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L2J-Mobius (Interlude - HighFive - Goddess of Destruction)

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woww great projetc. nice !!!

there is a guide how make it server online?

sorry for my  noob ask.


The requirements are the same for a L2j Server: Java 7, mysql, eclipse... open build.xml with Eclipse and wait until it build .zip file with the folders,then unzip and  just change settings in config files...


If you use a 32-bit server just remove the "-server" string from both .bat files



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i am using window7 32 bit. what mean?  If you use a 32-bit server just remove the "-server" string from both .bat files

can u explain it please ? i am very noob but I have really wanted to run it.

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After you built Lineage2God.zip you'll see in loginserver and gameserver folders, 2 .bat files, if you open them you will see a string like this


java -version:1.7 -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -server -Xmx2G -Xnoclassgc -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:-UseGCOverheadLimit -cp config/xml;../libs/*; lineage2.gameserver.GameServer


If you use 32-bit windows you MUST remove -server from the .bat file or JVM 7 will not start and cause problems


In StartGameServer.bat you can also lower the requirement RAM to 1GB, just edit this line -Xmx2G and replace with -Xmx1G


is it clear now?

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Vegax987 thx men realy so thx.

1 ask please, if i installed rev 92 and i logined in it, i got items and lvl 30 :D, then how do i make for no loss items when i install rev 132 ?


lol, items are stored in mysql database, you don't lose them

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