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Everything posted by AbsolutePower

  1. you can make a config you know... but ok that was your choice... ps: its not only this part... if you want to Disable it full you must delete the hole shit :P nice try :)
  2. ty An4rchy :) if i will put it before they will lose 4 gold bars for nothing, hmmm i don't know think about it and answer me... :P Edit:i forgot that: i don't want with the "clasic" way i want something mine, because if i will add the "clasic" way they will say that i just copy it from the client packet... && is custom :P
  3. ty elfo :P i like this way :) by the way you mean this faster way? int rnd = Rnd.get(100); if(rnd < chance)? anyway i like the case more
  4. Μπορούσες να του το στείλεις σε μήνυμα δεν είναι κόσμιο αυτό... Έχουν δίκιο τα παιδιά δώσε περισσότερες πληροφορίες
  5. oxi re file ti lock... den mporeis na baleis ekei sto setHero(true); apo katw giveAvailableSkills(); sendSkillList(); broadcastUserInfo(); kanto etsi kai 8a exeis skills
  6. why to make them invisible? whats the point?? anyway he can just add _playerOne.getAppearance().setInvisible(); _playerTwo.getAppearance().setInvisible(); but invul is better :P
  7. find this protected boolean portPlayersToArena() and add _playerOne.setIsInvul(true); _playerTwo.setIsInvul(true); and then find this protected boolean makeCompetitionStart() and add _playerOne.setIsInvul(false); _playerTwo.setIsInvul(false); with this they will be invulnerable until the match starts
  8. nop its free... http://www.assembla.com/code/l2jclean/subversion/changesets i don't know when the forum will be online i am not the admin.
  9. ty alla edw eisai la8os... na sou pw giati??? giati osh mnimi kai na exoume pote den 8a einai arketh... gia auto dimiourgh8ike kai h eikonikh mnimi... tespa ta lew olo sto topic aporw gt ta 3ana les axxaa :P
  10. http://www.webstockbox.com/css/converting-photoshop-web-template-file-to-htmlxhtmlcss-web-page-file-video-tutorial/
  11. New untitled Text File kai meta to kaneis save se .java :P
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