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Hey. I logged in on server and it looks very good :)


Really i don't think is a donators only server. Is true that donators obtain items easyer but is the same on all servers. I don't see why this would be special. Keeping a server open to public implies lots of costs....so i have no problem with donators. They are free to play like we all are. And from how CeluloSSe presents the server it looks like us, non-donators, still have a chance winning :D Not like i saw on other servers were a non-donator couldn't obtain an item in game cuz was available only on donation. We can have all the items like donators...more to work to obtain them...but we have the chance...and honestly...were is the fun in playing L2 if you don't spoil, craft....is easyer to donate money and have what you want fast...but is no fun :D So see the bright side :P


I think they are making a good job with this server and i wish them: Long Live Legend! :D:D:D


On our server:


1. GMs are not allowed to create a clan and/or to lead a clan in any way.

2. GMs are not allowed to participate in the Olympics and to get hero, even if their intention is only that of testing the Olympics.

3. GMs are not allowed to sell items as donation. The only one allowed to do that is Anais, by the method mentioned on the site.

4. GMs are forbidden to get involved in any kind of verbal conflict or any other kind of conflict with Players in the game or with users posting on the forum.

5. Being GM on l2legend is a privilege, not a right. Not following any of the rules mentioned above entail permanent suspension of your account and permanent ban on www.l2legend.ro



14 online ? :o

And ur surprised ? What did i say lol . Doesnt matter how fast u make items .When for donate items are top freya+12 sets +12 and epics +12 . 14 online seems better then i expected 


1st u say that ur glad that i dont play cuz ur just awsome and now u beg for people to join . For sure u will grow up from 14 online :) . Be a man a realize that u failed badly cuz donation . Im glad l2 community geting smarter and not giving fail servers a chance . When u made those donations for epic jewels +12 vorpal elegia top freya +12 all that u need at donation this is what u get . Make 20 more re-openings having hope for some cash . 

Here is an idea . if u want money for donations first make ur server decent with not OP donations and maybe step by step upgrade them but then again ur not that smart are ya .

Posted (edited)

OMG man, you have an obsession! :) Every server have donnations. Play on our server and in max 2 weeks you are almost full if you play well. :)


Have fun! Plaese don't be a hater! :D

Edited by CeluloSSe

OMG man, you have an obsession! :) Every server have donnations. Play on our server and in max 2 weeks you are almost full if you play well. :)


Have fun! Plaese don't be a hater! :D

Thats never gonna happen . /fail /next

Posted (edited)

We reached 65 in first day! Thank you all for this!


New improovements that will be made shortly:


- we will eliminate lvl84 limit for getting vote reward;


- we will eliminate shout lvl 80 limit, we will let shout to be used since lvl 10;


- the Vote Pack countdown 1hr will be also eliminated.


Have Fun and play fair on www.L2Legend.ro

Edited by CeluloSSe

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