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Posts posted by SensationWhite

  1. You mean for example


    You use "Greater Running Scroll" and with that program you won't need to wait for scroll's cooldown and you can press it again ?

    i mean when i go to pvp i use earthproof protection,water,wind,fire...and for example i use earthproof then i have to wait 15 s reuse time to use water and again 15s to use fire...i want some kind of program to give them without waiting 15 secs.for example i give earth in 1 sec i give fire in 1 sec i give wind and so on..i heard that exist a program that can make this posible and maiby some cheaters around here might have it

  2. Hy all AioN players.I heard that there is some kind of program that helps you to buff in 1 second with more then 1 scrool without waiting for 25 secs delay.

    If any of you heard about this pls make a link or something or make a post here.

  3. Did you ever wanted to speak to an asmo and you couldnt?

    Well now i find a way or 2.

    First one everybody knows:you make a shop and you write at title what you want to say ,maiby the 2nd way not all of you knows it

    Elyos Alfabet=Asmo Alfabet




























    i hope that i helped some of you.this thing doesnt work from asmo to ely,only from ely to asmo.

    Tested on Infinite AioN and works.

    Cya in pride server


  4. Below is a simple map guide to udas temple:


    The way to first boss:Vallakhan


    Route to Vallakhan


    You will see from the map that there are 3 specific points for you to reach in which you kill 3 named mobs this pathway also has a number of mobs which you will need to clear in order to reach each of the named mob

    mob #1 - Cota the Gatekeeper

    Cota drops the key for the Silent Chapel.

    mob #2 - Vida the Protector or Kiya the Protector

    Breaks one part of the seal on silent chapel

    mob #3 - Tala the Protector

    Breaks second part of the seal on silent chapel

    Once you have killed these mobs, obtained your key and broken the seal you can enter and kill Vallakhan.

    As you will see form the aion.yg.com link Vallakhan drops the key to the great chapel (you need this to enter and kill Anurati)

    Time to go back the way you came to where you entered the temple and prepare to kill some more mobs and enter The Great Chapel to fight Devoted Anurati use the 1st map to guide you back to the beginning of this instance.


    This is a basic tank and spank boss so all I need to give for this section are the following tips:


    1: Clear all the mobs in this chamber before engaging Devoted Anurati

    2: Devoted Anurati  is straightforward tank & spank apart from every 20% health he summons a number of "allies" who come from the entrance to the great chapel (behind your party) to kill you

    3:Simply kills raid fighters quickly, leave tank  cleric focussed on Devoted Anurati and the rest of the party kite & kill the allies then go back to DPS this boss.


    Final part of this guide: The route to Nexus!




    This is a very straightforward route and basically involves killing mobs until you find the 1 named mob that you need to enter the Chamber of Guidance, this mob is called:


    Agra the Guide


    He drops the key to the Chamber of Guidance along with other loot.

    Now we come to the last boss Nexus



    1: Clear all the mobs in the chamber

    2: Tank  lure the boss

    3:Get your drops :)

    This is the way to do it on Official server.

    As for Infinite AioN(where i`m playing) you need key only for Anurati.As for Nexus when it gives that AOE skill move to the other side of the wall(the wall near his location)and you wont take any dmg :)

    CopyRight : http://www.aionworld.eu/

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