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Posts posted by DnR

  1. Einai auto pou s pa. Empodizei to toggle na apenergopoih8ei. Twra to blue screen pou mou les einai 8ema tou frozen.

    Loipon, afairese ti grammi pou sou eixa pei kai pigaine kai sto EffectFakeDeath, afairese to getEffected().stopFakeDeath(this); kai vale getEffected().standUp();


    Ekei stelnei ena epipleon ChangeWaitType packet, mporei na uparxei kapoios logos.


    Episis sto L2Character:

            public final void stopFakeDeath(L2Effect effect)
    +               setIsFakeDeath(false);
    	if(effect == null)
    -		setIsFakeDeath(false);
    	// if this is a player instance, start the grace period for this character (grace from mobs only)!
    	if(this instanceof L2PcInstance)
    		((L2PcInstance) this).setRecentFakeDeath(true);
    	ChangeWaitType revive = new ChangeWaitType(this, ChangeWaitType.WT_STOP_FAKEDEATH);
    	broadcastPacket(new Revive(this));
    	getAI().notifyEvent(CtrlEvent.EVT_THINK, null);
    	revive = null;

  2. Search

                            if(effect != null)
    			//fake death exception
    			if (skill.getId() != 60)
    			// Send a Server->Client packet ActionFailed to the L2PcInstance
    		TOGGLE_USE = System.currentTimeMillis();



    //fake death exception
    if (skill.getId() != 60)


    Παίζει να δουλέψει σωστά αυτό ?


    Apla svisto kai 8a doulevei opws 8es.

  3. Cosworth, you're not able to explain anything.

    Your 2 Players (To be honest your 2 Friends) beg to stop ddos.

    Anyone help you as i see every Player WHO'S login they was say just fail server , -> Exit.

    About this, you made my day and just fell in my eyes

    You have no idea with who you talk.

    I am not saying MORE.... becuase i can and the truth hurts sometimes ;)

    BTW you was crying to your VPS Seller about the attack and he is just close the (80) port , so late and so incompetent to do it alone, you paid too for this?  :troll:

    because you pay some fail - free (ddos protections) ,where can you find them everywhere ,doesn't mean that it can not be attacked.


    so stop indicating to a Smart Ass.. &  :gtfo:




    nice features but with 1 attack your server was down, wtf protection u have?

    some anti-ddos programs at the VPS server;

    fix it , becuase i waste my time to your server


    I think you are the smartass here, or at least you tried fairly enough.

    You started all this pretending to be the poor player, whose fun is ruined due to ddos attacks.

    All this just to give bad name to server or perhaps draw Cosworth' s attention?

    I don' t get your point at all.

  4. nice features but with 1 attack your server was down, wtf protection u have?

    some anti-ddos programs at the VPS server;

    fix it , becuase i waste my time to your server

    So, you got a better protection to suggest?

  5. Bugless server (have played there during beta. Yes there has been a beta, it' s not a server waiting for people to experience insane bugs). They have fixed every single bug that has been discovered in game.

    I have worked with these people in the past, and they' ve been trustworthy, fair, and rly cool guys.

    I wouldn' t say that custom items are imbalanced.

    It' s totally worth giving it a try.


    I wish you good luck. :)


    P.S: Nice song :D

  6. Revision 384.


    Command Channel implementation and few fixes.


    Just read C4 notes ^^.


    If a clan leader of a clan above level 5 invites a party with the /channelinvite command or by clicking on the Channel Invitation button in the party action section of the action window (Alt+C) the command channel will be created and chat window activated.
    A maximum number of 50 parties can join one channel.
    The channel will automatically disband when the channel creator disbands his party.
    The command channel window shows information about the channel.
    If the channel creator terminates the game unexpectedly or transfers party leader privileges to another individual, channel creator privileges are transferred to the new leader. The recipient of these privileges does not have to be a clan leader of a level 5 clan. In other words, the prerequisite of a channel creator is a clan leader of a level 5 clan and a party leader, but merely a party leader is sufficient for subsequent channel maintenance.
    Other parties can be invited with the /channelinvite command or by clicking on the Channel Invitation button in the party action section of the action window (Alt+C). If channel invitations have been extended to members of other parties, the invitation message will ask for the invited party leader’s approval.
    After the channel has been activated, the channel creator can deliver notices and messages to all characters in the channel by clicking on the All Command icon. Each party leader can chat by clicking on commander chat icon.
    The following commands are used in the multiparty command window.
    /channeldelete: Disbands the channel
    /channelinvite [name]: Invites parties to channel.
    /channelkick [leader name]: Expels a party from channel.
    /channelleave: Withdraws from channel.
    /channelinfo: Shows information about the channel.


