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Posts posted by magneto30

  1. Hello everyone, i would like to ask for any help from professional and experienced l2j developers about:

    How to protect your Lineage 2 server from annoying - stupid fake "hackers".

    I just opened a L2java C4 chronicle server. 9 People online on third day someone joined and a message at Login-Server.bat window warning for " Hacker " ban this person. I jail him, in front of my eyes he level up he made +25

    he dropped 1.000.0000 adena. Is there any way to protect my server from these idiots.. Plz post answers and links with instructions... thanks a lot.

  2. Welcome everone,

    a new server C4 opened at 5/3/2012.

    L2Effect is based on Low rate servers without mana pots

    addons-customs, donations, and is full balance and 100% Chronicle 4 ( Scions of destiny )


    i Would like to join server so much :) HF.

    Website: http://l2effect.site40.net/


    More info:

    x45 XP

    x45 SP

    x65 Adena

    x1 drop

    x4 Spoil

    Buff duration 19 min

    Song-dances 4 min

    No herbs-mana pots

    100% C4

    Craft require after D grade

    Community ONline.

    No lag no delay 100 mbits

    Enjoy ;)

    by Admin: Crysis

  3. Welcome everyone, i just opened a new server called L2Anonymous is

    fully ballanced server without addons or customs just cleary pvp.


    x5000 XP

    x500 adena

    x2 items



    Many NPCs on giran


    Join me: http://l2anonymous.netai.net/Home.html

    Instant patch download: http://www.mediafire.com/?ec723t23cg6qhta


  4. Welcome to L][ Assassins Creed.

    Server located in Greece/Athens


    Server Info:

    XP x5000

    SP x5000

    Drop x2

    Spoil x10

    Adena x500

    Safe +3 Max +25

    Enchant Rate 75% Blessed 95%

    No Farming Areas - No Custom ( for now ! )

    Buff time 3 hours.

    Olympiad at 6 p.m



    CTF ( capture the flag ) Award 10 Glittering medals

    TVT ( Team Vs Team ) Award 10 Glittering medals

    DM ( Death Match ) Award 10 Glittering medals

    GM's ( Many custom Gm Event ) Award Uknown!

    --Medals exchange for variety of Items in Gm Shop--

    Website:  http://l2assassinscreed.host22.com/Home%20Page.html    take a look !


  5. Geia sas... Molis anoixa ena server gracia part 2.

    To problhma einai oti ka8e ligo k ligaki oi players akomh k egw [admin]

    trome DC me auto to minima se emena:


    2012.1.4 14:26:49

    OS : Windows Vista 6.1 (Build: 7600)

    CPU : GenuineIntel Celeron M Processor @ 2800 MHz with 8095MB RAM

    Video : ATI Radeon HD 5500 Series  (24)

    PosCode : LS1:158769:26194:-2190 4/1

    General protection fault!

    History: User::RideTransform <- UNetworkHandler::Tick <- Function Name=UIPacket <- UGameEngine::Tick <- UpdateWorld <- MainLoop


    Otan eixa anoixei ena Interlude Server pote k kaneis dn efage Disconnect !!

    pote oute egw


    tora me to gracia omos trow sunexia logarw DC logarw DC xanalogarw DC

    tin 4h fora mpenei k fobamai mhn kanw Teleport sti giran k faw dc sto teleport

    mou lene oti pane apo gludio se giran k trone DC kata 80%...

    Ti mporei na fteei? :(    O server ? Client To PC ?

    to pc dn nomizw sto 1-2% i CPU      8 gb ram    i5   


    Peite mou sas parakalw !! katantaei ekneuristiko thnx.



  6. Γεια σας... θα ηθελα καποιος να ασχοληθει μαζι μου... εστω κ λιγο για να μ διξει τα βασικα στο Combile..

    γνωριζω απο l2j free σερβερ απλα δυσκολευομαι στα SCRIPTS κ στο Combile κ ετσι δν μπορω να κανω

    Import δικα μου script οπως στα 1000 PvP ο παιχτης να γινεται Hero κλπ.

    Σας παρακαλω μην με παροτρινεται να διαβασω η να δω αλλα post διωτη δεν με βολευει ..

    θελω καποιον μεσο Team Viewer να τα κανοουμε εκεινη τι στιγμη. Ευχαριστω εκ των προτερων

    Add me Msn:  wolfgiasena@123.gr


    My PC Info:

    6 gb ddr3 ram

    1 tera byte HD

    1920x1080 monitor

    windows 7 premium x64

    3.00 Ghz CPU i5

  7. Hello there... i would like to help me plz

    i need to make a movie and create a 3D hook so i actually must have Dummy unit ( hook unit )

    from Model  Viewer but i cant find it !!! can someone help me ??? where is ? plz... searching for 1 month cant find it

    neither nevermore unit  :-[

  8. Hello everyone i made a server based on L2 Old Style

    for people who missed farm, craft, quests, raid bosses

    and bored of playing over and over again High rate server

    ( pvps ).


    Server Info:

    XP x45

    Sp x20

    Adena x20

    Drop spoil x10

    Drop x1

    Chronicle: C6 ( Interlude )


    More info:

    No Npcs No Addons No Buffers No mana pots ( Quests required ).

