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Everything posted by Lelouch1333+4

  1. ooo gold retarded unnamed?
  2. akoma se tetoia forums eisai? :P
  3. long time no see ru kid
  4. lol sovara? den kserw an periexei ka8olou aima to anime gtp fights..... fail c/p apo ta big 3 einai....eftiaksan enan stoko main pou ginete op otan xreiazetai kai ta exw dei ola + read manga kai dne mporeis na sigrineis to fairy tail me op,code geass....akoma kai to bleach einai kalitero
  5. fairy tail? poso xronwn eiste lol des tipota op,naruto,bleach gia arxh alla #1 code geass
  6. well i have watched it but its childish dunno if contains any blood at all... gajeel ftw but...ALL HAIL CODE GEASS
  7. god es #1 sorry
  8. retard or yes
  9. he turned crystalin to satanist too its a virus
  10. xxx
  11. code geass is the best anime even naruto is better than OP anyway i will give it a try
  12. Lelouch1333+4


  13. vale to poustopaido ton Satana ston kolo sou kai psofiste kai oi 2
  14. where where
  15. i hope that u will learn how to spell this year
  16. then he is a scammer or he is idiot?
  17. he is not speaking about u? middle scammed 550 euro from me and he went off for 1 hour +++++++!!!!!!!!
  18. yes its my 2nd acc give me 300 euro and i will give them back to u deal?
  19. no problems im saying gj cuz he earned 550 euro
  20. gj my minion scam more greek noobs next time ;D
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