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World Champion Water polo


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i used to ski for 7 years and do trainings above 4h a day lol (i was also 11 =P) then as you say xkenji.. couldnt handle the preassure and stoped.. not that school got any better and well thats my point rlly.. xD

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i used to ski for 7 years and do trainings above 4h a day lol (i was also 11 =P) then as you say xkenji.. couldnt handle the preassure and stoped.. not that school got any better and well thats my point rlly.. xD


ja ja ja :P


i should also add that water polo is a hard sport. Need to be well physicall and you need to know how to fight :D
















































and how NOT to drown!

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fight lool?


maybe im in enemy territory atm.. but what.. you guys actually touch eachother under there? =P


ps.. with skiing you must only worry about ppl running in to you with 100km/h+ so np if it happens.. its finished =P

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fight lool?


maybe im in enemy territory atm.. but what.. you guys actually touch eachother under there? =P


pfff... we played against girls from holland they were 18 :D


i broke my fucking rib, i couldn't breath. Yeh though like that i finally my boner went down =D

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ja ja ja :P


i should also add that water polo is a hard sport. Need to be well physicall and you need to know how to fight


and how NOT to drown!


Then why u train Water polo Oo? Just Kiding :D


@~Sensei~ I didnt ment je**/kao it wouldnt make any sence :P Jedi Konju means Eat Horse,you are commanding a horse to eat something like a crap or something tastier :D Ahahahaha

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yeah well kao means same rlly.. but if you dont know the term then its rlly pointless to talk about it =P.. tbh its pointless now as well lol..


anyway ofc are all jelous.. but me xD

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