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Hello folks i am new here and this is my first post and topic.So here i go :)


Counter Strike Dictionary




alias    //Alias a command

autobuy    //Buys a predetermined set of weapons and equipment, setup in autobuy.txt

appenddemo   //appenddemo <demoname> <cd track

adjust_crosshair   //adjust_crosshair a command

autobuy   //autobuy allows you to make it on autobuy mode

addip xxx.yyy.zzz.   //addip Usage: addip <minutes> <ipaddress

autosave   //autosave allows you to make it on autosave mode

allow_spectators [value] //allow_spectators setting to 1 will allow spectators, while 0 will disallow them. These are non-playing spectators, not dead people.




buyammo1   //This buys one primary magazine or clip

buyammo2    //This buys one pistol clip

buyequip   //Show equipment buy menu

buymenu   //Show main buy menu

bind   //Bind a key to a command or set of commands (bind )

BindToggle   //Creates a “bind toggle” for specific commands (Ex. BindToggle “key” “command”)

bot_nav_check_consistency   //bot_nav_check_consistency usage: bot_nav_check_consistency <filename>

bot_nav_corner_lower   //bot_nav_corner_lower a command

bot_nav_corner_raise   //bot_nav_corner_lower a command

bot_nav_corner_select   //bot_nav_corner_lower a command

bot_nav_warp   //bot_nav_corner_lower a command

bot_nav_mark_unnamed   //bot_nav_corner_lower a command

bgmvolume   //CD sound playback volume

benchframe   //Takes a snapshot of a particular frame in a time demo




career_restart   //career_restart allows you to restart your career

career_endround   //career_endground a command

career_add_task    //career_add_task here you can add you career task

career_matchlimit    //career_matchlimit here you can write how many match you want to have (MAX)

career_continue    //career_continue allows you to continue your career from your last saved point

cl_autowepswitch   //Automatically switch to picked up weapons (if more powerful) - * 1 is ‘on’, 0 is ‘off’

chooseteam    //Choose a new team

con_enable 1   //Allows the console to be activated

con_notifytime 8   //How long to display recent console text to the upper part of the game window

contimes   //Number of console lines to overlay for debugging.

clear   //clears the console screen

cvarlist   //Show the list of convars/concommands.

cl_autohelp   //Enable/Disable Autohelp

cl_c4progressbar   //Draw progress bar when defusing the C4

cl_righthand   //Use right-handed view models.

cl_showfps   //Draw fps meter at top of screen (1 = fps, 2 = smooth fps)

cl_showtextmsg   //Enable/disable text messages printing on the screen

cl_crosshairalpha   //Use to change crosshair alpha, must have cl_crosshairusealpha set to “1″

cl_crosshaircolor   //0=Green, 1=Red, 2=Blue, 3=Yellow, 4=Light Blue

cl_crosshairscale   //Use to change crosshair scale, must have cl_scalecrosshair set to “1″

cl_crosshairusealpha   //Enable or disable the use of crosshair alpha

cl_dynamiccrosshair   //Enable or disable the use of dynamic crosshair, on will make crosshair shrink when you duck for better accuracy

cl_observercrosshair   //Enable or disable the use of the Observer crosshair (1= On, 0=Off)

cl_scalecrosshair   //Enable or disable the use of crosshair scale

crosshair   //Enable or disable the use of crosshair (1= On, 0=Off)

cl_radaralpha    //Use to change radar alpha, must have cl_radartype set to “1″

cl_radartype   //0=Transparent Radar, 1=Solid radar with options to change alpha using cl_radaralpha

cancelselect   //Cancels current selection

cl_allowdownload   //toggles download of maps, models and decals when joining a server - * 1 is ‘on’, 0 is ‘off’

cl_allowupload   //toggles upload of maps, models and decals when joining a server - * 1 is ‘on’, 0 is ‘off’

cl_cmdbackup   //For each command packet, how many additional history commands are sent (helps in case of packet loss)

cl_cmdrate   //Max number of command packets sent to server per second

cl_interp    //Turns on or off whether you will interpolate object positions starting this many seconds in past

cl_interpolate   //Interpolate entities on the client

cl_lagcomp_errorcheck   //Player index of other player to check for position errors

cl_rate    //Sets the max bytes/sec the host can send data (Upload)

cl_updaterate   //Number of packets per second of updates you are requesting from the server

connect   //Connects to server (connect)

cd   //Play or stop a cd track

cl_customsounds   //Enable customized player sound playback

cl_smooth   //Turns Smooth view/eye origin after prediction errors on and off (0 and 1)

cl_smoothtime   //Smooth client’s view after prediction error over this many seconds (0.01 - 2.0)

cl_demoviewoverride   //Override view during demo playback

cl_crosshaircolor [value]   //cl_crosshaircolor Color of the crosshair. Default: 0 - 0=green, 1=red, 2=blue, 3=yellow, 4=light blue

cl_crosshairscale [value] //cl_crosshairscale This command sets the size of the crosshair. Default is 768. Lower number is a Larger crosshair. Higher value is a smaller.

