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Hey Guys  .New Midi rate serwer x35. Started Today  (16.10.2009)





RateXp = 35

RateSp = 35

RatePartyXp = 1

RatePartySp = 1

RateDropAdena = 30

RateConsumableCost = 1

RateDropItems = 7

RateRaidDropItems = 10

RateDropSpoil = 30

RateDropManor = 30

RateExtractFish = 50

RateQuestsReward = 50

RateKarmaExpLost = 50

RateSiegeGuardsPrice = 5





Buffer,dance songs,Pof,PoW etc. Does not have  COV


Terms of Trade

Event Manager

Class Master

Auto Learn Skills

Luxury GK

TvT Event (Every 3 hours)

New Medal Event

LVL 81-83 skills added

Nobless ( Only kill Barakiel)

Gold Bar System

Champion Mobs ON

Wedding System ON

Spawnn Protection 25 seconds

4 Farmig Area (the key to drop Items s80, and more exp)


A/S Shop

Geodata for L2J



Vitality System:


RecoverVitalityOnReconnect (ON)

EnableVitalityOnChampion (ON)

EnableVitalityHerbs (ON)

RateVitalityLevel1 = 1.5

RateVitalityLevel2 = 2.

RateVitalityLevel3 = 2.5

RateVitalityLevel4 = 3.

RateVitalityGain = 1.

RateVitalityLost = 1.

RateVitalityHerbs = 2.





Normal 3h

Dance/Song 3h





EnchantChanceWeapon = 60

EnchantChanceArmor = 60

EnchantChanceJewelry = 60

BlessedEnchantChance = 85

EnchantMaxWeapon = 16

EnchantMaxArmor = 25

EnchantMaxJewelry = 25


EnchantSafeMax = 6

EnchantSafeMaxFull = 6



Server Hardware

Procesor AMD Phenom II x3 710 x3 2.6 Ghz  

Ram Memory : 4 GB DDR2

HDD: 250 GB

Uplink 100 mbps

System Linux Debian

Location: France


Team Speak:




Enjoy and have fun.Join now  8)






I was just go to check srv but as someone say enchant is for donator's only ...

And also bad this is gracia ... and i hate it much xD If u gonna make it Interlude i'll test it for sure ...


For now GL



I was just go to check srv but as someone say enchant is for donator's only ...

And also bad this is gracia ... and i hate it much xD If u gonna make it Interlude i'll test it for sure ...


For now GL


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