4fun Posted November 25, 2010 Posted November 25, 2010 client = player.getClient(); if (client.isDetached()) { continue; } else { ip = client.getConnection().getSocket().getInetAddress().getHostAddress(); if (ipMap.get(ip) == null) ipMap.put(ip, new ArrayList<L2PcInstance>()); ipMap.get(ip).add(player); if (ipMap.get(ip).size() >= multibox) { Integer count = dualboxIPs.get(ip); if (count == null) dualboxIPs.put(ip, 0); else dualboxIPs.put(ip, count+1); } } } List<String> keys = new ArrayList<String>(dualboxIPs.keySet()); Collections.sort(keys, new Comparator<String>(){ public int compare(String left, String right){ return dualboxIPs.get(left).compareTo(dualboxIPs.get(right)); } }); Collections.reverse(keys); final StringBuilder results = new StringBuilder(); for (String dualboxIP : keys) { StringUtil.append(results, "<a action=\"bypass -h admin_find_ip " + dualboxIP + "\">" + dualboxIP + " (" + dualboxIPs.get(dualboxIP) + "</a><br1>"); } error in = if (client.isDetached()) se auto "isDetached" error in = ip = client.getConnection().getSocket().getInetAddress().getHostAddress(); se auto ".getSocket" error in = StringUtil.append(results, "<a action=\"bypass -h admin_find_ip " + dualboxIP + "\">" + dualboxIP + " (" + dualboxIPs.get(dualboxIP) + "</a><br1>"); se auto "StringUtil." error in = Collection<L2PcInstance> allPlayers = L2World.getInstance().getAllPlayers().values(); se auto "values" Kamia voh8eia? To fixara locked pls
error in =
se auto "isDetached"
error in =
se auto ".getSocket"
error in =
se auto "StringUtil."
error in =
se auto "values"
Kamia voh8eia?
To fixara locked pls
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