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MxC main problem

Castiel cf

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My humble opinion is that forum's current problem is certain people that are in charge, like "Cobra" that just prevent people from posting shares, accussing them for stealing and locking topics that people show interest in, just because they are brained damaged.


It's my 3rd day officially here, I had all the good will to share with members here but I'm being prevented from doing it.


The topics:




He said it's his own code, he even posted a link to a code of his, but he is incapable of understanding what my code does and what his. (is it trully his own?)




He locked my topic exactly when I created it, probably he didnt even read it, saying again that it's his code and it's full of typos. Too bad that the code is working perfectly and through my multiply searches I see non like mine.


I know I'm probably gonna banned or get - karma for what I'm writing, but it's what I feel, what is true, and probably what many people want to say.



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My humble opinion is that forum's current problem is certain people that are in charge, like "Cobra" that just prevent people from posting shares, accussing them for stealing and locking topics that people show interest in, just because they are brained damaged.


It's my 3rd day officially here, I had all the good will to share with members here but I'm being prevented from doing it.


The topics:




He said it's his own code, he even posted a link to a code of his, but he is incapable of understanding what my code does and what his. (is it trully his own?)




He locked my topic exactly when I created it, probably he didnt even read it, saying again that it's his code and it's full of typos. Too bad that the code is working perfectly and through my multiply searches I see non like mine.


I know I'm probably gonna banned or get - karma for what I'm writing, but it's what I feel, what is true, and probably what many people want to say.



First of all, like you said it's your 3rd day here and instead of creating thread like this maybe should read forum rules. If you want to do, do it on spam section.

Maxcheaters main problem? Are you reducing mxc to Cobra? Cobra is an awsome developer, he has a high rank at l2development and he wouldn't lock your topic for nothing, maybe that your problem.

Btw, you will not get -karma or ban because of an opinion.


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Hey and welcome to maxcheaters!


I am reading the situations now, and guessing that the first one was the first share. Cobra started with a criticizing reaction based on no arguments, which were given in later posts. The first two pages you were just having a normal discussion but later it only got with stuff like: 'you are doing ironic' and 'you are stealing and editing code' etc.


I'd just keep making shares to prove you can actually make pieces of code yourself and he will realize you are not a stealer, and perhaps try to follow his advices wherever he gave them; like this didn't seem so bad to me http://www.perryland.com/Java9.shtml If you keep making original things and trying to learn l2j coding, he'll probably respect you more =)


Good luck and I hope you, apart from this thing that happened, enjoy your stay :)



PS: ben je ook nederlands?

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PS: ben je ook nederlands?


He is Greek ;]



:@ {ON} Wen you see a criticize on your shares that does mean your shares are bad.


Take a look here mine methods an code: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=133025.0


yours: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=134173.0



First of all, dont think that you come here and lie with that ways maybe to the normal members but you cant lie to me.



Lets see part a part you code.




### Eclipse Workspace Patch 1.0

#P L2_GameServer

Index: java/com/l2jserver/gameserver/network/clientpackets/EnterWorld.java


--- java/com/l2jserver/gameserver/network/clientpackets/EnterWorld.java   (revision 4025)

+++ java/com/l2jserver/gameserver/network/clientpackets/EnterWorld.java   (working copy)

@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@


import com.l2jserver.Base64;

import com.l2jserver.Config;

+import com.l2jserver.L2DatabaseFactory;

import com.l2jserver.gameserver.Announcements;

import com.l2jserver.gameserver.GmListTable;

import com.l2jserver.gameserver.LoginServerThread;

@@ -477,9 +478,42 @@






-         activeChar.sendPacket(new ExShowScreenMessage(Config.WELCOME_MESSAGE_TEXT, Config.WELCOME_MESSAGE_TIME));


+         if (activeChar.getLevel() == 1)

+         {

+            activeChar.sendPacket(new ExShowScreenMessage("Welcome stranger!", 10000));