cl_allowdownload [value] //cl_allowdownload Client downloads custom files. Values of 0 (off) or 1 (on). Default: 1

cl_hidefrags [value] //cl_hidefrags Toggles hiding everyone else's scores except your own - Value of 1 = 'on', and 0 = 'off'.




disconnect [value]   //disconnect command allows you to disconnect game from server.

drawradar [value]    //drawradar command allows you to draw a HUD radar

dem_save [value]    //dem_save command allows you to save a demo.

dem_start [value]    //dem_start command allows you to see a demo.

dem_speed [value]    //dem_speed command allows you to speed up/down your demo.

dem_pause [value]    //dem_pause command allows you to pause your demo.

drop   //Drops current weapon

developer [value]   //toggles on/off developer debug console messages - * 1 is ‘on’, 0 is ‘off’

differences   //Show all convars which are not at their default values.

demo_debug //Demo debug info

demo_fastforwardfinalspeed   //Go this fast when starting to hold FF button

demo_fastforwardramptime   //How many seconds it takes to get to full FF speed

demo_fastforwardstartspeed   //Go this fast when starting to hold FF button.

demo_interpolateview   //Do view interpolation during dem playback

demo_pauseatservertick   //Pauses demo playback at server tick

demo_quitafterplayback   //Quits game after demo playback

demo_recordcommands   //Record commands typed at console into .dem files

demogototick   //Skips to a tick in demo

demolist   //Print demo sequence list

demopause   //Pauses demo playback

demoresume //Resumes demo playback

demos   // demo demo file sequence

demotimescale   //Sets demo replay speed

demotogglepause   //Toggles demo playback

demoui   //Show/hide the demo player UI




echo   //echos text to the console

exec   //executes a script of .cfg file

exit    //exit game engine without confirmation

escape   //Escape key pressed

endmovie   //Stop recording movie frames




force_centerview   //Action forces the player’s view to look straight ahead

find   //Find concommands with the specified string in their name/help text.

fog_enable   //Can turn fog on or off.

fps_max   //Frame rate limiter (Best to use the max Hz of your monitor)

fps_max [value] This command limits the frame rate for the player.




gameui_hide     //Hides/closes GUI menu

+graph    //Draw the network usage graph




hideconsole   //Hide the console.

hud_centerid 0      //Toggles player ID display - * 1 is ‘on’, 0 is ‘off’

hud_deathnotice_time     //Sets how long death messages remain onscreen

hud_drawhistory_time     //Sets how long messages remain onscreen

hud_saytext_time 5      //Sets how long chat messages remain onscreen

hud_showtargetid     //Shows target ID at cursor

hud_fastswitch 0   //toggles fast weapon switching - * 1 is ‘on’, 0 is ‘off’

help   //Find help about a convar/concommand.

hideradar    //Hides HUD radar




impulse 100   //enables flashlight

impulse 201   //sprays logo decal

incrementvar    //Increment specified convar value.

invnext     //selects next item in inventory

invprev    //selects previous item in inventory



jointeam   //0=Autojoin, 1=Spectator, 2=Terrorist, 3=CT

jpeg   //Takes a jpeg screenshot: jpeg

jpeg_quality   //Sets jpeg screenshot quality (1 is lowest quality, 100 is highest quality) Default = 90




kill  //player suicides to respawn again

key_findbinding   //Find key bound to specified command string.

key_listboundkeys   //List bound keys with bindings.

key_updatelayout   //Updates game keyboard layout to current windows keyboard setting.




lastinv   //selects previous item in inventory

listdemo   //List demo file contents

lefthand [value] (1.6 only)Moves the weapon between the left and right hand of the player model. Setting of 1 = 'left hand', and 0 = 'right hand'




mem_dump   //dump memory stats.

