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Posts posted by Rzeszut

  1. Hello member i have a any 9 errors please help me :)




    [javac] E:\SOURCE\trunk\Core\java\com\l2jserver\gameserver\model\actor\L2Npc.java:1516: error: cannot find symbol
        [javac] 		if(getNpcId() == 10012 && (killer instanceof L2PcInstance) || (killer instanceof L2PetInstance) || (killer instanceof L2SummonInstance))
        [javac] 		                                                                                 ^
        [javac]   symbol:   class L2PetInstance
        [javac]   location: class L2Npc
        [javac] E:\SOURCE\trunk\Core\java\com\l2jserver\gameserver\model\actor\L2Npc.java:1516: error: cannot find symbol
        [javac] 		if(getNpcId() == 10012 && (killer instanceof L2PcInstance) || (killer instanceof L2PetInstance) || (killer instanceof L2SummonInstance))
        [javac] 		                                                                                                                      ^
        [javac]   symbol:   class L2SummonInstance
        [javac]   location: class L2Npc
        [javac] E:\SOURCE\trunk\Core\java\com\l2jserver\gameserver\model\actor\L2Npc.java:1519: error: cannot find symbol
        [javac] 		player.setKills(player.getKills() + 1);
        [javac] 		                      ^
        [javac]   symbol:   method getKills()
        [javac]   location: variable player of type L2PcInstance
        [javac] E:\SOURCE\trunk\Core\java\com\l2jserver\gameserver\model\actor\L2Npc.java:1522: error: cannot find symbol
        [javac] 		if(player.getKills() == 10 || player.getKills() == 0)
        [javac] 		         ^
        [javac]   symbol:   method getKills()
        [javac]   location: variable player of type L2PcInstance
        [javac] E:\SOURCE\trunk\Core\java\com\l2jserver\gameserver\model\actor\L2Npc.java:1522: error: cannot find symbol
        [javac] 		if(player.getKills() == 10 || player.getKills() == 0)
        [javac] 		                                    ^
        [javac]   symbol:   method getKills()
        [javac]   location: variable player of type L2PcInstance
        [javac] E:\SOURCE\trunk\Core\java\com\l2jserver\gameserver\model\actor\L2Npc.java:1542: error: cannot find symbol
        [javac] 		adminReply.setHtml("<html><title>Captcha Antibot System</title><body><center>Enter the 5-digits code below and click Confirm.<br><img src=\"Crest.crest_" + Config.SERVER_ID + "_" + imgId + "\" width=256 height=64><br><font color=\"888888\">(There are only english uppercase letters.)</font><br1><font color=\"FF0000\">Tries Left: " + player.getTries() +"</font><br><edit var=\"antibot\" width=110><br><button value=\"Confirm\" action=\"bypass -h voice .antibot $antibot\" width=80 height=26 back=\"L2UI_CT1.Button_DF_Down\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\"><br>If you close by mistake this window,<br1>you can re-open it by typing \".captcha\" on Chat.<br1>You have 3 minutes to answer or you<br1>will get jailed.<br1>You have 3 tries, if you will<br1>answer wrong to all of them you<br1>will get punished.</center></body></html>");
        [javac] 		                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ^
        [javac]   symbol:   method getTries()
        [javac]   location: variable player of type L2PcInstance
        [javac] E:\SOURCE\trunk\Core\java\com\l2jserver\gameserver\model\actor\L2Npc.java:1544: error: cannot find symbol
        [javac] 		player.setCode(finalString);
        [javac] 		      ^
        [javac]   symbol:   method setCode(StringBuilder)
        [javac]   location: variable player of type L2PcInstance
        [javac] E:\SOURCE\trunk\Core\java\com\l2jserver\gameserver\model\actor\L2Npc.java:1545: error: cannot find symbol
        [javac] 		ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleGeneral(new CaptchaTimer(player), 180000);//180sec
        [javac] 		                                                    ^
        [javac]   symbol:   class CaptchaTimer
        [javac]   location: class L2Npc
        [javac] E:\SOURCE\trunk\Core\java\com\l2jserver\gameserver\model\actor\L2Npc.java:1546: error: cannot find symbol
        [javac] 		player.setCodeRight(false);
        [javac] 		      ^
        [javac]   symbol:   method setCodeRight(boolean)
        [javac]   location: variable player of type L2PcInstance
        [javac] 9 errors
    E:\SOURCE\trunk\Core\build.xml:59: Compile failed; see the compiler error output for details.
    Total time: 38 seconds


    This is my file L2Npc.java


  2. I have problem to add new zone to data/zone i dont no ;/ and have problem on my gameserver ;/ please send to me files zone on coordinates


    Spawn 1: 130593 114556 -3742

    Spawn 2: 122072 113725 -3796


    This is my spawn , please help me ;/ im check this file , thanks


    and no table on my database ;/ please help server don't read my zone , custom zone add to files pvp_zones.xml


    and have this problem

    ZoneData: Bad data for zone: 301895 in file: pvp_zones.xml
    ZoneData: Bad data for zone: 301896 in file: pvp_zones.xml


    Never please send to me pm on files please help ;/

  3. Mhm ok ok nice mhm i have error on gameserver , please create a new zone  mhm coordinates:

    Spawn 1: 130593 114556 -3742

    Spawn 2: 122072 113725 -3796


    I have problem on creation new zone on data/zone please help


    ZoneData: Bad data for zone: 301895 in file: pvp_zones.xml

    ZoneData: Bad data for zone: 301896 in file: pvp_zones.xml


    Mhm i don't have tabele on my base please help me ;/

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