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About christos084

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  1. Thx man. I deleted every record in my vote table, i checked it again and works fine. I hope this is permanently
  2. First of all i have to say that i used 2 seperated databases. Actually 3, 1 for login 1 for game and 1 for community. Because of the script i put the log in server in game server. For 2 days the vote reward system was working fine but today i cannot remember if i changed something and i take back in my screen this message.Yes i use Freya. I try to make these changes in bank.java
  3. ok guys i did it. it works fine now. but i have an other problem now...what does it mean?--->
  4. L2 Grave is almost a pure L2 server for these people that loves Lineage 2 and cannot play on official servers for any reason.You can read server's info in the text below... Server info XP:x7 SP:x7 Party XP: x7 Party SP: x7 Pet XP: x7 Vitality Loss Rate: /7 (7 times lower than normal, cause the XP is 7 times higher) Drop Rate: x7 Raid Boss Drop Rate: x7 Spoil: x7 Manor: x7 Fishing: x7 Quest Drop: x15 Quest Reward XP: x1 Quest Reward SP: x1 Quest Reward Adena: x1 Quest Materials Reward: x7 Adena : x7 Pet XP rate: x7 Sin eater XP rate: x7 Auto pick up Buff time 60 minutes NPC Buffer (Only with basic buffs) TvT Event: 15 minutes (Every 4 hours) No Custom Items Cancel Buff Button "Alt" Offline Store Vote Reward System 99% Uptime http://l2grave.co.cc The server is up since 24-9-2011
  5. i tried to find a reply which sais that it's not for Freya but i can't find not even one. So i think that is running on Freya. Anyone to fix my problem please?
  6. i also see in my databse that this character "Dio" has already 2 votes. That means that i did not make any mistake in the connection. everything looks fine but i can't take the reward when i login. the command <<.reward>> do nothing.
  7. first of all i go to the main page of vote system: Second step. I give character's name to take the reward. Here i have to say that when i choose the server that i want to vote, automativly the site goes to the "vote site" i cannot push "Vote now" button. Here i have to write letters exactly as i can see Here i do this as you can see and finaly i log in to the server and i write in chat box as you can see ".reward" but nothing happens.
  8. when i type .reward or .getreward my character just say these words in general chat. i did everything, there are not a problem my vote site runs perfect but when i login i have this problem. Please help me it's almost done!!!
  9. Έχω σηκώσει έναν homemade server και όταν πάω να τροποποιήσω το config.php του account manager μου ζητάει μόνο τις IP's από τον deticated server. Πως θα το συνδέσω με το navicat? Με ποιο τρόπο θα βάλω account manager σε έναν homemade server;
  10. έχω δει πολλά ενδιαφέροντα πράγματα σε αυτό το forum αλλά νομίζω ότι αν μπορεί να γίνει αυτό το NPC θα μιλάμε για τεράστιο modification!
  11. ένα "if" (click) "then" (reward) το click θα είναι το vote site και το reward θα είναι το item που θα παίρνει ο παίκτης. Δεν υπάρχει κάποιος που να ξέρει πως γίνεται; Για να δούμε!
  12. Παιδιά έχω μια ιδέα αλλά δεν ξέρω κατά πόσο είναι δυνατόν να πραγματοποιηθεί. Σκέφτηκα να κάνω ένα NPC το οποίο θα αναφέρει όλα τα vote sites στα οποία βρίσκεται ο server. Όποιος πατάει επάνω στο κάθε link "που αναγράφει το NPC" θα μεταφέρεται στην αντίστοιχη ιστοσελίδα για να κάνει vote και παράλληλα θα παίρνει ένα item "vote reward item". Μπορεί κάποιος πιο έμπειρος να μου πει αν αυτό μπορεί να γίνει;
  13. Hello guys, i've made an l2j freya server on my pc and i turned it online. Until today i have over 30 players online and i want to make a vote reward system from server's site. Is there any script that works only with one modification? If it doen't, can you tell me how i can make a vote reward system?
  14. Παιδιά πως μπορώ να κάνω backup όλη την database του server για να την φορτώσω ξανά σε περίπτωση που συμβεί κάτι στον server; Ο server είναι στημένος με navicat.
  15. It's a "common" secret tha everyone uses bot programs, so i posted to tell everyone that can use l2net but no for "afk exp". So "lol" was unnecessary!!!
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