messagemode    //Display player message globally (to all)

messagemode2    //Display player message to team

menuselect    //Selects item in that slot (0-9)

m_filter   //Mouse filtering (set this to 1 to average the mouse over 2 frames)

m_forward    //sets the mouse forward speed sensitivity multiplier

m_pitch  //sets the mouse pitch (up and down motion) speed sensitivity multiplier - * negative numbers result in an inverted mouselook

m_side    //sets the mouse strafing speed sensitivity multiplier

m_yaw  //sets the yaw speed sensitivity multiplier

mat_antialias   //Antialias setting

mat_bumpmap   //Bumpmap Setting

mp_decals   //Sets the maximum number of decals

mat_dxlevel   //The DirectX Level. Default is optimal, but you can adjust manually here

mat_fastspecular   //Enable/Disable specularity for visual testing. Will not reload materials and will not affect perf.

mat_forceansio   //Ansio Setting

mat_monitorgamma   //Video Adjusts monitor gamma (typically 2.2 for CRT and 1.7 for LCD). Try 2.0 for a CRT

mat_specular   //Enable/Disable specularity for perf testing. Will cause a material reload upon change.

mat_vsync  //Force sync to vertical retrace / V-sync

mp_startmoney [value] This controls the amount of money that players start with at the beginning of a new map or when they join a server. 800 is the default and the minimum value, and 16000 is the maximum.

mp_playerid [value]This controls what players see when they put their crosshair over an enemy, a hostage, or a teammate. At 0 (default), the player see's all popups with team colors. At 1, the player sees their teammates and hostages, with team colors. At 2, players see no popups.

mp_logdetail [value]Use this bitwise svar to control the depth of your logs. Be warned, these options can eat away hard drive space and CPU cycles. Use 0, the default, to log no attacks, 1 to log enemy attacks, 2 to log teammate attacks, and 3 to log both.

mp_forcechasecam [value]This is to help stop ghosting (giving enemy locations to your alive teammates while dead over ventrilo or teamspeak). 0 disables it (default), 1 locks the player's chasecam onto teammates only (players lose the ability to roam), 2 doesn't like the player move or spectate while dead. They stay near their dead corpse.

mp_fadetoblack [value]0 will have no affect on the game, while 1 will disable chasecam and any sort of death cam at all. The client's screen fades to black instantly after death. One boon of this setting is that corpses stay around for the entire round. Useful for matches/scrims.

mp_roundtime [value]This determines the round time in minutes. After this amount of minutes has passed, a scenario win is awarded (e.g., hostages weren't rescued or the bomb was not planted). This is also a decimal value, but most server admins use integers. The minimum value is 1 minute, the maximum is 9. The default is 5 minutes.

mp_buytime [value]A decimal value to determine the buy time in minutes. E.g., '1.75' equals 1 minute and 45 seconds of buy time (this is not the pause, but the time where it is legal to purchase stuff). The minimum value is 0.25 and there is no maximum.mp_timelimit [value]

This is also a floating point value. It's the same as the above option, only it applies to the map and not the round. The default 20 minutes.

mp_maxrounds [value]This is a whole number. When a two teams finish playing this amount of rounds (before the timelimit or the winlimit is reached) the map ends. 0, or disabled, is the default.

mp_winlimit [value]This is an whole number. When a team reaches this amount of wins (before the timelimit or the roundlimit is reached), the map changes. 0, or disabled, is the default.

mp_autokick [value]This is defaulted to 1. Toggles automatic team-killer banning and kicking of idle clients - Setting of 1 = 'on', and 0 = 'off'.

mp_autoteambalance [value]This is defaulted to 1. Toggles the forcing of clients to join teams to make it balanced - Setting of 1 = 'on', and 0 = 'off'.

mp_c4timer [value]This is defaulted to 45. Sets the amount of time in between C4 placement and its explosion - ranges between 15 and 90 seconds.

mp_flashlight [value]This is defaulted to 1. Toggles the use of flashlights by clients - Setting of 1 = 'on', and 0 = 'off'.

mp_footsteps [value]This is defaulted to 1. Toggles footstep sounds - Setting of 1 = 'on', and 0 = 'off'.

mp_freezetime [value]This is defaulted to 6. Sets the amount of "freeze" time at the beginning of each round to buy weapons and equipment - Use a setting of '0' to disable.

mp_hostagepenalty [value]Sets the number of hostages a player can kill before they are booted from the server. 0 is disabled

mp_limitteams [value]This is defaulted to 2. Sets the maximum number of players that one team can have more than the other team - Use a setting of '0' to completely disable the team limiting.

