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[Gracia EPILOUGE] L][Paradox Mid-rate (20x)


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Hello all.

I'm proud off that i can say our brand new project "L2Paradox" is now launched! We had an really good start! Everything went better then planned!

I hope you will like and join our server! We worked hard for it and still working hard on it so you can have the best Lineage experiance!


Register on our forum and have fun!



20xp/20sp/20adena/15x spoil/2x party/15x drop/2x quest/2x boss drop/10x pet


Retail subclass


All buffs / songs / dances / chants etc is retail!


No NPC buffer


No gm shop


Offline shop


Offline craft


Auto events like tvt etc


All time events like glittering medals


Auto Event's = Hide and seek / Deathmatch and Team Vs Team


Gatekeeper only with towns (Town GK)


Retail Enhance system


Auto Loot


No Auto loot herbs


No Auto loot raid drops


Class change = NPC (spawned at all starter towns + Giran). 1st class = 100k , 2nd = 2kk , 3rd = 20kk


Dual box allowed


Blacksmith and Merchant of Mammon will be announced when they spawn


Full Anti-Bot system


Donation will get on but you will never donate for and get items. You will resive an worthless item. With worthless i mean you can't trade it. And it will just be an example, "Donation hat". only something like that.

Again. You will NEVER get items that can help you with the ingame play!


Retail Olympiad


Retail Nobless


No Auto Learn skills (No books)





If you got any suggestions or anything feel free to post it on our forum

Hope you will like our server and will stay with us.





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  • 6 months later...

x2 quest? and retail buffs? make server as other mid rates dont try be different :)

why should he make server as others??? the most mid rates server today that i see sux hard with their futures


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