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Posts posted by magneto30

  1. Φίλε, στην Ελλάδα είσαι.

    Σας παρακαλω πολυ... δουλευω l2j κ γενικα l2 server εδω κ 3 χρονια ασχημα ομως εχω κατσει κ εχω φτιαξει 12 σερβερς λιγη βοηθεια συμβουλες... μετα τα 150 ατομα θα κολλανε λιγο ? δλδ τι ?

  2. Λοιπον.. καταρχην θα ηθελα να σας  ευχαριστησω αν κ εδω κ κατι μηνες δν με εχετε βοηθησει, παλευω

    επι καθημερινης βασεως να φτιαξω ενα c4 low rate ( Style TheGame.gr ) κ δεν γινετε... Θα ηθελα λοιπον

    να μην γραψει κανεις κανε Αναζητηση γιατι αυτο κανω επι 1 χρονο κ δεν βρισκω pack - client σωστο

    να μ βοηθησει λιγο.

    Επισης ποσα ατομα μπορει να σηκωσει ενας ταπεινος υπολογιστης σπιτιου με:

    HD: 1 TB

    Ram: ddr3 8 GB ( 5 Dedicated )

    CPU: i5 3.00 Ghz

    Internet speed: 17.6 mbits download    1.2 Upload    17 ms  ( ForthNet ) 3/3 days online


    Ευχαριστω εκ των προτερων.. Δν σκοπευω ν βγαλω λεφτα απο αυτο με donateσ κλπ απλα για πλακα κ θελω ν παιξω

    σε σερβερ που θα εχω φτιαξει εγω οπως τον θελω δλδ αληθινο Lineage 2 κ οχι Power Rangers.

  3. Server Info:


    Experience: x30

    Adena: x40

    Drop item: x1

    Drop Spoil: x4


    [glow=red,2,300]1.[/glow] Mana pots Available


    [glow=red,2,300]2.[/glow] GM SHOP (C-grade to S+Vesper) - NPC BUFFER(Full) - Top Rank(pk-pvp-clan) - Class Changer


    [glow=red,2,300]3.[/glow] Wedding Enabled - Npc at Giran + teleport to your parther (30 seconds) .gotolove


    [glow=red,2,300]4.[/glow] Safe +3 / Max +16 ( Enchant rate 66% )


    [glow=red,2,300]5.[/glow] Event: TvT ( Team vs Team ) Award: 10 Glittering Medals [Required to get Vesper]


    *Automatic event* 12:30, 15:00 ,17:30, 19:00 Hours


    [glow=red,2,300]6.[/glow] Nobless ( Normal quest ) - Olympiad at 6 p.m.


    [glow=red,2,300]7.[/glow] Auto-Learn Skill - Auto-loop adena and items


    [glow=red,2,300]8.[/glow] Buff duration: 1 Hour - Song-Dance: 1 Hour - Cov-Pof-Pov-Pow: 1 Hour


    [glow=red,2,300]9.[/glow] Sub-class ( Max 3) No Quest is required


    [glow=red,2,300]10.[/glow] Helpfull Staff - Active Admin - Secured Server - Daily backups and No donations -.-


    Download System:    http://www.mediafire.com/?8ti112yu8n8ninm

            *Auto-Create Accounts*


    About Server: L2-TheGame is a simple server opened at 24/5/2012 for first time based on mid rate server.

                        Its 100% Non custom item server and is fully ballance without many - comfusing npc's.

                        Hope you like it. Admin-GM is about 2-8 hours Per day online and helpfull.

                        Glad to welcome you and please help this server alive. Vote [Forum Announced when login]

                        every 12 Hours. Also Advertise us. Thank you very much.

                        Also i don't want to hide that server made and is HomeMade.

