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[Help] NoSummonFriendZone



Hi, i want to do that:

I want to block the antharas lair (where's antharas boss) summon a friend skill.

Here's the code:


	<zone name="boss_area_antharas" type="NoSummonFriendZone" shape="NPoly" minZ="-7708" maxZ="-77080">
	<node X="180653" Y="114855" />
	<node X="177017" Y="118404" />
	<node X="173586" Y="114680" />
	<node X="177958" Y="111367" />


Is NPoly, but it doesnt work :/

If i put Cylinder, with a custom radius, it will work?

In the case of the Cylinder, how the code must be?

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5 answers to this question

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I guess you talk of Freya again, after the AI stuff problem :P.


Note you can use //zone_visual in order to litterally "see" zones, formed with adenas. You can check aswell zones where you are using //zone_check. It will list zone names/id, and actual main zoning effects (peace, town, pvp, nosummon, etc).



Note your problem is far more simplier than that. You messed Z values.


minZ="-7708" maxZ="-77080"

is totally wrong. In another hand, and if your zone is a square, you can use Cuboid, it needs only 2 nodes instead of 4. If you prefer Cylinder, you need only the radius and one node as center of the cylinder. Check existing cylinders zones, seeds of annihilation are suppsoed to be cylinders.





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I guess you talk of Freya again, after the AI stuff problem :P.


Note you can use //zone_visual in order to litterally "see" zones, formed with adenas. You can check aswell zones where you are using //zone_check. It will list zone names/id, and actual main zoning effects (peace, town, pvp, nosummon, etc).



Note your problem is far more simplier than that. You messed Z values.


minZ="-7708" maxZ="-77080"

is totally wrong. In another hand, and if your zone is a square, you can use Cuboid, it needs only 2 nodes instead of 4. If you prefer Cylinder, you need only the radius and one node as center of the cylinder. Check existing cylinders zones, seeds of annihilation are suppsoed to be cylinders.






Let me try again, give me a frew minutes.... thanx for help :)

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But how? thats my question, because i dont know where put the coordinates, but i'm fixing it, just give me some time :p





The problem is solved :D, thanx Tryskell for your help :)

Here is the code:


	<zone name="lair_of_antharas" type="NoSummonFriendZone" shape="Cylinder" minZ="-8708" maxZ="-5708" rad="4500">
	<node X="177302" Y="114789" />


I make a Cylinder of 4500 range.

minZ and maxZ when the coordinate Z is negative, the numbers are reverted, like in this case, minZ="-8708" maxZ="-5708".

The center of the Cylinder is X="177302" Y="114789", and thats all :)


Thanx to all for help me. Close the topic.

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