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[Help]DB installer won't work



i am getting crazy,i never had this problem with l2j damn..why i am so noob god-.-...anyway i share a pic of what happens l2jdbproblem.th.jpg ..any suggestion?i guess is something with mysql id and pass because i set it to root but won't work..the installer can't run mysql,is strangeT_T..help me thx



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right click to database_installer, now press edit...

find this line...

set mysqlBinPath=%ProgramFiles%\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.5\bin

and edit it for your mysql version...

(like: set mysqlBinPath=%ProgramFiles%\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.0\bin)

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so..no1 can help me?is something wrong with configurations for the installer...:(


open db installer change the mysql bin path to yours

add l2jdb database in navicat

start the installer

config it(if you setted up your mysql bin path with notepad edit in the file skip the first config)


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i tried also with easyphp but i am getting problem by starting it..i made the server twice till now without problems,i must have done something strange with mysql...would help a complete new installation of navicat+mysql?mysql service doesn't even exist anymore and that is strange.

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ok guys with easyphp mysql starts but i still get the famous problem,i am really sad and i think that something with mysql is going wrong,any suggestion?fucking vista

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look then why it says me that he found the path? l2jdbinstallerpath.th.jpg i am so sad atm:(


Once you get that message, just hit enter until you get Full intallation message etc. Don't retype root or pass nothing just hit enter.


And just like others suggested on db installer modify to correct mysql path: set mysqlBinPath=C:\ProgramFiles\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1\bin

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ok so now..i guess all the mysql files were removed but the installer 5.5 mysql give me this error mysql.th.jpg so..where the hell is this "UNKNOWN" section?god i want first to solve the problem,then destroy vista-.-

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yes anyway i solved the problem,the solution is "VISTA SUCKs!!" and after i changed the directory where to install the mysql,it worked..but another problem:small windows for config mysql,so i can't config it lol


edit:god..i still get the "violet" problem already reported on the first page..what should i do?forget about l2j server-.- until i get xp..?


offtopic:intrepid if u use msn,send me ur msn so u can help me with teamview

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