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Everything posted by An4rchy

  1. Well yes, from open source (almost :P) projects yes.
  2. I don't know about the features, but the fixes etc are not esios...
  3. There's not even a chance you will turn open source again in the future.
  4. Lol, don't tell me this server opened now finally since then?
  5. Well, on Interlude pack(based on l2j), there is a enchant_skills_tree.xml file, where you define which skills can be enchanted.. I hope this helped on how to make 3rd class skills to be enchantable..
  6. Add a check, if (_siegeZone == null) { return; }
  7. Tryskell, your project begun as a 100% open source project and suddenly(actually after leaching) it became a share to get project(SHARE to get), with every right, since not everyone should be able to get stable interlude files so easily and some of them tried to sell it too. In my opinion, your only mistake was that from the moment you turned to share and get, you should let ppl work more to get access and not let it be leached and then add a pay to get system. Because it's almost impossible to join aCis nowadays, since the work left to be done is pure code improvements and rewrite to l2off(which means search l2off files for stuff that are not in l2j too). Anyway, what i want to say is that i'm curious where will this end, when everything is (almost) completed, will you remove the ic members, or just keep them with an 'award' access because of their past work? Also noone will be able to join again in the feature without paying? A new open source interlude project, with active and good developers is needed. And i believe people will help it grow, as happened in aCis too.
  8. :P I just said to Boorinio that he needs to work a lot and show activity in order to get stickied, like aCis did. Anyway.
  9. I understand what you mean, but it's a fact that Tryskell did a great job.
  10. No offense mate, but you must proof it's worth it to get stickied... aCis passed a lot of huuuge commits before getting stickied :P
  11. Lol? Did i say anything? I just mentioned something that is wrong and shouldn't be, check my previous post, it's about checking everything in-game before opening. It doesn't mean that the server's developer is not good, it's mostly admin/gms' work the in-game stuff, the developer is mostly working in core side and helping in-game.
  12. NP :P Btw, buffer says L2 InfernalPain :D On gk, it's imperial tomb, not tomp.
  13. Seems nice, but not really organized. You have to take care of everything in-game before the opening. Server has a good and stable pack as a base, i hope you developer is an exceptional one to code your mods in the best way, not just drop inside what he finds/thinks. Good luck. P.S. Change the GMShop's colors, they are too bright and it is annoying.
  14. :) I didn't really get what you mean, but anyway, i just misunderstood.
  15. I was loled here :P Does Setekh really work here? (Pauler) :SS Boorinio, sorry for being so offensive, it just seemed strange to me, also with that S3tekh name i was loled. Good luck, and an advice: Do not add customs so early in the project, first fix the major l2j problems and then create nice engines. GL guys.
  16. I doubt that people like Setekh and Pauler (specially Setekh, since he is designing his own server these days), would work for your project(since you have a history in creating, mostly failed/closed, interlude projects). Also, keeping the topic clean for you means only allowing positive comments? This is not considered as spam my friend, i just seek for explanations.
  17. I doubt about that... Moreover.. All the commits since source was uploaded(which took you over than 30 commits, lol), are pure customs, except those 2 that 'this' S3tekh did.
  18. Thanks everyone :) The only feature left from core side is just a fix on achievements engine, then the preparations for the gameplay begin :) Just be patient a few more days.
  19. Only pvp master of the day feature is left to make. Thanks everyone and don't forget, add this to your sig if you like the server: [center][img=http://i47.tinypic.com/14t64hv.png][/center]
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