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Posts posted by RhyDorN

  1. Never saw server like this one .  :-[


    Its no more linage 2...


    Lol Mobs get extra stats ,

    * all skills suk hard ( Reuse skill with full buff on this server is like being self buffed on retail servers )

    * Vampiric Rage + Dance of vampire = Restore not enought HP 

    * Frenzy and Zealot = 30 Second ??  LOOOOOOOOOOOL

    I just Tried Warlord and Titan on this server and all skills go wrong ... so no need to check other class ....


    Kids make server for money now , and they Kill the gameplay of one of my favourite online Game ...


    Sorry for my "English"  since its not my main langage ....


    Btw i cant admit that people who play on this server already  played on Retail Server ...

    you say the server is made by kids, the only kid i see here its you " i tried warlord and titan and frenzy 30 sec LOl wadafak mi is no inouf pr0 4 dis."

  2. i logged in, admin came to me i asked him where are the 100 players shown by .online command and he said it is fake and online there is 2, me and him, 




    fuck those fake online counters really, do you (NOT ONLY THIS SERVER) really think that people are stupid and will not quit because they see 100 ppl from command and 0 ig?


    also he asked me about what server has many ppl on, and when i told him that L2Pride got always 500++ online he started saying "bullshit they use counter all servers have low population" i was like wtf dude i play pride for 4 years and i can tell you it's always been full and he was like "man i know better, all use online counter, it say 500 but whats real players?" 


    kid admin, failed server 

  3. ehy, I cant wait to try out your server. Please make a perfect grand opening without any little problem (lag etc) and get a powerful DDOS protection. I know u're thinking "u wanna tell me how to run my server?" no, I just act as a reminder coz I really like this project and I can't just see it failing like many other good projects, you know what I mean. Keep on the good work and, can I have an ETA perhaps for the opening? Middle October?


    thanks in advance

  4. http://www.l2aerogaming.net/


    THAT'S what you are looking for. Interlude with customs, 3 tiers or weapon and armor, accessories with custom stats, BALANCED.


    Classes edited, Bladedancer uses dualsword with light armor, swordmuse light armor, boosted to be good in PvP. And MUCH more. Join us tomorrow at grand opening and you will not be disappointed :)





    Website / Forum

    Grand Opening on 6th of September

    L2Aerogaming will be hosted on C6 Interlude client


    Starting level 80, exp will be x5 dropping accordingly till x1 at level 85

    Enchant Rates

    Enchant normal scrolls; safe +7:

    Normal S grade; do not crystalize on fail:

    A Armors Enchant 0-30 is at 80% rate. 30-35 at 45%. Stat bonuses at +35 set

    S Armors Enchant 0-25 is at 80% rate. 25-30 at 40%. Stat bonuses at +30 set

    S Jewels Enchant 0-25 is at 75% rate. 25-30 at 40%. Stat bonuses at +30

    S and A Weapons 0-25 is at 75% rate.

    Unique and Epic; crystalize on fail:

    Armors Enchant 0-16 at 75% rate. 16-25 at 65%. Stat bonuses at +16 and +25

    Weapons Enchant 0-16 at 75% rate. 16-25 at 65%

    Legendary Items:

    Armors 0-16 at 65% rate. 16-25 at 45%. Stat bonuses at +16 and +25

    Weapons 0-25 at 50% rate.

    Scroll Affects

    Crystal Scrolls:Have 10% less enchant chance but DO NOT crystalize ur item

    Blessed Scrolls: Have 10% more enchant chance and don't crystalize ur item


    The server's economy is based on Golds and Glits, to get them:

    Farm silver, 50 silver = 1 gold

    pure silver low drop chance or events, 25 pure silver = 1 Glit

    1kk adena = 1 true gold

    Basically with gold you can buy anything among unique items, but to get to the Epic tier you need true gold and glits


    Every class is modified by a unique Formula balancer, debuff chances and rates are shown when u cast a skills and everything works to suit pvp balance.

    (Including Sword Muse, Bladedancer, Prophet and so on, improved with some skills replacement\ add-ons to make them competitive in PvP)


    Trade channels:

    Trade chat (+): Can be used when you reach 300 pvps, after use it has a cooldown of 15 minutes, however the delay decreases up to 7 minutes according to your pvp amount

    Hero shout(%): Can be used by heroes or at 5500 pvps, 3 minutes cooldown

    Global Shout(!): Can be used at 10000 pvps, 6 minute cooldown


    All buffs 3 hours, death doesn't remove your buffs

    All buffs included on the buffer, except some which changed to costum

    If you want to get rid of a buff, just choose it again from the buffer and it will be removed

    Heal from buffer every 3 minutes, can't be used during pvp


    Easy - solo: Cave of Trials

    Easy/Medium solo: Cemetary and Dragon Valley Caves

    Medium party: Dragon Valey Caves and Seal of Shilen aka Forbidden Gateaway

    Hard party: Dragon Valey Caves deep

    Extreme party: Special miny bosses found all arround the farming zones

    Clan/Ally: Raid Bosses with edited stats and skills

    Custom Instance Cave of Trials:

    A place where you join with your party (size 2-3) where for 1 hour you can fight monsters of the past and their grandboss. Available only once every 24 hours

    The farming and the economy is infuenced by luck, even at the easiest farming areas you can loot valuable items...


