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Well, i know they are 2 totally DIFFERENT champions, but anyway, who would u chose and why?


I just need to hear some opinions, since i never played poppy, just trynda.


Feel free to comment.


Poppy for sure, simply because she can actually offer something to the team, unlike trynd...


Probably the best anti-carry in the game. Initiate with the fight with your ulti and kill their carry. And if your enemies are stupid they'll try to focus you while you have your ult up and get owned by your teammates while you're "tanking".


Well i still never tried poppy but i saw she's kinda awesome.


Don't tell me "attack with the ulti" 'cause atm i don't even know what the ulti does :P


A/w in ur opinion poppy is better at 5 vs 5 or 3 vs 3?


trynda is an autoattacker only...poppy can be used as tank too in some cases.poppy's ulti makes her invulnerable for 6 seconds and makes extra damage to the marked target who can damage you


imo poppy is better but needs a lot of practise


Adding to what noble said...


Poppy's ulti makes you invulnerable against everything (turrets/creeps/stuns/slows etc included), except from the marked target. Which means that if you use your ulti on Ashe she can still damage, slow or stun you.


poppy farms champions and sux at farming creeps


keep that in mind, because laning with poppy is hell... you will get harassed all day long, and you can only really harass back if you commit to a fight



Trynda 4ever op hero ...and with ulti you never die


OP Hero? He never die ?

If he play against noobs yes.

But against pro players he wont do a shit.


Poppy for sure.


Trynda 4ever op hero ...and with ulti you never die


Exhaust/stun/blind + focus + ignite 1 sec after he uses his ulti and he is fucking useless.


Exhaust/stun/blind + focus + ignite 1 sec after he uses his ulti and he is fucking useless.

or supress(warwick/malzahar)


i was pwning a trynda with warwick just now  since he cant use anything

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