mp_friendlyfire [value]This is defaulted to 0. Toggles friendly fire - Setting of 1 = 'on', and 0 = 'off'.

mp_logmessages [value] (Not available for Source)This is defaulted to 1. Toggles logging of chat messages in the log files - Setting of 1 = 'on', and 0 = 'off'.

mp_falldamage [value]1 enables falling damage, 0 disables it.

mp_mapvoteratio [value] (Not available for Source)This is defaulted to 0.6. Set the ratio of players required to vote on the same map before a map will change. The default is 0.6 , which means that 60% of the players on a server must vote on the same map in order for the server to change to that map. The range is 0.0-1.0.

mp_kickpercent [value] (Not available for source)This is defaulted to 0.66. Set the ratio of players on someone's team required to vote to kick the player. The default is 0.66, which means that 66% (2/3rds) of the players on his team must vote him/her off in order for him to be kicked. The range is 0.0-1.0.

mp_tkpunish [value]This is defaulted to 1. Toggles the forcing of a player to be killed the next round if he has just killed a teammate - Setting of 1 = 'on', and 0 = 'off'.




name    //View or change a player’s name

net_channels   //Shows net channel info, a great way to determine your optimal cmdrate and updaterate settings

net_graph   //Draw the network usage graph

net_graphheight   //Sets the net_graph height

net_graphpos   //Sets the net_graph position onscreen (1=right, 2=center, 0 or 3=left)

net_maxfragments   //Max fragment bytes per packet (Ex. 1280)

net_scale   //Sets the net_graph scale, larger number creates larger visual graph

nextdemo   //Play next demo in sequence




off voice_overdrive   // Voice Chat to Game volume ratio



ping   //Display ping to server

play   //Play a sound

playdemo   //Play a recorded demo file (.dem )




quit   //Exit the engine.




rebuy   //Buys all the equipment that you had when the last snapshot of your equipm buy

radio1     //This opens up Radio1 Menu

radio2     //This opens up Radio2 Menu

radio3   //This opens up Radio3 Menu

revert     //Revert convars to their default values

rate    //Sets the max bytes/sec the host can receive data (download)

retry  //Retry connection to last server

r_decals   //Sets the maximum number of decals

r_propsmaxdist   //Maximum visible distance of props (boxes, etc)

r_rainalpha   //Changes rain alpha values (0=Off, higher number makes darker rain) r_RainSimulate //Enable/disable rain simulation (0=Off, 1=On) r_shadows //Enable shadows r_WaterDrawReflection   //Enable water reflection

r_WaterDrawRefraction   //Enable water refraction

record   //begins to record a demo and saves it as a .dem file




status    //Display map and connection status.

stuffcmds   // Parses and stuffs command line + commands to command buffer. In your valve.rc file

scr_centertime 2    //Sets how long server messages remain on the screen

say     //Display player message globally (to all)

say_team     //Display player message to team

slot0   //select weapon group 0 (or menu item 0) see ‘use’ or cancels selection

slot1    // select weapon group 1 (or menu item 1) see ‘use’

slot2   // select weapon group 2 (or menu item 2) see ‘use’

slot3   //select weapon group 3 (or menu item 3) see ‘use’

slot4   //select weapon group 4 (or menu item 4) see ‘use’

slot5    // select weapon group 5 (or menu item 5) see ‘use’

slot6   //select weapon group 6 (or menu item 6) see ‘use’

slot7    // select weapon group 7 (or menu item 7) see ‘use’

slot8    // select weapon group 8 (or menu item see ‘use’

slot9   // select weapon group 9 (or menu item 9) see ‘use’

slot10   // select weapon group 10 (or menu item 10) see ‘use’ or cancels selection

sensitivity   //Adjusts the Mouse sensitivity

+score   //Toggles score panel

+showscores   //Toggles score panel

screenshot   //Take a screenshot

soundscape_fadetime   //Time to crossfade sound effects between soundscapes

soundscape_flush   //Flushes the server & client side soundscapes

stopsoundscape   //Stops all soundscape processing and fades current looping sounds

startdemos   //Play demos in demo sequence

stop   //Finish recording demo

stopdemo   //Stop playing back a demo

startmovie //Start recording movie frames

sv_restart [value] or sv_restartround [value] or mp_restartgame [value] for CSSThis is defaulted to 0. Sets the amount of time in seconds before resetting the game, including frags, money, and the amount of time left. Use setting of '0' to disable these restarts. Setting this to 2 would restart the game in 2 seconds and reset the variable to 0.




