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8elw help ...!!!



paides exw ena problem...!!!

Prospa8w edw kai kairo na sikoso enan l2j server kai kolousa se mlkies oloi tin wra...!!!dld se leptomeries...!!!pano kato ta ebriska meta alla twra den kserw gt m to kanei afto to prama kai 8elw ligo help ama kserei kaneis gt to kanei afto kai mporei na m help...!!!


me leei otan fortoni to me bgazei ena problem kai m leei oti      Connecting to login on

                                                                                                Incorrect packet checksum, ignoring packet (LS)



kai den mporw na brw pou einai to problem...!! :/


kserei kaneis??




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to palio to dsetup.dll to kanw dell?

h' to kane copy-replase..??




Pes mou ti akrivos periexetai mesa sto gameguard killer , giati den to exw katebasmeno.

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ena dsetup.dll

kai ena Readme


Sbise oti ekanes prin . Kai anikse pali auto pou katebases.


Tha breis auto to .dll arxeio mesa opou tha to kaneis copy mesa sto system kai oxi sto gameguard.

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to ekana mesa sto system oxi sto gameguard alla meta apo afto den anigi to l2.exe


Isos epidi tin proigoumeni fora to eixes kanei copy mesa sto gameguard..


Telos padon , alakse patched system kai tha eisai ok.

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ela file...!!!

ebala ekino pou m edoses... me opoion dipote tropo.. sto system... alla akoma m bazei afto to problem...!!!

den kserw gt...!!!h' ti kanw la8os...!! :/


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ela file...!!!

ebala ekino pou m edoses... me opoion dipote tropo.. sto system... alla akoma m bazei afto to problem...!!!

den kserw gt...!!!h' ti kanw la8os...!! :/



Alakse to patched system sou.Pare ena katharo kai ksanadokimase.

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sou lew to ekana...

antegrapsa to arxio pou m edoses sto diko m dld se ka8aro system  den egine

to ekana ksana mono me aftou pou m edoses esy  se ka8aro alla den egine


gt?  :-\

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Parakseno na sou bgazei akomi error me gameguard killer.


Ti na sou pw ? Na kaneis reinstall to client sou ? Na baleis katharo hosts file ? ..

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