etc, he's just advertise our services. The transactions and the discutions etc. are going through l2-scripts.ru only! For further info and contact, please call me at skype: talesofwar. Best regards.
  3. No such client registred in l2-scripts.ru studio. Probably using share stuff w/o support.
  4. Licened client of l2-scripts. Help the studio alot, good luck with the server!
  5. Sorry forgot the link: http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=253138.0
  6. Hello dear MaxCheaters administration! Users: http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=10783 http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=51977 The scam: 1. Trying to sell a pack that they bought from us. 2. Selling decompilied gameserver.jar (not original source) 3. It's not really a scam but they've bought the pack from us, and now after they've failed they accuse us for backdoors and other increadible stuff etc. I'm really hope that this problem will be solved soon! Thx and best wishes from l2-scripts developers team. Paypal screenshot that stalone of majenta moon bought the pack from us (claww is his developer, can provide screens of that too is nessecary)
  7. Going up! The development continues! We offer only the best - best packs and the best tech. support! Don't miss and have a great week!
  8. Dear users of maxcheaters! We glad to tell you that from this week we accept paypal as well! Farmore the highfive 5 pack prices reduced to 25,000 rur (850$), and the GOD pack will cost you this week 30,000 rur instead of 40,000 rur! (pre-release discounts). Hurry up and check it out on: l2-scripts.ru website. Test it on l2-scripts.com website. My contacts are: Icq: 270275947 and skype: talesofwar (all the contacts are listed on the official website of l2-scripts) Best regards and be well!
  9. far beyond you think ;)
  10. Approved, he's using l2-scripts files. If you have doubts, I have a topic here to confirm my identity. Best regards!
  11. Well, skype.com or icq.com My Msn asking me to reboot, I do a reboot once a month (to many windows and programs to open takes about 20 mins) So please, be kind to download them, thank you!
  12. Russian market was like ur current market, with 300$ they could open a stable server with 500-600 online, in years the ads rise, everybody think that they can be a good admins, just with good investments, I've seen people who failed with 12k $ up to 35k$, they did not have any idea what's server is. If we're talking about people who have money and want the work done for them (sponsor) or a knowledgeable administrator(s), your choice is us. We have already some europeans clients that are satisfied with our support or/and lead with his/her projects. I've bought my first car at the age of 19, only from my enthusiasm and self ideas, you're not less compatible than me. For instance, in Russia if you put A gr. set for 300 euros, nobody will play at your server =) but in europe it still works, so you have some ideas how to keep the money flowing the right direction.
  13. I have skype (worldwide) or icq (not so worldwide :)) please choose one of them, I cannot run 3 other instances of instant chatting, it's insane :) Contacts are posted above
  14. We do, but with a certain budget, anyways I don't thing my parter will agree to do a campaign for english based users, he lacks english language, and my part in the studio is only for pack, event, everything with code.
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