toggleconsole     //Show/hide the console.

timeleft    //Displays the amount ouf time remaining in the round

togglescores   //Toggles score panel

timedemo   //Play a demo at max fps and report performance info and average fps

timedemoquit   //Play a demo, report performance info, and then exit




use   //Use a particular weapon Arguments:

unbind     //Unbind a key

unbindall      //Unbind all keys




+voicerecord   //Records input from voice input device (microphone)

voice_enable   //Turns Voice on

voice_scale   //Voice Chat volume

volume   //Sound volume




wait   //Stop command parsing until next frame












zoom_sensitivity_ratio    //Additional mouse sensitivity scale factor applied when FOV is zoomed in


Hope I helped you guyz.....

Best Regards,



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+1 Karma , and i suggest that it gets sticky its pretty damn useful!

Thanks for karma bro ;)

Really good job, it should be stickied.



I think you are mod u can stick it ^^ just kidding.:P

Thanks for your great comments guyz I <3 ya :)

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These quality of life improvements contain: Frintezza II x1 - Game Features  General Server Settings  Frintezza Core  Founder Membership  Premium Accounts  Server Phases  General Settings  Starter Packs (ingame Gifts)  Improved Mana Regeneration system  Buff system through Agathions  Vitamin Pets (Hunting Partners)  Class rebalance (skills modifications & new skills)  Gatekeepers improvement  Black Wyvern Rider  UI improvements  Enchantment system improvements  Quality of Life changes Re: Frintezza x1 - Server Settings & General information  TUE MAR 12, 2024 5:38 PM  XP & SP: x1  Adena: x1.5  Drop: x1  Spoil: x2  Quest Drop: x2  Quest Reward: x2  High-End Server and Network: Our platform boasts an enterprise-class server equipped with dual physical processors, featuring 144 threads, and employs Enterprise SuperFast NVME U2 storage to ensure a seamless gaming experience without lag. Our network is fortified against DDOS attacks and includes multiple DDOS-protected Accelerator links through AWS, OVH, and Hetzner.  L2OFF PTS: We prioritize game stability and authentic retail features. To achieve this, we offer the finest Files, Scripts, and Geodata available. We extend an invitation for you to join our exclusive Founder Membership. As a member, you will enjoy lifetime weekly rewards across all current and future servers. Don't miss this opportunity to continuously earn rewards across all our platforms. Founder Member Benefits Weekly Rewards: Lifetime rewards on any current and future servers. Anniversary Rewards: Lifetime rewards on any current and future servers. Stay Informed: Be the first to receive email notifications about the launch of new servers. Participate in Polls: Have a say in the selection of upcoming server chronicles and styles. Exclusive Beta Access: Be among the first to be informed about and invited to closed beta tests. Preferred Nickname Selection: Founder members receive priority in choosing their nicknames. Preferred Clan name Selection: Founder members receive priority in choosing their clan names. FrintezzaL2 Community Upcoming Servers: A variety of server rates including low, mid, and high, across different Chronicles (C4, Interlude, H5, Classic, Essence). Upcoming Styles: A selection of gameplay styles such as Vanilla L2OFF, Stacksub, Craft, PVP, GVE, and more. Your Opinion Matters: Our community is built on the feedback of our members. We strive to create a welcoming environment and are committed to using your recommendations and opinions to enhance the gaming experience. We encourage you to share your thoughts in our Discord and Forum. Your input is valuable and will contribute to making a meaningful difference. Be a Founder Member today, HERE!  