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Everything posted by An4rchy

  1. Half life - 3. To trigono exei 3 gonies. Illuminati confirmed.
  2. Stalonki bots that are fed with posts from tale topic :troll: (Just kidding NeverMore, no drama pls)
  3. If you are trying to prove something over the internet you should first make sure you have the proper english knowledge to be able to understand and make a conversation. Then, you would avoid such replies (the gtfo stuff I quoted). Better go in a german forum and speak your gibberish/barbarian there.
  4. You do realise that the owner of the forum is Greek right? If you have a problem you could just not join, for example.
  5. What is wrong with everyone and they use frozen? Starting area sucks, not even peace zone. No shops inside and you have to walk back to get items. Grade penalty, you can't get a grade directly. Why even levelling? Set it directly to 80, it's a pvp server. More, farming is at PvP zone? ???? Nice try to get some money but the server is way too bad. It's like you made it in 1 day just to get as much money as you can and close it. Shame, it seemed a serious project based on the topic.
  6. If this server is Russian, please do not advertise it as Russian. Do not even add Russian language at the site, only English, otherwise you will NOT get any non-Russian players. Seems a serious project but you should focus on adding a few extra features rather than configuring the existing ones (seven signs, olympiad, quests etc). For example, consider an opening event, perhaps a coin dropped from monsters that can be exchanged for accessory or other items after the 1st week. You get the point, stuff to make the server interesting because there currently 2 other servers with similar features (only rates differ). Good luck.
  7. Good luck with that mate, I'm sure it's going to be something unique.
  8. Wow, are you really that blind? I'll try to answer, but please try to watch. First of all, I represent things the way they are, it just happened to be the way I want too :) As for not attacking me, check again. You tried insult me by saying I do not have even the basic knowledge of l2j networking. Unless I'm the blind one here? I did not attack you for insulting Elfocrash, I only said that you should not judge someone unless you are sure what you're talking about. And from what I've seen in the past 2 (not sure, might be more) years, all you (this is plural) do is flame and not discuss. Therefore, I reasonably assumed that you have no clue about his progress or his current state in programming so all I did was point out that fact. Moreover, what's the point possessing some skills if you only keep them to yourself? People to NOT admire your work/skills, they acknowledge it, as I do, but that has nothing to do with respect. Regarding my code, just for your information I have already sold it 2 times (currently discussing about a 3rd one in skype). 10-15 lines? I see no valid point there. An NPC buffer is no more than 20 lines and yet it changed the history of lineage 2 private servers when it first came out, so please don't tell me about lines because you know yourself that my code is something nice and unique in a server. Oh, about the price, ask anyone and he will tell you I NEVER overcharge anything I sell. My prices are below reasonable for the simplest reason that I enjoy coding and I do not plan on making money out of l2j (at a proper job, sure, but I like to think of l2j as a hobby). And yeah, the code will be forgotten or shared, just as many other codes (some of them being yours as well). That's just the way it is. Oh and btw, I think I have already proven I share for the community, you can check yourself :)
  9. It wasn't nonsense when I posted it, since I spoke based on facts. And till now there were not facts such as 'it's auto generated and currently is down'.
  10. You seriously have anger issues or something xD Mister "-h", what I meant saying that it wouldn't look good is that the whole process would change (selecting item, clicking ok). Oh, just to cover up for your patents about this, no, ConfirmDlg wouldn't look the same either. But then again, I should just stop posting because you are looking for drama and fights, not a discussion. You should really focus on what you do right than trying to be the smartass attacking people you know nothing about. I have my account up and running for over 6 years and no one has something negative to say about me. I acknowledge my skills in l2j and coding and I do not demand respect, I earn it. What about you? Oh I forgot, you wouldn't be posting with a 200 post account if it was otherwise... Just a friendly advise, stop trying to be a smartass and actually try to give suggestions and help people learn rather than throwing rocks from your cave. I have nothing to hide and I clearly admitted my mistake, but you are still here crying for fck knows what reason.
