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Everything posted by niveya

  1. trusted buyer sold hem my char http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/170888-wts-wynn-summoner-99dual-96-archeritems/
  2. Sold char to Pimiento for 100 euros.
  3. And why post it there? Cause i dont want send items first? Already got scamed once http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/167336-adena-in-core-eu/?hl=niveya&do=findComment&comment=2251395 If u dont like deal how i tell just leave me.
  4. Wts Wynn 99 dual Yul 96,5 with gear for 1kkk+ for 100 euro. PM here for more info.
  5. yeah totally my fault trusting didnt even bother going small amounts. send 1st only one time and scammed. He was online when i pm him in forum to inform that i didnt get mb there was problem. anyway hes scammer beware.
  6. just got scammed. dont send 1st. done trade and gone off skype acting all went normal.
  7. INNOVA CORE. Selling Adena 1kkk=55 EU. stock 3kkk=150eu also iss dominator 89.(Have party bufffs) kamael tricster 92. phoenix knight 92.
  8. I have 2kkk adena to sell pm me if interested. (1kkk=60eu) Also Istina necklace. lvl 89(%80) Iss Dominator. (Can buff party didnt take any new skill) Lvl 92 Kamael Trickster (Old real target kept.) lvl 92 Phoenix Knight.
  9. Updated. PM for more info if u are interested.
  10. WTS Wynn 99 dual Yul almost 97 2 sub lvl 80 have some gear, pm Here if u are interested.
  11. Its healer 99/97 feoh. seraph robe set. seraph jewels. agathions 10h for sub exp(total 7) 20 1h vit. 20+ nevit potion %50 xp 1h. In same acc have. 95 Feoh Storm. 85 Healer. 85 Spoiler.
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