+         }

+         else

+            switch(activeChar.getRace()){


+            case DarkElf:


+            activeChar.sendPacket(new ExShowScreenMessage("Welcome back child of Shilien!", 10000));            

+            break;


+            case Dwarf:


+            activeChar.sendPacket(new ExShowScreenMessage("Welcome back shortie!", 10000));

+            break;


+            case Elf:


+            activeChar.sendPacket(new ExShowScreenMessage("Welcome back child of Eva!", 10000));

+            break;


+            case Kamael:


+           activeChar.sendPacket(new ExShowScreenMessage("Welcome back fallen angel!", 10000));

+            break;


+            case Orc:


+            activeChar.sendPacket(new ExShowScreenMessage("Welcome back piece of green dirt!", 10000));

+            break;


+            }



      int birthday = activeChar.checkBirthDay();


This is "your" code.


First of all you forgot to import the exshowscreenmessage so i can say you just c/p it


The config thinky is not supported by the config.java and config.properties



also must be darkelf and not DarkElf.


If you want to help your community make a proper code.



if you think i dont deserve this posotion take a look here: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=105735.0


if you have betters i will leave and i give my place to you.



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First of all you forgot to import the exshowscreenmessage so i can say you just c/p it


Because its already imported in EnterWorld.java



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Because its already imported in EnterWorld.java




Im speaking generaly.


If some1 whant to use it on il or older pack?


I know that l2j had commit this shit but remember i have share it first of them.

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Im speaking generaly.


If some1 whant to use it on il or older pack?


I know that l2j had commit this shit but remember i have share it first of them.


It was just a note.

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@ Cobra

It's already imported. I'm stating that it is for latest l2j revision and if you need adjustments feel free to ask me.(so as you say "speaking generally" in a code published for a specific pack is at least dumb)

config thing is supported since its already a part of original code.

At l2j its DarkElf, please inform urself and then attack me.

Your code is a simple code showing screen messages on pvp kill strikes. My code is something different that shows screen messages.

So according to you, any code showing screen messages is leeched from your codes.

Personally, what I get from your post, is "I 've locked your last share cause I'm butthurted"

I'm not saying I deserve or want this position, but a moderator that double posts, insults, threatens and says "I do whatever i want here" when an other member (not me) is critising your moron attitude breaking certain forum rules, for me, is not a person to be trusted. (not to mention that you are just incapable to handle an international section; we need some time to understand what are you trying to say in english)


@ Maxtor

I feel dissapointed that from all this post thats what you have to say.



Ofcourse I can make my own shares, those are mine. Computer science is what I'm studying and I can ofcourse make java codes.


The piece of code that we were talking about has nothing to do with other dota style shares.


The existing ones (I 've searched for over an hour) are based on killing strikes while mine is based on killing strikes in certain time frame. (killing spree-monster kill etc or whatever the titles are/ while mine is double-triple-multikill depending on time)




Generaly, as I can see everyone just critisized and took the part of an older/awarded/ranked or whatever member and didnt even bother to read my codes or arguments.  I'd only like to thank Versus that probably read my code and cleaned/unlocked my topic.

However my second code was moved to junkyard, no idea why.


Anyway since my works werent appreciated nor welcomed, I'll just keep stopping by to read replies here and hoping for a situation change.


P.S.:nee, alleen maar plezier van uw land

P.S.2: Sorry for wrong section posting, I didn't see there was child board for reports.


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One more dumb reply.


and then for wtf is this drama?

using caps won't make your post more special.

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It's not to make my post special, they are used to show an emotion.

The drama? Drama is because my topics are being deleted/locked spammed cause a staff member dislikes me.


So please, before asslicking next time, you should read my reply.

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So please, before asslicking next time, you should read my reply.

like this you'll have future. take care.


I haven't asslick in other cases not to mention that to asslick for your fail its epic lulz.

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