    The command channel is activated only if at least five parties participate in.

    I have made the number of parties configurable in altSettings (how the hell could sb gather 5 parties in high rate?).

    Everything should be retail like, though the code can be furtherly improved.


    Have fun

  7. Don't exaggerate a lot with the DB share it only with your trusted people,because there is a lot of fun and hard work there


    Are you talking about Database? Well, server hasn' t got thousands of players, so why would it be exaggerating?

  8. Here is forum news. Good luck :)

    Dear players,
    Thank you for joining our beta period. A wipe will be performed today, a new patch will be uploaded and the server goes from beta to official launch!
    When? Monday 6th May 2013
    We hope that you all have a nice gameplay!

  9. I see there is GM activity:

    -Changed mantra cost for S grade armors.
    -Added Dark Crystal Heavy part to A grade armors.
    -Changed CoV, PoF and PoW duration to 3 hours.
    -Changed Blessing/Gift of Seraphim/Queen duration to 3 hours.
    -Enabled autoloot.
    -Added XP to the mobs in farming zone.
    -Spawned the Masters for Skill Enchant to Giran Harbor.
    -Spawned Olympiad Manager to Giran Harbor.
    -Made the upper lever of Giran Harbor a peaceful zone, while under the stairs starts the PvP zone.
    -Changed the price of Blessed Enchant Scrolls.

  10. Thank you for mentioning! It really was confusing


    Btw, if you are open to few suggestions, i believe that online players "Map" plays a bad role.

    Enemies can be aware of your current location, so that they can interrupt your leveling or raid fight.

    Not to mention that people can' t perform a sudden attack at Castle Sieges because of this.

  11. Thank you very much for your support! As for the farming areas, there is currently one and we are working on others with some raid bosses too.


    In downloads there is a wrong client description.

    It' s no big deal but ppl might get confused.

    In order to play at L2 Bronze, you will need Interlude Client. You can download it from below



  12. Nothing to do with thread details. Perhaps, they changed their minds.


    Draconian, Lineage 2 is now Interlude !
    * Dedicated Server, hosted in a Datacenter
    * 1oo Mbits/sec Bandwitch
    * XP: 65
    * SP: 65
    * Drops: 30
    * Spoils: 30
    * Adena: 150
    * Party: 2x
    * Champions Mobs: 5%

  13. Revision 366.


    Clan Hall Updates and some mixes:
    - Updated HP reg/MP reg/EXP functions.
    - Updated support magic.
    - Updated teleports.
    - Item Creation implementation. Along with that, i fixed the exploit that players were buying infinite countable items such as bsoe, which works in most l2j servers.
    - Decoration implementation. Thanks xlinkinx, and DanielaCZ for reporting.
    - Doors now open with confirm pop up.
    - Fixed Clan hall grades displayed in Auction.
    - Now, once a clan is deleted or a player loses clan hall, the clan hall will be put back into auction.
    - Fixed NPE errors.
    - Improved admin_clanhallset command.
    - Now, once a clan that bidded is deleted, the bid is cancelled.
    - Fixed teleports for Disciples Necropolis and Saints Necropolis. Thanks DanielaCZ.
    - Improved effects getting removed during subclass change.
    - Improved Enchant List. Now if enchant condition is inappropriate, enchant list will be cancelled.
    - Fixed bug with underwear being unequipped when an unequipped item was crystallized during enchantment.
    - Merchant htmls and buylists. Thanks roko91.
    - Fixing SAs for weapons. Thanks DanielaCZ for reporting,and roko91 for feedback.
    - Re-adding IPv4 protection.
    - Improved exp formula for deep blue mobs.
    - Added Olympiad check for invisible players.
    - Fixed notifyAttack to be triggered only if damage > 0.

  14. 8 years ago, when the world was full of similar private servers, Elite was called noobish. The funny thing is that all servers are dead except for Elite.

    That grants L2Elite some kind of respect.

  15. We have a solid list for closed beta it will be starting in a few days. Again there is no eta on how long it will last. we have a lot of testing to do.

    Pardon me for being Offtopic, but have you made a final decision about server rates?

    Many suggestions have been provided by users, but i would like to have a clear answer by the staff.



  16. Hello people,
    The new update consists of the following:
    1)Manor system was asked long time ago, and now it' s working.
    2)Chamberlain Receive report fixed. Thanks hellyah for reporting. Now all chamberlain buttons are working.
    3)Updated Spawnlist according to xlinkinx's share. Thanks a lot.
    4)Solved an issue in IDFactoryTest ("Rnd.nextInt(int)").
    Have fun.

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