                        Server Machine:

                        Ram: 8 GB ddr3 (6 Dedicated )

                        CPU: 3.2 Ghz i5

                        HD: 1 Tera byte

                        Connection: 100 mbits port ( 1.2 mbits Upload speed )


  4. Server Info:


    Experience: x45

    Adena: x300

    Drop item: x1

    Drop Spoil: x4


    [glow=red,2,300]1.[/glow] Mana pots Available


    [glow=red,2,300]2.[/glow] GM SHOP (C-S+Vesper) - NPC BUFFER(Full) - Top Rank(pk-pvp-clan) - Class Changer


    [glow=red,2,300]3.[/glow] Wedding Enabled - Npc at Giran + teleport to love ( 30 seconds ) .gotolove


    [glow=red,2,300]4.[/glow] Safe +3 / Max +16 ( Enchant rate 66% )


    [glow=red,2,300]5.[/glow] Event: TvT ( Team vs Team ) Award: 10 Glittering Medals

    Event: CTF ( Capture the flag ) Award: 10 Glittering Medals


    *Automatic events*


    [glow=red,2,300]6.[/glow] Nobless ( Normal quest ) - Olympiad at 6 p.m.


    [glow=red,2,300]7.[/glow] Auto-Learn Skill - Auto-loop


    [glow=red,2,300]8.[/glow] Buff duration: 29 min - Song-Dance: 29 min - Cov-Pof-Pov-Pow: 29 min


    [glow=red,2,300]9.[/glow] Sub-class ( Max 3) NO require Quest


    [glow=red,2,300]Forum:[/glow] http://www.l2effect.forumgreek.com

    [glow=red,2,300]Download instant system:[/glow] http://www.mediafire.com/?aip547rv0w50ni6


    Gracia final (ct2.3)


    Auto create accounts join us :)



  5. Server Info:


    Experience: x30

    Adena: x40

    Drop item: x1

    Drop Spoil: x4


    1. No Mana pots ( Herbs drop from Mobs )


    Common Herbs: 15%

    Hp & Mp Herbs: 10%

    Greater Hp & Mp: 4%

    Superior Herbs: 0.4%

    Special Herbs: 0.2%

    ( Duration 4 min )


    2. Weapons & Armors till C grade Available at shops ( B / A / S drop or craft )


    3. No Npc's buffers or any other addon. Official traders and support magic units for newbies.


    4. Safe +3 / Max +16 ( Enchant rate 66% )


    5. Event: TvT ( Team vs Team ) Award: 2 million $$$

    *Automatic event* At: 12:00,15:00,17:30,19:00*


    6. No class changers, quests required ( Also nobless and other )


    7. Auto-Learn Skill


    8. Buff duration: 30 min - Song-Dance: 9 min - Cov-Pof-Pov: 3 min


    10. Helpfull Staff - Active Admin - Secured Server - Daily backups and No donations -.-


    11. Olympiad everyday at 6:00 pm



    Connect: http://www.l2effect.forumgreek.com


    Instant system: http://www.mediafire.com/?a489258hm4it59a


    Have fun                    *Auto-create accounts*    ;)

  6. Server Info:


    Experience: x30

    Adena: x40

    Drop item: x1

    Drop Spoil: x4


    1. No Mana pots ( Herbs drop from Mobs )


    Common Herbs: 15%

    Hp & Mp Herbs: 10%

    Greater Hp & Mp: 4%

    Superior Herbs: 0.4%

    Special Herbs: 0.2%

    ( Duration 4 min )


    2. Weapons & Armors till C grade Available at shops ( B / A / S drop or craft )


    3. No Npc's buffers or any other addon. Official traders and support magic units for newbies.


    4. Safe +3 / Max +16 ( Enchant rate 66% )


    5. Event: TvT ( Team vs Team ) Award: 2 million $$$

    *Automatic event* At: 12:00,15:00,17:30,19:00*


    6. No class changers, quests required ( Also nobless and other )


    7. Auto-Learn Skill


    8. Buff duration: 30 min - Song-Dance: 9 min - Cov-Pof-Pov: 3 min


    10. Helpfull Staff - Active Admin - Secured Server - Daily backups and No donations -.-


    11. Olympiad everyday at 6:00 pm



    Connect: http://www.l2effect.forumgreek.com


    Instant system: http://www.mediafire.com/?a489258hm4it59a


    Have fun                    *Auto-create accounts*    ;)

  7. Im looking for a gracia final to high five server

    I would like it to have custom balanced classes/armors etc

    Community 200++



    Just opened a new server [Gracia final ct2.3]


    *Experience x30

    *Adena x40

    *Drop x1

    *TvT event

    * No Mana pots - No Npcs - No customs - No donations

    * Ballance 100%

    *99% working skills - no bugs



    Server opened at 4/10/2012 but if we dont help no people will join -.^ try it ;) !!

