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Everything posted by Extreamer

  1. Your topic must contain all the information about the product. If you're selling a project (L2 Pack), your topic must contain test-server's IP - It doesn't have to be 24/7 online, but enough to be tested.
  2. he is greek ^^, and as nextas said scoria died as far as the project goes. So if you want scoria download this.
  3. I didn't copy it 100% i just wanted for my font to look flamy, looked on youtube, and gone against the tutorial :) oh Well I'm not an artist !
  4. What :( ? can't you watch tuts nowadays?
  5. did I say it was special, I watched a tutorial and I wanted to do it myself. That was the result. duh.
  6. Sorry sweets I dislike eating signatures, TRY HARDER :alone:
  7. ALL OF THEM SUCK ASS! on a side note good try sweets, you need to work more on the fonts and their placements!
  8. to dobrze, od czegos zaczac trzeba przeciez :). dobra opinia jest gorsza niz od crytycznej opinii, bo tak to sie nie nauczysz :)
  9. [PL] Gracia epilogue mozesz wziasc od l2jfree maja zrobione wszystko na mavenie i wymiata. Mozesz takze wziasc l2off gracia epilogue bo tez jest super. no zajebisity npc to nie jest, ale dla poczatkujacych to nawet niezly. Krytykowac mozemy bo dajesz to jako share i mamy takie prawo. kk ;)
  10. use proxy servers with a vps if you want to do sales like that
  11. Yeah I understand now. Thanks if(streak == blah) that is basically the Z function..
  12. Thanks for the advice bigMac, I'm not a java lord, I only do it as a hobby, It does eat memory indeed. streaks = example 10 You need the streaks in order to tell the console that the player is on 10 kills and then he gets rewarded with a level 1 toggle skill. its not greatly coded and I do admit that. It worked perfectly so I didn't bother touching it.
  13. The idea is absolutely awesome, a bit more cleaner in the design and well it will be really nice
  14. Open beta is estimated to be opened in about a week !
  15. ** Fallen system */ private int streak = 0; private void checkstreak() { int d = 0; streak++; int streaks = 0; if(streak == Config.STREAK1_KILLS) { d = 1; addSkill(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(Config.STREAK_SKILL_ID, 1), false); streaks = Config.STREAK1_KILLS; } else if(streak == Config.STREAK2_KILLS) { d = 2; addSkill(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(Config.STREAK_SKILL_ID, 2), false); streaks = Config.STREAK2_KILLS; } else if(streak == Config.STREAK3_KILLS) { d = 3; addSkill(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(Config.STREAK_SKILL_ID, 3), false); streaks = Config.STREAK3_KILLS; } if(d > 0) { sendMessage("You have been rewarded with Hell's curse."); sendMessage("Continue with your streak!!"); } d = 0; streaks = 0; } private void streakDie(L2Character killer) { if(streak >= Config.STREAK1_KILLS) removeSkill(Config.STREAK_SKILL_ID); sendMessage("You have lost your streak!"); streak = 0; } I forgot the S in the int streak, my bad.
  16. You are an actual imbecil. /** Fallen system */ private int streak = 0; private void checkstreak() { int d = 0; streak++; int streak = 0; if(streak == Config.STREAK1_KILLS) { d = 1; addSkill(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(Config.STREAK_SKILL_ID, 1), false); streak = Config.STREAK1_KILLS; } else if(streak == Config.STREAK2_KILLS) { d = 2; addSkill(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(Config.STREAK_SKILL_ID, 2), false); streak = Config.STREAK2_KILLS; } else if(streak == Config.STREAK3_KILLS) { d = 3; addSkill(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(Config.STREAK_SKILL_ID, 3), false); streak = Config.STREAK3_KILLS; } if(d > 0) { sendMessage("You have been rewarded with Hell's curse."); sendMessage("Continue with your streak!!"); } d = 0; streak = 0; } private void streakDie(L2Character killer) { if(streak >= Config.STREAK1_KILLS) removeSkill(Config.STREAK_SKILL_ID); sendMessage("You have lost your streak!"); streak = 0; } There you go, part of my fallen system, its got alot more checks, database checks and so on. I copied here the barebones. I am not afraid to show what I had. Where as you, don't have the fucking balls to show them. I was never a gold member when I sold my pack and I stopped selling it because I moved it to acis. Acis cannot be sold hence I stopped. Do you understand, me tell you, you are braindead. me tell you, you don't speak english. :alone:
  17. topic is locked due to pack movement to acis. Acis is not allowed to be sold.
  18. I am polylinguistic, Finished 4 A levels, I am going to study 2 uni courses. Yet who are you ? some fucked up kid that makes sub accounts and pming me, on top of that you are lying and using childish tactics. Get a life malakas. Anyway I'm done here, its like arguing with a 10 year old that doesn't know how to write properly yet. Note to you = Get the fuck out of here, learn some basic grammar and increase your vocabulary.Period.
  19. [23:29:08] Extreamer: quit the bitching and prove me wrong other wise the argument is pointless [23:31:24] ॐNikosॐ®: go fuck better. [23:31:26] ॐNikosॐ®: this is all. [23:31:33] ॐNikosॐ®: and dont speak here [23:31:37] ॐNikosॐ®: you are chicken and idiot. [23:31:39] Extreamer: ok [23:31:46] ॐNikosॐ®: speak better in mxc [23:31:59] ॐNikosॐ®: you post my msgs in mxc for you are right [23:32:01] Extreamer: you're so dumb its unreal [23:32:07] ॐNikosॐ®: so dont write here Enough. I feel sorry for the clever greeks that are on this forum. This just shows how stupid this greek is. Proved my point. His pack should not be bought by anyone on this forum! Idiotic excuses. Trance was right about this lock.
  20. I said show me now, you have enough time to post here and flame, show me your code right now simple. else gtfo.
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