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Everything posted by An4rchy

  1. Shit useless variables for reading the oid of the object, hard coded htmls, using only html (can't find a way to handle confirmdlg? feel free to ask), incomplete safety checks plus useless checks (if an item is weapon, how could it not be equipable or a quest item?). Perhaps you can add it in hellas. Nice try.
  2. This is flaming, what I do is commenting the truth, which hurts a lot from what I can tell. Also, what exactly did you learn from school? Διαβασε χ γραψε χ??
  3. Haha, i laughed my ass off here :P Gratz for the feature, even if the pictures don't show the feature working the way i made it. (And i don't really know what phx bugs you fixed, maybe added 2 checks?) Also, about me knowing you or not, you are very lucky gaming-paradise database doesn't exist, or you would crawl back to your cave and cry with your 'shares' and questions.
  4. Server is very nice, good pvp and good features. However you've made rules too 'strict' for players, it's like you always have to do and go where the server guides you automatically. For example you're not even allowed to exit the instance you enter(from Portal). You should create some 'free hours' for the players, like normal faction systems. Eg. 5 maps, 20 minutes each and players can teleport there anytime and leave and the only goal would be to win the map (by flag capturing/kills). GL, i'll keep playing here, unique and wonderful features.
  5. How many? If the pack is so good, with everything reworked, then why is your title 'pvp' pack? Regarding esios, we both remember what happened in marketplace section with 'new interlude packs' after he added the first unique feature.. If you were in his position, watching others making tons of money from your work, you would do the same and you can't deny it. Absolutepower learned from l2j, which means he lacks of performance knowledge, he is not in the position to use new java features until someone uses it first in l2j and he will always avoid to 'touch' more advanced code(simplest example, features that use reflection/annotations). And i bet the 'reworks' he's done are checks/re-organization of code(which doesn't mean the new structure is always better than the old one). @Absolutepower, you can't use 'world region rework' as a reason for selling a 'pvp' pack 80 euros. Peace.
  6. Sorry about that, %skilllvl% is the correct value.
  7. So, regarding my previous topic about changing dwarfs from 'fighter' to 'mystic' in character creation, i found out that in l2 interlude it can't be done in interface.u (thanks vampir) (actually in no .u interlude file). So my second thought was that the code of this part should be located in nwindow.dll. I tried decompiling this .dll using .net reflector, but it won't load it (i guess because of encryption or smth ?). I know most of you would call me stupid if i tried to use a decompiled .dll (since you won't get 100% correct/working code after decompiling), but i have to try :)
  8. Watch this: PvP zone: Fake online, okay, but really? Pc to npc morph for fake players?
  9. Actually it's not bad, but i think he c/p l2galion(his srv) for more donations.
  10. So any news regarding fighter to mystic on Interlude? (It was going kinda off topic lol ;p)
  11. Site is down? It doesn't load.
  12. Thank you for your kind words. This is exactly what we aim for, have a full set of configurable custom modifications, any kind, which will be easy and useful for admins. Most of the features you mentioned are probably going to be including as parts of a larger mods, thanks. Also, i have to say i was surprised that you actually said you have small knowledge of coding. Most of the admins out there, (want to) believe and claim that they are the top developers, while they end up posting in l2j requests.
  13. It started yesterday, let's wait a bit before talking about it being interesting or not. We have already finished a couple of small custom mods as 'examples' of how everything is going to work, 'bigger features' will come after we create a listener engine and complete the project structure. As regards publicity, there would be no point in making a simple file (jar) for the customs, we could add everything directly into the source (and things like messing up with customs that Elfo mentioned would start happening >> help topics). However, you will find after the new rev update that the configs cover pretty much everything.
  14. If i'm not mistaken, these refer to in-game windows.
  15. I managed to open interface.u with a program, but i can see many Wnd files there, none of wlhich is related to character class/job. Btw i'm talking about Interlude..
  16. I see no reason for calling me a fanboy, since I clearly wasn' speaking about this server. I was referring to your statement that it can't be stable because its style is not new. Anyway, I didn't see you hesitating opening 2 servers that follow an existing style, so...
  17. These values (175-176) are set in the dll?
  18. This means nothing, there are countless examples (l2damage, l2sanity, l2ceriel, l2cydonious opening, l2galion etc) following the same style but at the same time having over 400 online each one.
  19. I'm not sure it's even possible, but who knows.. Is there any way to change Fighter to Mystic on character creation on dwarfs (only). I know you can change it in sysstring but it affects all races, i just want dwarfs.
  20. vasika einai olokliro system, iparxei ena npc Strange Man stin giran kai kathe bradi stis 11;30 ginete drug dealer gia misi ora :D
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