  8. Psaxnw gia kainourio low rate server pou na paizei kai walker(kata protimish oxi Hi5 )


    Γεια σας παιδια.Ψαχνω εναν καλο server mid rate με σχετικα δυσκολο farm και GMs που βοηθανε και ειναι active...Αν εχει κανεις κανενα server ας μου πει..ευχαριστω.


    Μολις ανοιξα ενα σερβερ λεγετε L2-Effect ειναι Gracia Final χ30 Experience x40 Adena x1 Drop

    Κανονικα quest χωρις Npc's καθαρα αντιγραφο του c4 με καλυτερα γραφικα ριξε μια ματια:



    Οσο για το Staff < Active 100% > - Server location - Gr|Ahens

  9. a low rate server, with big community, not an OLD server , but i want many PPLS on


    Γεια σας παιδια.Ψαχνω εναν καλο server mid rate με σχετικα δυσκολο farm και GMs που βοηθανε και ειναι active...Αν εχει κανεις κανενα server ας μου πει..ευχαριστω.


    Its new server ( Gracia final ) Low rate x30 just OPENED 4/10/2012 !!

    if you want take a look..



    Server location - Gr|Ahens

  10. Looking gracia final server x500-x1000 with hard farm ,,


    Θα σου προτεινα εφοσον σαρεσει το "hard farm" οπως αποκαλεις να παιξεις ενα

    Γεια σας παιδια.Ψαχνω εναν καλο server mid rate με σχετικα δυσκολο farm και GMs που βοηθανε και ειναι active...Αν εχει κανεις κανενα server ας μου πει..ευχαριστω.


    Gracia Final χ30 Experience x40 Adena x1 Drop

    Κανονικα quest χωρις Npc's καθαρα αντιγραφο του c4 με καλυτερα γραφικα ριξε μια ματια:



    Server location - Gr|Ahens


    Και να αφησεις τους PvP που ειναι ανουσιοι σερβερ.. (γνωμη μου)

  11. Hello , I m currently looking for a "fresh" low rate server GF-GE-FRY-H5 which will begin in some days / weeks / or even months and will make a grand opening (like 1500ppl...for example).



    Notes : Try to post servers that reflect-meet my words


    Γεια σας παιδια.Ψαχνω εναν καλο server mid rate με σχετικα δυσκολο farm και GMs που βοηθανε και ειναι active...Αν εχει κανεις κανενα server ας μου πει..ευχαριστω.


    Μολις ανοιξα ενα σερβερ λεγετε L2-Effect ειναι Gracia Final χ30 Experience x40 Adena x1 Drop

    Κανονικα quest χωρις Npc's καθαρα αντιγραφο του c4 με καλυτερα γραφικα ριξε μια ματια:



    Οσο για το Staff < Active 100% > - Server location - Gr|Ahens

    Ανοιξε πριν απο 1 μερα ακριβως 4/9/2012

  12. Γεια σας παιδια.Ψαχνω εναν καλο server mid rate με σχετικα δυσκολο farm και GMs που βοηθανε και ειναι active...Αν εχει κανεις κανενα server ας μου πει..ευχαριστω.


