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Everything posted by Extreamer

  1. Instead of chat do something like this ShowScreenMessage( "S1_GAVE_YOU_S2_DMG"", 10000); or something along those lines, maybe..
  2. Or Even Disable the chat log, period. so when he spawns into the stadium the chat dissapears.
  3. ponyrider you're a god, and you're right, even you hide it you will see it in the chat log :P. However maybe put a restriction on the chat log ? a special condition where you wouldn't see damage output in olympiad ? Just a thought, dunno it might be a stupid idea.
  4. you need to enable the custom_npc config in l2jhellas !
  5. Yeah I was about to do something similar, but well sweets gj :)
  6. have you deleted orc village from peace zone?
  7. Repainted god armors, shame :/ still looking for an epic hand made set :P
  8. L2J is far more superior in terms of coding wise, c++ only knows limited amount of people. Java is easy to learn, easy to manipulate, hence fixing bugs is alot easier than using L2OFF , but Java still has a bit of problem with stability of the server. :)
  9. You got IP banned, if you have a dynamic IP, reset your router and then try again , if you have static ip, you would have to bypass their protection, or use a proxy server in order to connect to the server.
  10. great idea, however unless you would do "internal dress me system" its kinda pointless, because... someone puts on a hat, or an accessory that stands out, or if they are hero for example, that will give you away their nick witohut even looking at the chat logs :)
  11. advExtx64 have the best l2off files! they are really expensive but as close to official as you can get check out their website "use google"
  12. I only know the basics about client modding, but its definitely client's side ! if youre telling me you can put on the dyes
  13. L2Jfandc, its customized l2j, nothing special. You should of saved money and got hi5 l2j for free, since they are still working on it and its widely used/common :)
  14. Yeah 150 euros is an absolute joke for this pack, I was expecting so much more, whoever bought the pack needs to rethink what he is actually doing.
  15. I know where the problem is ! :) its client side, aka you need to edit chargrp,classinfo-e.dat :)
  16. Also check classlist.sql make sure you have the correct ids assigned to your new classes.. If you still having trouble, try and copy the parent id from another class to the custom class that you made and see if that helps
  17. just wondering, what pack are you using? if its frozen, A) have you edited characterTemplate in navicat and created a new classID? B)Have you checked skill trees, skill learn sql is good? C) have you added the new class into the core side?
  18. I worked through this pack just cause I was really bored, and my lord, Karasu, I feel sorry for you dude. There are countless AI bugs, Skills not working properly, so on so forth :)
  19. ahh right ! :) how about pvp servers? is it good enough to use it as a base?
  20. Download photoshop, download unreal engine runtime 2, sorted ! :) make your own buttons, banner, what ever the hell you want and then make a simple html :)
  21. You are using a shared private source, you won't receive help, files like that are used at your own risk :)
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