    Added Christmas textures and Tree at Giran castle town


    Machine Specifications:

    OS: Windows 7 premium x64

    CPU: Intel Core i5 ( 4 cores ) 3.00 Ghz

    Ram: 8 GB ddr3

    HD: 1 Tera Byte ( 1.000 gb )

    ISP: 100 mbits ( 1.2 mega byte upload ) dedicated.


    Direct Links to system:

    4shared: http://www.4shared.com/rar/W3IUuR2L/L2MyStyle_server_files.html

    Rapidshare: https://rapidshare.com/files/4278659541/L2MyStyle_server_files.rar


    Site: http://l2mystyle.webstarts.com/about.html

    Server Photo: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/9/newbitmapimage2dc.png/

    Thanks a lot.

    I hope see you in.

    Server is Simple for simple gameplay

    ; )

  9. Γεια σας, ηθελα μια χαρη αν ειναι εφικτο...

    Χρειαζομαι 1 event για Gracia Part II σερβερ. TvT ή DM και οτι αλλο μπορειτε και εχετε ορεξη.

    Εχω βαλει ηδη CTF event δουλευει κανονικα αλλα δεν θελω να ειμαι μονοτονος γιαυτο ειναι αναγκαιο

    να εχω και αλλα events.. Αν μπορειτε να ποσταρετε το script μαζι με το npc(mysql) και τα html.

    Ευχαριστω παρα πολυ.  :P

  10. Χιλια συγνωμη για αυτο το post αλλα δεν εχω ωρα να κατσω να μαθω απο utx κ.λ.p  ;)

    Οποιος μπορει να μου κανει μια μετατροπη αυτης της εικονας http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/687/animebabes004.jpg/ σε καταληλλη μορφη ωστε να μπει σαν Gracia Part II Loading Screen δηλαδη

    να μου την μετατρεψετε σε .utx οπως ξερετε και να το ανεβασετε το αρχειο σε κανενα upload server 4share

    rapidshare οτι να'ναι..

    Σας ευχαριστω πολυ εκ των προτερων.

  11. Geia sas exw ena problhma me tin olympiad se ena l2j server.

    To problha mou einai oti den xerw pws na tin kanw config

    Parakalw mhn klisete to topic prwti fora postarw k thelw ligh

    boh8eia. Diabasa ola ta paromoia topic sto web kanena den boi8ise

    gia to logo tou oti eimai neos akomh..


    To problhm mou einai oti pigenw exontas Nobless Quest klp ston Olympiad manager

    pataw na ginei register sta no class game k leei The grand Olympiad games are not currently

    in progress.

    Sas parakalw peite mou ti na kanw :(



    # -----------------------------------------------------------------

    #  Olympiad Config

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------


    # Olympiad Start Time in Military hours Default 6pm (18)

    AltOlyStartTime = 25


    # Olympiad Start Time for Min's, Default 00 so at the start of the hour.

    AltOlyMin = 00


    # Olympiad Compeition Period, Default 6 hours.

    AltOlyCPeriod = 21600000


    # Olympiad Battle Period, Default 6 minutes. (If set different, should be < AltOlyBWait)

    AltOlyBattle = 360000


    # Olympiad Battle Wait, Default 10 Minutes

    AltOlyBWait = 600000


    # Olympiad Inital Wait Period, Default 5 minutes

    AltOlyPwait = 300000


    # Olympiad Weekly Period, Default 1 week

    AltOlyWperiod = 604800000


    # Olympiad Validation Period, Default 24 Hours.

    AltOlyVperiod = 86400000


    # Olympiad allow matches from same ip

    AltOlySameIp = True


    # Classed Olympiad Settings

    AltOlyClassedParticipants = 5

    AltOlyBattleRewardItem = 6651

    AltOlyClassedRewItemCount = 50


    # NonClassed Olympiad Settings

    AltOlyNonClassedParticipants = 9

    AltOlyNonClassedRewardItem = 6651

    AltOlyNonClassedRewItemCount = 30


    # Olympiad Competition Rewards

    # Minimum Points needed to to exchange nobless gate pass, Retail 50

    AltOlyMinPointForExchange = 50

    # ItemId for this Reward, Retail 6651(Gate Pass)

    AltOlyCompRewItem = 6651

    # Rate to exchange Points to Reward item, Retail 1 Point * 1000

    AltOlyGPPerPoint = 1000

    # Noblesse points awarded to Heros. Retail 300

    AltOlyHeroPoints = 300


    # Restrict same item in olympiad. ItemID's need to be separated whit comma (ex. 1,200,350)

    AltOlyRestrictedItems = 0


    # if true on a tie the total dmg = dmg - heal of oppenent

    AltOlyMatchHealCounts = False

    # if true, damage dealed by summons or to summons also counts

    AltOlySummonDamageCounts = False


    # remove all non self summonable cubics on oly

    AltOlyRemoveCubics = False


    Ligi boh8eia o server mou einai polu wraios gia na ton stamatisw

    gia tin olympiada parakalw !!

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