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PK Drop Specific Item % - Also Standard Item Drop %



Hi guys,


I need a way that once you pk someone there is a lets say 10% chance of a custom item spawning in the pkers inventory. NOT from the dead guys inventory!


Lets say I PK someone I should have a 10% chance of spawning item: "Certificate of PK" into pkers inventory. Is there a way possible to do this?


Also-- Is there a way to change specific drop rate % for certain mobs? Lets say I wanted to add vespar items to valakas. But I only want the vespar item to have 1% drop rate. How would I do that?


Thanks ahead of time guys!

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About the first,

if (Rnd.get(100) < 10)
         addItem("pk reward", ITEMID, COUNT, this, true);


About the second one, this can be done on the mob's droplist(shift+click on mob).

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