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Everything posted by An4rchy

  1. If this forum is wiped or re-made from scratch it will die completely, 90% of the members won't even bother making new acc again lol. Not to mention most people are here to find shares to open supreme serbidor.
  2. Unfriendly? XDD It's way easier to add or edit npcs or items in xml, but I guess you mean that you were used to l2j that had more than 80% of static data in sql. Besides some scripts which are basic for a low rate server, everything else is working. And as you said, if you choose aCis you need to pay a developer or have knowledge, therefore you can make them yourself or as you wish for your server. I really do not see why would anyone ever choose l2jfrozen to open a server, unless he's clueless and wants to spend maximum 30 euro for the server.
  3. Well that's not quite true since to get free access you must have knowledge on either java programming or contribute in other ways but you still need knowledge. However I agree with the fremium concept on aCis since progress is faster with it and there are no leaches, but the term 'freemium' is not as accurate imo.
  4. When I say performance I mean the best you can achieve in the language you are programming, not generally. What I wanted to say in simple words is that the logic 'if it works it's fine' is not acceptable in all cases, the code you produce should be re-usable, extendable (if it can be) and easy to understand it's structure and it's purpose. About aCis, tbh the only difference the player's can see as you said xdem are mostly bug/exploit fixes, nothing more. L2j interlude branch has pretty much the same gameplay except for some missing things and exploit/bug fixes. Tryskell did in fact begin working on aCis by syncing with latest l2j, and he even said he's gonna be doing that, but aCis moved on from that, at least from what I can see. Many developers joined as inner circle members and they started to produce their own code apart from l2j. Tryskell even stopped making fixes on systems he copied from latest l2j (namely skills), as they will be making new engines to replace the existing ones. I'm not an aCis fanboi or something, but aCis if worked properly can produce a stable and clean pack to open a server.
  5. What you wrote makes no sense tbh. A code should always be implemented in the best way performance-wise.
  6. Bad idea if you ask me, most of them will only try to leach. Good luck though it sounds promising that you chose H5 since it gives more possibilities regarding the client.
  7. Nice implementation. I asked deMEV also about the league of legends map, but he said 1000 $ with geodata and it's kinda high imo. Also it is very big for 5v5 in lineage, you get lost in there. Your turrets btw could be a bit smaller, easier for the player to see the full statue. Nice work though.
  8. It will most likely take a while since I'm currently working on eola at these days, but I'll keep your offer in mind.
  9. Yeah I've seen those guys making L2 on UE4, but I don't think they will get the chance to publish it.. Copyright issues and such..
  10. Thanks :) It isn't lol, it is a MOBA type gameplay considered just another event in L2. About the minions, as I said, the AI needs to be optimized. At the moment they lock on a target until it is dead or far away from them, that's why you see them not targetting the other minions when they were attacking the turet. Thanks. My client mod knowledge is too low and I can't be bothered to learn ;p If I find any shared templates that are good looking, I might add them. Well the event is supposed to be a MOBA event and lanes are the identity of MOBAs. Idk though, I might actually change it. Thanks again.
  11. I wanna talk, I like talking :) I said my bad, I misunderstood what you wrote. - To be honest I tried to find an area that would fit the moba style (with lanes etc), but I wasn't able to find one. Plus I asked deMEV about the price on the geodata of this map and it was 250 euro.. Kind of high imo. - The waves will be dynamic on the final version. For example, if an outer turret(the first turret) is destroyed, the minions of the team that had the destroyed turret will get a slight bonus on stats, so that the lane is pushed to the other way. I might add structures like inhibitors, that when destroyed the team that destroyed them would get more or stronger minions etc. - Sounds like a nice idea. - This is possible too and since I have no client mod knowledge it would spare me the time to make custom npcs and skills for the turrets. - The way I have it now is like the olympiad system, it opens for example at 14:00 and lasts 120 minutes. And it works with queues since I will try to balance the games depending on gear, classes etc in the future. Thank you for your suggestions :)
  12. The scheduling of the event is probably going to be configurable. Meaning there will be many ways to launch 5v5 events. Elfo wrote decent, he meant it in a good way and I thought you meant it's 'not decent' because of the minions jumping, lol, my bad. Hey I'm not trying to start a war with you whatsoever. Good job on making the event with xml support and such, I will probably extend it as well with dynamic waves and such, what you saw is just a 4-5 hours work. Besides, the hard part is not the waves the spawning and this stuff, the hard part is to optimize the AI of both turrets and minions. It's not just target points and move to them, it should work more dynamically with targetting, supporting nearby minions, target priorities and such. Also each wave should be considered as a 'whole' not just 4 random minions that spawned at the same time. What you wrote makes no sense btw, lineage 2 is another game and this is an event that (maybe) will be running in lineage 2, not the whole game modified to be a MOBA (like L2Newline for example). This will be something like your classic TvT event, or the Olympiad. There will be many options on the configs on the final version. For example the admin will be able to leave players with their gear and buffs, or he can choose to remove items from their inventory and players can buy items as the game progresses with adena/points the get from kills, farming, turrets etc. Thank you for your feedback.
