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Posts posted by criss22

  1. On 1/28/2019 at 7:45 AM, StinkyMadness said:

    You can add on your interface ToolTip.uc just 1 line to do that -.- and keep it for your self...

    //Additional Name
    if (Len(Item.AdditionalName)>0)
            m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT;
            m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true;
            m_Info.t_color.R = 255;
            m_Info.t_color.G = 217;
            m_Info.t_color.B = 105;
            m_Info.t_color.A = 255;
    -       m_Info.t_strText = " " $ Item.AdditionalName;
    +      m_Info.t_strText = " (" $ Item.ID $ ") " $ Item.AdditionalName;


    Error in compile!

  2. Hello, as title say, i need support to complete the augment displayable in Community Board ( via NPC ). The screenshot, will make you to undestand. I want static button and a Combox for second option. 90% of code it's ready, but code don;t work properly. Combox i want to create it. + some augments ID's don;t work properly.
    Pic Augment

    Project based on L2jSunrise ( HIgh-Five )
    You can find me on discord byEvanthe#1403 

    Fixed, thanks to SSnakEE


  3. I find somethingn abouyt blesseds. Only these lines.

    // blessed enchant - clear enchant value
    							activeChar.sendPacket(new EnchantResult(3, 0, 0));
    							if (Config.LOG_ITEM_ENCHANTS)
    								LogRecord record = new LogRecord(Level.INFO, "Blessed Fail");
    								record.setParameters(new Object[]

    And i want to change Max enchant and chance. Nothing more. Thx for answer again

  4. How i can set blessed enchant max for 200 and different chances?

    I try this 

    <!-- General armor enchant group. -->
    	<enchantRateGroup name="ARMOR_GROUP">
    		<current enchant="0-20" chance="100" />
    		<current enchant="21-50" chance="98" />
    		<current enchant="51-200" chance="100" />
    		<current enchant="201-65535" chance="0" />
    	<!-- General full armor enchant group. -->
    	<enchantRateGroup name="FULL_ARMOR_GROUP">
            <current enchant="0-20" chance="100" />
    		<current enchant="21-50" chance="98" />
    		<current enchant="51-200" chance="100" />
    		<current enchant="201-65535" chance="0" />
    	<!-- General fighter weapon enchant group. -->
    	<enchantRateGroup name="FIGHTER_WEAPON_GROUP">
    		 <current enchant="0-20" chance="100" />
    		<current enchant="21-50" chance="98" />
    		<current enchant="51-200" chance="100" />
    		<current enchant="201-65535" chance="0" />
    	<!-- General mage weapon enchant group. -->
    	<enchantRateGroup name="MAGE_WEAPON_GROUP">
    		 <current enchant="0-20" chance="100" />
    		<current enchant="21-50" chance="98" />
    		<current enchant="51-200" chance="100" />
    		<current enchant="201-65535" chance="0" />

    But i still can enchant after +200. Help me. Thx

  5. Hello, can someone tell me why i get this error?


    [09:28:56] WARN: Recived Wrong Packet Data in Aquired Skill - id: 48000 level: 1
     for L2PcInstance:Dev[268440003]

    Syntax of skill is

    <skill id="48000" levels="1" name="Level Mastery">
            <set name="magicLvl" val="76" />
    		<set name="operateType" val="P" />
    		<set name="targetType" val="SELF" />
    				<mul stat="pvePhysDmg" val="1.50" /> <!-- Pve by 50% -->
    				<mul stat="pveMagicalDmg" val="1.50" /> <!-- Magic PvE by 50% -->
    				<mul stat="pvpPhysDmg" val="1.05" /> <!-- Magic PvP by 5% -->
    				<mul stat="pvpMagicalDmg" val="1.05" /> <!-- Magic PvP by 5% -->
    				<mul stat="maxHp" val="2.00" /> <!-- HP by 100% -->
    				<mul stat="maxCp" val="1.75" /> <!-- CP by 75% -->

    I try to make it passive on Occupation skills. Thank you !

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