    Μολις ανοιξα ενα σερβερ λεγετε L2-Effect ειναι Gracia Final χ30 Experience x40 Adena x1 Drop

    Κανονικα quest χωρις Npc's καθαρα αντιγραφο του c4 με καλυτερα γραφικα ριξε μια ματια:



    Οσο για το Staff < Active 100% > - Server location - Gr|Ahens

  13. Server Info:


    Experience: x30

    Adena: x40

    Drop item: x1

    Drop Spoil: x4


    1. No Mana pots ( Herbs drop from Mobs )


    Common Herbs: 15%

    Hp & Mp Herbs: 10%

    Greater Hp & Mp: 4%

    Superior Herbs: 0.4%

    Special Herbs: 0.2%

    ( Duration 4 min )


    2. Weapons & Armors till C grade Available at shops ( B / A / S drop or craft )


    3. No Npc's buffers or any other addon. Official traders and support magic units for newbies.


    4. Safe +3 / Max +16 ( Enchant rate 66% )


    5. Event: TvT ( Team vs Team ) Award: 2 million $$$

    *Automatic event* At: 12:00,15:00,17:30,19:00*


    6. No class changers, quests required ( Also nobless and other )


    7. Auto-Learn Skill


    8. Buff duration: 30 min - Song-Dance: 9 min - Cov-Pof-Pov: 3 min


    10. Helpfull Staff - Active Admin - Secured Server - Daily backups and No donations -.-


    11. Olympiad everyday at 6:00 pm



    Connect: http://www.l2effect.forumgreek.com


    Instant system: http://www.mediafire.com/?a489258hm4it59a


    Have fun                    *Auto-create accounts*    ;)

  14. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    Welcome to L2Effect


    High rate server with anti-phx protections.



    1. 100% Ballance between classes.


    2. Sub-class 78 Level ( max 3, no stuck skills )


    3. All buffs given instant by Npc's ( 3 Hours )


    4. Custom ( Ballance ): Tattoos, Wings, Epic Weapons, Epic Armor, Dynasty


    5. Nobless aquired as Item in exchange of Medals

      (Also quest available)


    6. Events: CTF(Capture the flag )10 medals award.

                  TvT(Team vs Team)10 medals award.

                    DM(Death Match)10 medals award.

                    GM events - Uknown Award.


    7. Gracia Skills 100% Working - Withou bugs


    8. Many Npc's Placed at Giran such as:

        1) GM shop      2) Npc buffer  3) Pet npc buffer

        4)Player manager  5) Wedding Npc

        6)Accessory Shop  7)Class changer  8)TopRank

        9)Table-ServerInfo  10) Global Gatekeeper


    9. No donation available ( For NOW )


    10. Safe +3 max +25 ( enchant rate 75% )

                        ( blessed enchant rate 95%)



    11. Stable Internet connection 19/24 hours

                                                uptime / day.


    Please take your time, hope you join us


    Have a nice time.


    Forum: http://l2effect.forumgreek.com/

    Forum ( How to connect ): http://l2effect.forumgreek.com/t1-topic



    ( Chronicle CT2.2 -> Gracia part 2 )

  15. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    Welcome to L2Effect


    High rate server with anti-phx protections.



    1. 100% Ballance between classes.


    2. Sub-class 78 Level ( max 3, no stuck skills )


    3. All buffs given instant by Npc's ( 3 Hours )


    4. Custom ( Ballance ): Tattoos, Wings, Epic Weapons, Epic Armor, Dynasty


    5. Nobless aquired as Item in exchange of Medals

      (Also quest available)


    6. Events: CTF(Capture the flag )10 medals award.

                  TvT(Team vs Team)10 medals award.

                    DM(Death Match)10 medals award.

                    GM events - Uknown Award.


    7. Gracia Skills 100% Working - Withou bugs


    8. Many Npc's Placed at Giran such as:

        1) GM shop      2) Npc buffer  3) Pet npc buffer

        4)Player manager  5) Wedding Npc

        6)Accessory Shop  7)Class changer  8)TopRank

        9)Table-ServerInfo  10) Global Gatekeeper


    9. No donation available ( For NOW )


    10. Safe +3 max +25 ( enchant rate 75% )

                        ( blessed enchant rate 95%)



    11. Stable Internet connection 19/24 hours

                                                uptime / day.


    Please take your time, hope you join us


    Have a nice time.


    Forum: http://l2effect.forumgreek.com/

    Forum ( How to connect ): http://l2effect.forumgreek.com/t1-topic



    ( Chronicle CT2.2 -> Gracia part 2 )

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