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Posts posted by criss22

  1. Well, i need a bit help. Back in past. Not more. I want to fix something and i didn't know.

    I make 2 category of drop. DROP and SPOIL . All good. I see Drop with Orange color. but Spoil i see still like Drop. Not like Fuchsya. I put cat.isSweep(). No chance.

    First Item it is Spoil drop. Second it is Drop normal


    Here it is java line.

    StringUtil.append(html1, "<tr>", "<td><center><img src=\"" + item.getIcon() + "\" height=32 width=32></center><br>", "<center><font color=\"ff9933\">" + item.getName() + "</font></center>", "<br1>" + "<center><font color=\"00cc66\">Chance:  </font>", "<font color=\"ffffff\">" + roundChance + "0%" + "</font>", "<font color=\"00cc66\">    Min:</font>" + "<font color=\"ffffff\">" + drop.getMinDrop() + "</font>" + "<font color=\"00cc66\">    Max:</font>", "<font color=\"ffffff\">" + drop.getMaxDrop() + "</font></center>" + "<img src=\"L2UI.SquareWhite\" width=280 height=1>", "<br>", "</td>", "</tr>");

    How i can set this line to add Drop Spoil like this color?


  2. I'm done SweeTs...relax. I am not lost. I learn basics....anyway, With your help i did it! Anyway, God make world in 6 days , yes? + i learn java too late. When all already know everything. And pro help pro. Never pro help newbie.


    Anyway, in your case, u did it! U help newbie because u are pro. Pro=good explications without critics. Without judges. 


    I post here because i think and i i'm wrong, correct me, i post because i need help. It is a help section. Peoples cannot understand something. And yes, if u copy/paste something, somewhere wrong, u broke all code. It is important even a : . : (Dot).


    But basics i learned by you SweeTs. And in this way i want to thank you!

  3. Ok I show here what i did without any error.

    public static boolean BLOCK_COMMUNITY_ZONES;
    BLOCK_COMMUNITY_ZONES = Character.getBoolean("AllowCommunity", true);
    case "allowcommunity":
    				BLOCK_COMMUNITY_ZONES = Boolean.parseBoolean(pValue);

    And in Config i must make now AllowCOmmunity=True or False. What it is missing? I think..

    if (!activeChar.isInsideZone(ZoneIdType.PEACE) || !activeChar.isInsideZone(ZoneIdType.TOWN))
    			activeChar.sendMessage("Cannot use outside of peace zone.");

    But where i must add this? In config.java or BoardsManager.java?

  4. Now, i know Tryskell, i know what it is the difference about "!". I was asking about line in config/general.ini to make True/False. That syntax. But it is my bad to post here. All can have now a good sleep /day.  Maybe i make horror day to someone. Maybe I created discomfort. Maybe I created discrimination. Finally, If you want to help a newbie, you help him, do not criticize him. Simple right? It seems so. For some, no. I wanted to know what to do in config.java. To know the way (s). What I did is not working. And thank you again to the many people who really helped me

  5. 21 minutes ago, SweeTs said:

    Ehh.. As I told you, it's ENOUGH to open Config.java and see the logic, for example:


    A variable

    public static boolean ALT_GAME_DELEVEL;


    Initialize it under PROPER method properties (each properties has it's own method). Copy and search for ALT_GAME_DELEVEL, you got the occurence, copy/paste it and edit to fit your variable (config).

    ALT_GAME_DELEVEL = character.getBoolean("Delevel", true);


    Now, tell me WHERE IS THE PROBLEM doing it? Just THINK and follow the LOGIC.




    About the zone.. I told you to open ANOTHER file and check HOW IT'S DONE.


    For example


        protected void onEnter(Creature character)
            character.setInsideZone(ZoneId.BOSS, true);
            if (character instanceof Player)
                // Get player and set zone info.
                final Player player = (Player) character;


    and again, WHERE IS THE PROBLEM. Now, you see how to iniliatize it, rather then = null.


    PS: Player > L2PcInstance, Creature > L2Character in your case.

    SweeTs, why u know to explain and others not? Why u reply with good explications? And others not?

  6. 9 minutes ago, Creamy G Colin said:

    And who are you?

    This guy does not asking for help. He just want a ready code. When he gets what he wants, a new thread will open for another one. L2j Dev rank ,off,gmods etc is not here to give ready solutions for guys who are not even try, but is here to HELP ppl . Help != ready code (except some cases).


    In the other hand, If anyone who cannot create something by their own , come here and open a thread to get what they want, freelancers will dissapear. 


    His attitute wasn't offensive (fuck the rank) , he just said what he felt about this person . He do have the right, right?




    I'm justified -> Posted 10 minutes ago


    If you have the knowledge for atleast the basics . Can you please tell me what can someone say to him, in order to understand how this thing could be done? NO! he just want it ready to create another topic. 



    No you are not. You had 4 projects in the past , while you were asking for help for every idea that came to your mind. Also, you asked help for config TWICE. search at your activity.... If you really want to learn, get out of here. stackoverflow,google is your best friend. You cant read english? Pay a guy (not even from here) to teach you the basics like what variable is. 



    Asking for help,

    Get what you want,


    Is working,


    New idea for help,

    and so on.

    You wont learn anything dude. accept it.

    What did you say here, it is for yourself. I ignore this comment. Thank you. Have a great day(s)

  7. Hello guys, what i must edit to make max level 100? I have Experience.xml but only there i must edit? And i don't know the corect coordonates for Hi5.


    P.S. for critics, i don't need ready code. I need a link or a tip/hint for 1 level more, then i create for all.

  8. What i don't understand, it is what it's missing from there. From Config.Java and from BoardManagers.java. SweeTs say 50% done. I miss than 50% more to be finished. I don't know how it is work. I have some configs from Sunrise, but it is coded and i can't open it and that's why i don't understand.

  9. 12 hours ago, Rootware said:

    Mate, find 5 euro and rent anyone who know Java better than you and it will done for 5 minutes. Stop to make my day everyday.


    You want the help but can't use it cause your Java knowledge is nothing. Unfortunately, today the community have no more altruists who work remotely with your sources for free of charge or for like or positive feedback.

    RootWare, all was newbie, right? U find someone to learn you? Someone had patience with you?

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