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exp: 1000x / sp: 1000x / adena: 1000x / drop: 1x


Enchant Scroll: 80% armor / 75% weapon

Blessed Enchant Scroll: 85% armor / 80% weapon




-GMShop: includes all armor/weapons c3 to Freya, accessories, items.

-RewardNPC: Exchange special items for mouse coins

-NPCcolor/name-title change your nick and title color

-SafeEnchanter: Enchant your items to safe enchant

-GlobalGK: Teleport to any place of our world.

-BossGK: Teleport to Epic Bosses.

-NPCBuffer: with schemes. Includes all buffs.

-Class Master/Noblesse NPC: You can change your class and become nobless with easy quest.

-GMShop Here you can exchange GB to Adena, or Adena to GB. Available at Giran Town.

-Clan Reputation NPC. Available at Giran Town.

-Unique Castle Items here you can buy castle cloak and any circlet


Custom Zones:


-Zone I: Include mobs with low difficult that drops medals, adena, and giant codexs.

-Zone II: Mobs with low difficult, drops adena, medals and giant codex.

-Primeval Isle: Mobs with mid-high difficult, drops adena, medals, Life Stones.

-Mini Raid Boss: Mobs with high difficult, drops adena, medals, giant codexs, apigas, blessed and mastery codexs.

-Peace Farm Zone: Mobs with low difficult, drops adena and medals. Peace zone.

-Certification Zone: There are all mobs and npcs needed to make certification quest in 5 min.

-Marriage Area : You can married our weedding area with big party and you can play Block Checker




-Gm events every days. (Last man standing, Dice event, party vs party, rb events, Fashion Event and many more.)

- 12 Automatic events.


More information:


-Service Manager : ( Top PvP/Pk, Augment, Symbol Maker, Warehouse, Class Manager , Nobles Manager,Nick-Title Color manager,Oly Rank,Unique Castle Items...etc)

-Olympiad period is 2 weeks (with +10 items)

-Sieges and Territory war working 100% (TW is Off)

-Buff duration is 3 hours.

-Buff slot is 40, and song/dances is 16

-4 sub class, max lvl is 85.

-Attribute System lvl 7

-Offline trade working 100%

-Custom enchant Weapon colors

-Unique GamePlay

-Many more features, See you ingame


WEB: www.l2sun.com


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