XP & SP: +50%  Adena: +50%  Drop: +50%  Spoil: +25% Premium Features Auto-Hunt usage Blacksmith of Mammon through the Premium Manager Merchant of Mammon through the Premium Manager Weekly Consumables Rewards through the Premium Manager Premium Cost  15 days - 150 Frintezza Coins   Dawnfall Dominion marks the beginning of your journey in the world of Lineage 2. In this phase, players start as fledgling adventurers, exploring the lands, honing their skills, and facing the challenges of the early game. They can progress up to level 70, forming alliances, battling monsters, and laying the foundation for their adventures to come. Game-related context: Players begin their journey in the lower level zones, encountering basic quests, monsters, and dungeons suitable for beginners. Focus is on leveling up, acquiring gear, learning the game mechanics and being part of Epic battles fighting the Ant Queen, Core and Orfen. Rates: 1-70: x1 Key points Phase duration: 1 month Equipment goal: A-Grade Raid bosses: Ant Queen, Orfen and Core. First respawn will be previusly announced. Midgard's Ascendancy represents a significant advancement in your journey. As players reach this stage, they have already proven themselves as formidable warriors, capable of facing greater challenges. With the level cap raised to 80, players delve deeper into the world's lore, engage in epic battles, and unlock new abilities with 3rd class changes, subclass and olympiads. Game-related context: In this phase, players explore more advanced zones, encounter tougher monsters, and participate in more complex quests and events. They may also engage in PvP battles, begin to focus on endgame content and battle the fierce Baium. Rates: 1-70: x3 70-80: x1 Key points Phase duration: 1 month Equipment goal: Icarus & Moirai Raid bosses: Baium & Zaken. First respawn will be previusly announced, also Ant Queen, Orfen and Core will have their levels raised and drops altered. Start of Olympiads Twilight's Apex marks the pinnacle of power and achievement in your Lineage 2 journey. As players reach level 85, they stand among the mightiest heroes of the realm, wielding incredible strength and skill. In this phase, players undertake legendary quests, conquer formidable foes, and vie for supremacy in epic battles that shape the fate of the world. Game-related context: At this stage, players tackle the most challenging content the game has to offer, including high-level raids, Epic bosses, and PvP battles. They may also focus on maximizing their character's abilities through advanced gear, skills, and strategic gameplay as they reach level 85. Rates: 1-70: x7 70-80: x3 81+: x1 Key points Equipment goal: Vesper & Vorpal Raid bosses: Frintezza, Freya, Beleth, Antharas & Valakas.  Chronicle: High-Five  Premium Buff system: Agathions basic buff time 4 hs, dances/songs/prophecies 20 minutes.  Community Board: Yes  Equipment: Retail like, up to Top-C in the normal shops, including common & shadow equipment.  Monsters: Original monsters. Quantity of monsters in initial areas has been increased and also reduced the respawn time to avoid traffic jam.  Vitality: Retail-Like  Dual box: Allowed 2 windows per PC 1st & 2nd Class changes: 1st change 50k adena, 2nd change 1kk adena (Reward Agathion: Griffin) or 200 coins (Reward Agathion: Griffin + 5kk Adena) or else, quests.  Skills: Auto-learn  Noblesse: 300 coins Noblesse (+1sub) or else, quest chain.  Offline shop: Available  Auto-loot: Available Catacombs/Necropolises: Retail-like  Manor: Available  Herbs: Available  In-game store: Available. More details in another topic  In-game Starter Kits: Yes - New characters will receive NG & D-Grade starter kits.  Luxury Shop: Up to A-Grade, including top A items (values have been increased)  Cloaks: Yes - We have unlocked all sets bonuses to have the posibility to wear a Cloak Players will receive the following rewards: No-Grade Beginner's Adventurer Pack: Shadow No-Grade Weapon/Armor, Fruit Cocktail, Soulshots, Blessed Spiritshots and Agathion Monkey. D-Grade Fighter/Mage Support Pack: Common D-Grade Weapon/Armor. Beginner's Adventurer Reinforcement Pack: Afro Hair (7 days) and Rune of EXP 30% (7 days). Introducing an exciting enhancement to gameplay: MP recovery now happens even faster! As a part of our ongoing Quality of Life (QoL) updates, all "Buffer Agathions" will now come equipped with a new buff: Mana Blessing. This buff significantly boosts passive MP regeneration by 10/25, providing a substantial increase in mana recovery speed. Additionally, the Mana Blessing buff effectively reduces incoming Mana Recharge by 70%. This enhancement benefits all players, ensuring a smoother and more efficient gameplay experience for solo players by alleviating concerns about mana management. However, it's essential to note that casting players won't gain a double advantage from this buff due to the Mana Recharge penalty. Experience the convenience and improved gameplay flow with our latest update, designed to enhance your gaming journey like never before!   