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Posts posted by Valve

  1. Nobody, in here wants to hurt to you.


    If you have any personal problems that you want to discuss with someone, feel free to send me a message. I would like to help you, and I will do my best to.

    His only personal problem is hunger for power and control. Too bad here you can't be, but IRL there are doctors that can cure you of that mental illness.

  2. Here are facts to back up Pauler's post :


    You are not even 30, you will understand that games dont matter.

    Its around 2,5k or more, and half of them(or more) are in bot playing as AD carry


    2.5k games + activity on forums + your age == tells me a lot about your social life hahahahahahahaha


    First of all, dekarma'ed for spamming.

    Second, the games are combined with forums so what. I am playing lol for 2,5 years now, so what

    (PS: Dekarma at Valve, since its the same person. Dont make me ban that account as well, smartass)


    And one notice: I am not Aforic and Aforic is not me, we are 2 different persons (Maxtor can confirm with ips also)

  3. wohoho, wait. I locked the 3rd-4th topic you did, not the first. Not even one time


    And ddos is way to take what? That's facism, you know?

    You are a complete nothing to forum, you are abusing it on every way possible. And you think that the world is around you.

    But who the -beep- cares man, you will see ;)

    You can have your opinion, but with my actions I did 2 good things : stopped communism here and you can finally have a social life because of the free time that "I have granted you" because you were 25/24 on mxh and given the facts : your age + 2.500(++) games played on league of lols that gives us an conclusion that you have no social life and probably no girlfriend also. So, consider this as a chance to spend more time within the real life, which matters, not in the virtual world.


  4. He can't tell you anything anymore since he doesn't have the mod power which he abused so many years. Whenever someone talked against him/his friends he would have locked the topic if he didn't like it. And if the person insisted even if he had solid proofs, he again locked topic(s) and dekarmed/banned person. Well that time is over, no more communism around.

  5. Raule...sigur mai merge profitclicking?...cica de pe 16 trebuia sa inceapa sa incasezi ce-i 0.20$ per pachet...

    eu ti-am zis de la inceputul verii ca e o mare teapa, am experienta cu kkturi din astea: refferals, dai click pe ads, completezi surveys... un mare cacat si o mare teapa, ce crezi ca asta nu e diferit? adica eu investesc 1000 $ si in 6 luni aia cu tot cu matrixuri si auto-invest imi scoate mie vreo 12 mii de $? hahahaha, parca as fi ca in 2000 cu sorin ovidiu vantu si cu ala cu fondul proprietatea sau cum dracu se chema, bagai bani la ei, si peste 3 luni reveneai si luai de 8 ori mai mult. La inceput a fost doar pentru aia din cluj dar apoi au venit si prostii din restul tarii si au dat la aia din cluj dupa 3 luni din banii de la restul tarii iar dupa aia au mai trecut cateva luni si au furat ei banii si muie la astia care au venti ca prostii sa bage bani. Si care a fost rezultatul? Presedintele de la ei a luat 2 ani de puscarie cu suspendare, hahahaha, mare kkt. Acum ii vezi pe Vantu si pe Voiculescu mare cacati.

  6. He did an abuse of dekarma


    BonJovi® (2) Valve (-4) - u mean, u had it. Karma abuse punishment. In topic Today at 18:23:20



    Zake gave me back then -1 for that, you give me -1 for same reason? And it passed 1 week since then and you wake up from your sleep and abuse your mod status AND also you are innactive since promote, you should be demoted since there are already 3 golds. Anyway, someone fix my karma.

  7. ο Finito μαζι με τον Zake μου φαγαν 30ευρω Paysafe,και ως δικαιολογια βρηκαν να πουν οτι τις εχω κλεψει. Αποδειξεις θα δειξω στον Zake πως και τι,περνω τις Paysafe αν και δεν σας αφορα.


    Finito δεν σε ηξερα γυφτακο για 30ευρω να κλαιγεσε και να βρισκεις δικαιολογιες. ;)


    PAX Skin is expensive man on league of lols, necesito dinero, lololo

  8. You are the most stupid wanna be legendary member who scammed people and acting like  s hit to the forum and keep saying shits like you did on my topic MiddleMan. Then when Finito dekarmad you, you logged with your alternative account like he didn't know who you are to say shit and defend yourself. Then it got banned. Finito was right he should ban this account of yours too. Go cry now nobody will care for you.


    dude don't go away from the main topic, here is about you and your abuse, not me

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