  13. Thanks mate ^^ The idea is to eventually add inhibitors, structures that can be destroyed and then each lane would spawn stronger minions. Nexus already has a high hp regeneration. Idk about player equipment, since I coded this keeping in mind it is just another event, just a bit different. It might be added though since I've got some ideas on it. Thanks for your feedback :) Mate, legit I admire the fact that you got a 'decent' knowledge base and can judge posts with it, but please look more into each topic before you comment your opinion. Minions jumping is retail on L2, check Goblin Scout yourself on retail. It isn't a custom. There are no physics on the code btw too.. About deMEV adding his own logos on the share, he mentions that in the topic, since his shares are only previews of the produts he's selling. I don't think you would, to be honest :) Everything is taken well-care of and given its necessary time to be coded. There might be some slight mistakes or misuses of java/code, but they will be fixed eventually. After all, this is just a preview. It is a 'complex code', if I understood well the meaning of your phrase, but that doesn't mean I've made it more complex than it should be. I use existing aCis features (Ai's mostly, just overriden methods to handle the minions/turrets AI), while implementing my own code to manage queues and such.. Thank you all for your feedback :)
  14. Hello. This is an Event I've been working on the past 2 days. Description: MOBA Games start every day at 14:00 for 2 hours. Players can enter the queue to find a game. The games are 5vs5. Each team has its base (nexus), 6 towers (turrets) and minions (creeps). The minions are spawned after 1 minute into the game and then respawned every 25 seconds. The goal is to destroy the enemy nexus. Preview: To clarify a few things: - The reason I'm making this topic is NOT to show off, it is to see what people think about such an idea in l2. - The video you just saw is a VERY early version and has many missing features (player K/D/A, each turret having a 'son' turret and can only be destroyed if son turret is destroyed etc). - The AI is very early as well, for both minions and turets. It needs high optimisation and a few changes. - The map is based on the shared version deMEV made of Roman Arena, so it is without geodata (therefore some visual bugs on the minions). - The stats of minions, turets and the nexus are not properly optimized. Thanks.
  15. Yeah this bug was caused because I changed from a list to a map, I forgot to change items.remove(item); to items.remove(item.getAuctionId()); on removeItem() method. Thanks for the report, fixed and topic updated.
  16. Do you still run interlude? I remember finding it on your website long ago but no I checked and there wasn't an Interlude server pack.
  17. Ti pack xrisimopoieis? To mono pragma pou mporei na sou petaei NPE sto line 69 einai to getKnownList() i to getKnownTypeInRadius() na kanei return null gia kapio logo. Dikse tin method getKnownTypeInRadius(). Ama einai to getKnownList() kati exeis piraksei me ta custom pou exeis valei.
  18. Enoei oti xrisimopoiei to interlude branch tis l2j. Proton sou protinw na min to xrisimopoiiseis giati an dn ksereis pws na pernas npc sigoura dn mporeis na to doulepseis mexri na ginei etoimo gia na anoikseis ton server sou.. An thimame kala omos ta npc einai se sql.
  19. I've tested similar systems (map accessed by many players, looped through etc) and never had a ConcurrentException before. Probably because it's too fast or I'm too lucky. Anyway updated.
  20. Damn I was too fast ;p On the next update tomorrow maybe, can't be arsed now ;p
  21. - I thought about that to be honest when I was uploading this share, but it's been 2+ years since I made it. Gonna update it. - I don't see what could go wrong with that to be honest.. - The paging system was added after the original npc was created(since I ended with critical errors on many items) so it's really messy and to be honest I can't be bothered to update it. - I know, idk why I did it that way when I was making it to be honest. Gonna be on next update. - I always prefer htmls on htm side but in this case most of the htm is generated server-side so it would be pointless having 5 lines of htm code in htm side when the htm is way longer. - Extra feature, can't be bothered to add it. - Gonna be on next update, thanks. - Extra feature, can't be bothered to add it. - Extra feature, can't be bothered to add it. Thanks for the feedback.
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