To enhance your gameplay experience without interrupting your leveling progress, we've replaced NPC buffers in towns with adorable pets that not only serve as cosmetic companions but also provide essential buffs. Players will receive two charming agathions at different stages of the game. First Stage: Upon character creation, players will receive the Agathion - Monkey, granting the following buffs for 4 hours: Wind Walk, Shield, Might, Acumen, Focus, Concentration, Berserker Spirit, and Mana Blessing. Second Stage: Upon reaching level 40 and completing the 2nd class change, players will receive the Agathion - Griffin, providing an array of buffs for 4 hours, including Wind Walk, Shield, Magic Barrier, Might, Focus, Death Whisper, Guidance, Haste, Vampiric Rage, Clarity, Acumen, Empower, Berserker Spirit, Decrease Weight, Mental Shield, Bless Shield, and Mana Blessing. *Note: Read the "Improved Mana Regeneration" section for more information. We're thrilled to introduce the enhanced vitamin pets, designed to be your trusted companions throughout your journey. Each pet boasts a unique set of skills tailored to complement various classes. Key Features: Our premium pets retain a retail-like experience, with optimized buffs for enhanced gameplay. They no longer consume %EXP from their master, ensuring uninterrupted progression. These exclusive pets will be readily available in the in-game store, providing easy access for all players. Buffs:  Weapon Maintenance: Increases your attack dmg.  Armor Maintenance: Increases your defense.  Blessing of Queen: Increase of 25% P. Critical Rage. Buffs:  Wild Magic: Increases your Magic Critical rate.  Armor Maintenance: Increases your defense.  Gift of Seraphim: Reuse delay decreased by 30%. Stats & Skills retail-like, great companions for enchanters/supports.    [New lv. 55] Knight Fury: Increases party members' P.Def by 5%, M.Def by 5%, Atk. Spd. by 5%, Casting Spd. by 5% and Speed by 5. Effects are applied instantly depending on strike probability. Does not work in olympiad matches.  Seed of Revenge: Increased activation chance of each level to 35%.  [New lv. 52/64/70] Defense Aura: Increases party member's P.Def by 3%/4%/5% and M.Def by 3%/4%/5%. Effect does not stack with Combat Aura.  [New lv. 55] Knight Fury: Increases party members' P.Def by 5%, M.Def by 5%, Atk. Spd. by 5%, Casting Spd. by 5% and Speed by 5. Effects are applied instantly depending on strike probability. Does not work in olympiad matches.  Angelic Icon: Angelic Icon buff has been changed as follows - For 1 minute, increases Resistance to debuff attacks by 40%, P. Def. by 50%, M. Def. by 50%, Accuracy by 6, Speed by 5/10/15, Atk. Spd. by 5%/10%/15%, Critical Rate by 17/30/50, Critical Damage by 17%/33%/50% and Resistance to buff-canceling attacks by 40%. Decreases the effect of recovery magic by 80%. Available when HP is 30% or lower.  Summon Phoenix: The Phoenix has been adjusted to ensure its parity with the other 3rd class summons.  Spirit of Phoenix: Increased activation chance of each level to 35%  [New lv. 52/64/70] Defense Aura: Increases party member's P.Def by 3%/4%/5% and M.Def by 3%/4%/5%. Effect does not stack with Combat Aura.  [New lv. 55] Knight Fury: Increases party members' P.Def by 5%, M.Def by 5%, Atk. Spd. by 5%, Casting Spd. by 5% and Speed by 5. Effects are applied instantly depending on strike probability. Does not work in olympiad matches.  Pain of Shilen: Increased activation chance of each level to 35%.  [New lv. 52/64/70] Defense Aura: Increases party member's P.Def by 3%/4%/5% and M.Def by 3%/4%/5%. Effect does not stack with Combat Aura.  [New lv. 80] Massive Lightning Strike: A lightning strike deals damage to the target and surrounding enemies with 1082 Power, immobilizes them for 15 seconds and then paralyzes for 10 seconds.  [New lv. 55] Knight Fury: Increases party members' P.Def by 5%, M.Def by 5%, Atk. Spd. by 5%, Casting Spd. by 5% and Speed by 5. Effects are applied instantly depending on strike probability. Does not work in olympiad matches.  Eva's Will: Increased activation chance of each level to 35%.  [New lv. 52/64/70] Defense Aura: Increases party member's P.Def by 3%/4%/5% and M.Def by 3%/4%/5%. Effect does not stack with Combat Aura.  [New lv. 80] Eva's Defense: Increases party member's P.Def by 15% and M.Def by 10% and Speed by 4 for 5 minutes.  [New from lv. 40+] Dual Weapon Mastery: Increases P. Atk. when using a dualsword.  [New 44/56/68] Mana Drain: Has a chance to recover MP when striking.  [New from lv. 40+] Dual Weapon Mastery: Increases P. Atk. when using a dualsword.  [New 44/56/68] Mana Drain: Has a chance to recover MP when striking.  [New 44/58] Chant of Improved Combat (Self-buff): Increases Atk. Spd. by 15%/33% and bestows the ability to recover as HP 9% of the standard melee damage inflicted on the enemy.  [New from lv. 40+] Dual Weapon Mastery: Increases P. Atk. when using a dualsword.  [New from lv. 40+] Revenge Strike: Attacks the enemy with 738 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a sword, dual-sword or blunt weapon. Does not work in olympiad matches.  [New 44/58] Blood Awakening (Self-buff): Increases Atk. Spd. by 15%/33% and bestows the ability to recover as HP 9% of the standard melee damage inflicted on the enemy.  [New lv. 40] Rush: Charges toward the enemy.  [New from lv. 40+] Sword Crush: Attacks the enemy with 487 Power added to P. Atk. and inflicts Shock for 7 seconds. Requires a sword or dual-sword weapon. Does not work in olympiad matches.  Dances: Increased time duration of dances to 20 minutes (+Time enchant extends time duration to be 47 minutes).  [New lv. 40] Rush: Charges toward the enemy.  [New from lv. 40+] Sword Crush: Attacks the enemy with 487 Power added to P. Atk. and inflicts Shock for 7 seconds. Requires a sword or dual-sword weapon. Does not work in olympiad matches.  Songs: Increased time duration of songs to 20 minutes (+Time enchant extends time duration up to 47 minutes)  [New from lv. 40+] Mechanical Smash: Swings a spear to attack nearby enemies with 421 Power added to P. Atk. and causes Stun for 9 seconds. Requires a polearm to be equipped.  [New from lv. 40+] Provoke (ONLY WARSMITH): Provokes enemies within a wide range and decreases Resistance to spear weapons by 10 for 10 seconds.  Chain Heal: Adjusted the learning level to level 80.  [Shilien Saint NEW lv. 80] Lord of Vampires: For 30 seconds, gives all party members the ability to recover as HP 80% of the damage inflicted on the enemy.  Healers' Skills Transfer: Increased the Holy Pomander amount for Eva's Saint & Cardinals to 2.  Dagger Mastery [Trigger]: Increased the Dagger Mastery trigger duration to 15 seconds and increases Speed by +4.  [NEW] Bow Mastery [Trigger]: Bow Mastery will now trigger an active buff for 15 seconds that will increase Bow/Crossbow range by 20, Accuracy by 3 and Speed by 4.  Premium Buffs (Agathions Buffs): Increased time duration to be 4 hours.  Chant of Victory & Proof of Fire/Wind/Water: Increased time duration to be 20 minutes (+Time enchant extends time duration up to 40 minutes).  [NEW] Frintezza Welcome Skill(all classes): Increased weight limit by 4 and opens 24 inventory slots.  Warcry: Increased time duration to be 20 minutes.  Battle Roar: Increased time duration to be 20 minutes.  Thrill Fight: Increased time duration to be 20 minutes.  Fell Swoop: Increased time duration to be 20 minutes.  Majesty: Increased time duration to be 20 minutes.  Hawkeye: Eliminated the -10% P.def penalty and increased time duration to be 20 minutes.  Focus chance: Increased time duration to be 20 minutes.  Focus power: Increased time duration to be 20 minutes.  Focus Death: Increased time duration to be 20 minutes.  Mortal Strike: Increased time duration to be 20 minutes.  Seed of Fire/Water/Wind: Increased time duration to be 20 minutes.  Warrior Servitor: Increased time duration to be 20 minutes.  Wizard Servitor: Increased time duration to be 20 minutes.  Assassin Servitor: Increased time duration to be 20 minutes.  Final Servitor: Increased time duration to be 20 minutes.  Rage: Increased time duration to be 20 minutes.  Dark Form: Increased time duration to be 20 minutes.  Totem of Bear: Increased time duration to be 20 minutes.  Totem of Wolf: Increased time duration to be 20 minutes.  Totem of Ogre: Increased time duration to be 20 minutes.  Totem of Puma: Increased time duration to be 20 minutes.  Totem of Bison: Increased time duration to be 20 minutes.  Totem of Rabbit: Increased time duration to be 20 minutes.  Totem of Hawk: Increased time duration to be 20 minutes.  Battle Cry: Increased time duration to be 20 minutes.  Blood Pact: Increased time duration to be 20 minutes.  Furious Soul: Increased time duration to be 20 minutes.  Feline Queen Buffs: Increased time duration to be 20 minutes.  Seraphim the Unicorn Buffs: Increased time duration to be 20 minutes. Frintezza II Creator https://frintezzal2.com Join our Discord channel
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