  11. Actually you could make an html to choose the item from there, but it wouldn't look as good.
  12. It's not? Aren't the items deleted? Perhaps you tried with the admin char having very few items in your inventory.
  13. The visual deletion of the items is gonna doesn't sound too much, but if the player adds one ls per second and if he has 100 items in inventory (when the inventory is open btw) imagine deleting 95 items and adding them back every sec. Even if you send a false inventory update (which means the inventory is not updated server-side) the client will still delete the items visually.
  14. No re-direct, no notification on site so my post is not nonsense. Besides, it's been like that for days so my try was worth it ))
  15. You know what I mean, please stop looking for drama I'm not in the mood.
  16. Well I'm not sure how am I supposed to respond to this, so I'll just say the truth ;p I know how networking on l2 works (at least the basics, as you said), but what you proposed as a solution is a way I obviously never thought about (patenta). BUT, each LS would still be laggy even if not actually deleting every item from the inventory, because the client would still have to visually delete the items. Therefore, we are both right at different points here, you just found a less, but still, laggy alternative way to the one I wrote before. About the things said for Elfocrash, I am not the one to defend him, but I will just say that you don't really have a chance achieving what he has in the past couple of weeks. But again, it's up to him to explain further. Last but not least, you don't have to 'feel pitty' for me since I never coded what I said and even if I tried to do it, I would come across your idea :)
  17. You all unity dogs barking at mxc but too scared to fill that changelog page on your site : )))))))))))))
  18. Wtf? That's not even 1% of a mid rate's info. Zones? Starting lvl/items/zone etc. Buffer what buffs? Max buff slots? If I were you, I would delete this topic immediately and make a proper one, unless you want to get a sh1t pack or get scammed. BTW, why don't you try to make your own? Everything you asked for is shared.
  19. But how can you claim you will not fail on such a different server? I mean, each one of us gave you facts for the reason you 'might' fail but you didn't. Unless it is not the time to reveal (?).
  20. That's the sad part of Interlude nowadays, you can either have a server YOU like or you can have a common server with many players. I don't blame you, it has happened to me before. Check L2Elcardia (the old one).
  21. No it cannot be done like this, enchant system uses ChooseInventoryItem packet which sends only the opcode of the packet and the scroll id to add the name on the title of the page. Then, I guess, it reads client-side the items in the inventory and shows them in the window. The only possible way to do it like this if you delete all other items from players inventory and leave the weapons, then send an inventory update packet, then send the ChooseInventoryItem packet and then re-add them in the inventory, but that's not efficient at all since each lifestone will be 'laggy'. So a simple check would be enough :P Thx everyone.​
  22. Exactly that, but you should also search for L2Retro and see what happened there if Elfo's facts are not convincing enough... L2Retro was exactly the same thing, new game with storyline based on H5 but it still failed.
  23. It was all about the capitals :troll: To be honest, even though this server was well designed, with all the details taken care of (speaking of common gameplay issues), the gameplay was boring. Besides that, it is never a good idea to use a massive zone as farm zone, because there will be no action. As well as that, why add only 2 bosses and only 1 farm zone, expand the players possibilities, add more. No, the action won't be split, watch l2damage (sh1t server for me, the only thing the admin does is promote donates), it has over 4 farm zones and there is pvp in all of them. Another thing, I know you tried to keep the gameplay 'classic', but trust me, nowadays the PvP zone NEEDS to be auto-flag zone. Bosses are the main part of gameplay on interlude servers, but you only limited them to 2. I mean, you can't expect players to keep pvping without any objectives for 4 hours until next respawn of boss. Finally, don't try to limit the npcs. It won't work, as you may have already noticed by yourself. When a new player enters the server and sees the main town with 4 npcs, he is disappointed (even if he shouldn't be). Also, I was searching for about 10-15 minutes before I figured out where dyes were sold. Such things should be obvious to new players as they want to get ready for action as fast as possible. To sum up, you tried to do something good (classic pvp gameplay) in a bad way. The concept was good, but the way you approached the creation of the gameplay was not the proper one to attact nowadays IL players. Such server would be really UNIQUE back in 2008, but now players' expectations are way over that and they keep increasing. Last but not least, you shouldn't expect the player to explore every aspect of the server's gameplay, you should make things obvious. GL next time from me, I hope I helped you out by pointing stuff from my experience with the Interlude community (coming from an IL player as well). (But seriously, no capitals look really bad :D)
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