    The hero cycle is every 2 weeks

    Heroes get an additional ultimate skill on their baseclass

    Valor and Heroic berserker can stack together


    When you login, the server checks your last login, if more than a hour had passed since then you will be teleported to town to avoid campers.

    Skills don't have mp consumptions, but heals have.

    Mp and Hp consumption over time from buffs/toggles have been removed.

    Gracia Final like instances for first time into Interlude client!

    Shift click on NPC and view it's drops.

    Shift click on ur target to view all your target's basic stats heavily detailed.

  5. when will be official opemimg of this server ? seems nice






    Website / Forum

    Grand Opening on 6th of September

    L2Aerogaming will be hosted on C6 Interlude client


    Starting level 80, exp will be x5 dropping accordingly till x1 at level 85

    Enchant Rates

    Enchant normal scrolls; safe +7:

    Normal S grade; do not crystalize on fail:

    A Armors Enchant 0-30 is at 80% rate. 30-35 at 45%. Stat bonuses at +35 set

    S Armors Enchant 0-25 is at 80% rate. 25-30 at 40%. Stat bonuses at +30 set

    S Jewels Enchant 0-25 is at 75% rate. 25-30 at 40%. Stat bonuses at +30

    S and A Weapons 0-25 is at 75% rate.

    Unique and Epic; crystalize on fail:

    Armors Enchant 0-16 at 75% rate. 16-25 at 65%. Stat bonuses at +16 and +25

    Weapons Enchant 0-16 at 75% rate. 16-25 at 65%

    Legendary Items:

    Armors 0-16 at 65% rate. 16-25 at 45%. Stat bonuses at +16 and +25

    Weapons 0-25 at 50% rate.

    Scroll Affects

    Crystal Scrolls:Have 10% less enchant chance but DO NOT crystalize ur item

    Blessed Scrolls: Have 10% more enchant chance and don't crystalize ur item


    The server's economy is based on Golds and Glits, to get them:

    Farm silver, 50 silver = 1 gold

    pure silver low drop chance or events, 25 pure silver = 1 Glit

    1kk adena = 1 true gold

    Basically with gold you can buy anything among unique items, but to get to the Epic tier you need true gold and glits


    Every class is modified by a unique Formula balancer, debuff chances and rates are shown when u cast a skills and everything works to suit pvp balance.

    (Including Sword Muse, Bladedancer, Prophet and so on, improved with some skills replacement\ add-ons to make them competitive in PvP)


    Trade channels:

    Trade chat (+): Can be used when you reach 300 pvps, after use it has a cooldown of 15 minutes, however the delay decreases up to 7 minutes according to your pvp amount

    Hero shout(%): Can be used by heroes or at 5500 pvps, 3 minutes cooldown

    Global Shout(!): Can be used at 10000 pvps, 6 minute cooldown


    All buffs 3 hours, death doesn't remove your buffs

    All buffs included on the buffer, except some which changed to costum

    If you want to get rid of a buff, just choose it again from the buffer and it will be removed

    Heal from buffer every 3 minutes, can't be used during pvp


    Easy - solo: Cave of Trials

    Easy/Medium solo: Cemetary and Dragon Valley Caves

    Medium party: Dragon Valey Caves and Seal of Shilen aka Forbidden Gateaway

    Hard party: Dragon Valey Caves deep

    Extreme party: Special miny bosses found all arround the farming zones

    Clan/Ally: Raid Bosses with edited stats and skills

    Custom Instance Cave of Trials:

    A place where you join with your party (size 2-3) where for 1 hour you can fight monsters of the past and their grandboss. Available only once every 24 hours

    The farming and the economy is infuenced by luck, even at the easiest farming areas you can loot valuable items...


    The hero cycle is every 2 weeks

    Heroes get an additional ultimate skill on their baseclass

    Valor and Heroic berserker can stack together


    When you login, the server checks your last login, if more than a hour had passed since then you will be teleported to town to avoid campers.

    Skills don't have mp consumptions, but heals have.

    Mp and Hp consumption over time from buffs/toggles have been removed.

    Gracia Final like instances for first time into Interlude client!

    Shift click on NPC and view it's drops.

    Shift click on ur target to view all your target's basic stats heavily detailed.

  6. hello, excuse me I did not read all the replies I'll just ask 2 simple things


    1. When is beta going to open? 1a Will it be closed or open beta? 1b When is the Grand Opening\Live date planned for?


    2. I'd like to join the beta, in case it is a closed one, what do I have to do?

  7. untill interlude, there was no balance at all, not enough variables, more enchants = win pvp, now in god there are TONS of factors, a pvp round takes lots of time, love it, or maybe it s cuz of server, anyways, im feoh now on media, i pvpd a good  tyr for LONG Minutes, and won , was close, love it. ofc daggers are harder to kill for me...


    i think i saw rhydorn log, then flame about how his pc gives blue screens and wow is better then l2... sometimes i feel ashamed of some so called " l2 players" .

    excuse me? You saw me doing what? who the fuck are you? i'm playing on media and i really like it, what's wrong with you? i'm playing l2 for several years and I don't need your stupid senseless comments.

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