exw ena bug ston server m.. einai ena programa exeis 50 event medal px pas sto w-house vazeis 49 mesa sto wh exeis anixto 2o parathiro eisai omos me to 1 mesa ston server vazeis ta 49 mesa sto wh vgeneis kai mpeneis me to allo parathiro.. vazeis kati kodikous sto programa kai exeis 50 sto inventory kai 49 sto wh.. ti fasi 3erei kanenas??
Unfortunately you haven't adapted yet. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to simply transfer it; you’ll have to turn on the debugger and go through the code to make sure everything works as it should.
Hello, I have adapt l2jroboto but have a problems for example bots all the time in PvP and never dead I test with admin //kill and nothing, my frozen pack is upgrade to java 21 I have fixed more of bugs
Sorry for my bad English 🥶
If these are the sources that I saw 5-7 years ago l2jfrozen. Then it will be very difficult to rewrite the bots because l2jfrozen had the worst server code I've ever seen.
exw ena bug ston server m.. einai ena programa exeis 50 event medal px pas sto w-house vazeis 49 mesa sto wh exeis anixto 2o parathiro eisai omos me to 1 mesa ston server vazeis ta 49 mesa sto wh vgeneis kai mpeneis me to allo parathiro.. vazeis kati kodikous sto programa kai exeis 50 sto inventory kai 49 sto wh.. ti fasi 3erei kanenas??
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