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Posts posted by DnR

  1. Forum has new domain. For the time being, it's www.l2jlisvus.eu. Users can also still use l2jlisvus.forumotion.com to access forums.


    On 1/6/2019 at 7:48 PM, onlinerlin said:

    Thanks for keeping this project alive.

    btw you should replace the forum link in the first post with the new one.


    Done. Thanks for pointing out.

  2. Hello MxC community.

    This is a client mod for C4 client which increases buff slots per row from 10 to 12, just like later chronicles.
    So far, the maximum visual buff limit was 30. From now on, it's 36.

    The limit for party window buffs was also updated to 12 per row.
    There is already a patch of mine about party for 15 buffs per row, but the reason of reducing the amount was symmetry, according to user interface.

    In this picture, we see the old interface with 36 buffs + Focused Force (server-based) on character.
    Client limit of 30 buffs was overflown and etc status bar was broken.
    Also, servitor status window consists of a maximum of 20 buffs.




    Now in this picture, we see the new interface with enhanced abnormal status window and 36 buffs + Focused Force.
    Limit of buffs is 36 and even if it reaches 37, etc status bar will still be there.
    This was a small client bug that got fixed in the way.
    Also, servitor status window consists of a maximum of 24 buffs.




    Though it looks small as a feat, it's almost practically impossible to modify slots.
    After a lot of struggle, the changes were injected and gave us a 100% functional window.
    It has no flows and not to mention that even tooltip hover is a bit more accurate than before.

    This issue was first reported in our forums by WilliamFS in 2013.

    Download Link 1

    Download Link 2

    Just paste the file into your system folder.

    I hope you find it useful.

    Best regards,

    • Like 1
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    • Upvote 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Tassadar said:

    Hi, thanks for your patch!
    How You can change number of displayed buffs?


    You're welcome mate.

    As all interface logic is embedded in a dynamic library, you need a disassembler and a hex editor to perform these changes.

    After searching a lot, I found the code and injected these small changes.


    I have also found code sections for abnormal status window, but it's so hardcoded that my assembly skills are too poor for it.


    P.S. I have made a minor correction and uploaded a new file. I recommend you use this one.

  4. Hello people.

    This improvement is related to party buff window displaying up to 20 buffs in C4 client.

    Actually, the limits are 20 for party window buffs, and 30 for user's abnormal effect window.


    This patch increases party buffs (visually) by increasing buffs per row to 15, a total of 30.

    It affects party, pet, and summon windows.




    In the picture above, there is a representation of the issue on servitor with 30 buffs casted upon it.

    I know it's a minor change, but I'm sure it's going to be helpful to somebody.


    Download Link 1

    Download Link 2





    UPDATED: Added new patch (Minor correction on party window) and extra download link.

    • Upvote 2
  5. On 4/18/2018 at 1:29 AM, francina said:

    too much bugs,they aren't stable projects and they did not have much time development, they don't have many people who test them so i prefer a downgrade 


    If you really want to create something on your own, just do it, but stop using stateless arguments.

    There are 2 projects working on this chronicle.

    Projects are definitely NOT perfect, especially ours since it's currently inactive, but they are stable enough.

    Much time development? I took the first step on 2011, making use of the most unstable branch in the history of L2JServer and turned it to what Lisvus is today. After all this struggle, i have enough precious knowledge as regarding packets and MMO Core, to state that it might be easier to downgrade an interlude project, but the experience gained and this whole journey was really precious.


    Also, L2JAdmins is being kept up-to-date as regarding reworks in L2J branches and one of its major differences to us, is Java quest scripts.


    We have good and enough testers. Servers have also used our software these past years.

    If a serious issue occured, it would be fixed right away.


    Among the MANY reasons that made my project development from slow to inactive, is the reason that project was used mostly for the establishment of Gold-like and spanish - only stuck sub servers. Really disappointing and definitely not  the result i expected few years ago, when i took my first step. Misuse is one of projects's greatest enemies.

    • Upvote 1
  6. Commit 596

    - Clean of useless <head> tags in HTML files.
    - Corrected Clan Hall - Concentration buff stack order. Thanks Karakan.
    - Corrected wrong Bison Spirit Totem stats. Thanks Karakan, fissban, and confejulian.
    - Corrected Death Bomb skill effect. It's a suicide skill now.
    - Fixed NPE caused by suicidal skills.
    - Changed default newbie value in characters table to 0.
    - Corrected skill trigger chances for Hero Weapons.
    - Fixed weapon trigger skills not working. Thanks Flopix.
    - Fixed servitor/pet attack + cast issue. Thanks Flopix.
    - Removed procure crop tax consuming adena from Clan Warehouse. Thanks Karakan.
    - Fixed a problem which prevented loot system from getting the correct damage dealer.
    - Solved a small NPC quest window issue.
    - Added a safety check for admin commands.
    - Fixed NEGATE skills like Purify not targeting self. Thanks confejulian.

    This is the last commit of 2017.
    I would like to thank you all, and especially those who have been here all this time and will still be here.
    I wish you all a happy new year! Smile

    Best wishes

  7. Αν ήθελες να δημιουργήσεις κάποιο δικό σου project θα το καταλάβαινα, αλλά να ανοίγεις server αναπτύσσοντας ένα branch της L2JServer το οποίο έχει απεριόριστα flows

    μου κάνει εντύπωση, γιατί αυτό θα κάνεις αν δεν χρησιμοποιείς κάποια απ τα υπάρχοντα packs. Υπάρχουν 2 δωρεάν stable projects μόνο και μόνο για να τα αξιοποιήσουν άτομα που θέλουν να ανοίξουν τον δικό τους server. Δεν έχουμε κανένα κέρδος πέρα από την ικανοποίηση και τη χαρά του να δουλεύουμε, εσείς έχετε κέρδος όμως.

  8. Hello guys,

    It seems i can't pay enough attention to the project due to lack of time.
    Support and answers might be minimal, but i will at least try to improve the project code, even though i'm rarely present in forums.
    This is a notification for the 2 recent changes along with a recap of 2 previous commits.

    - Added new Zaken script written in Java.
    - Corrected a reported clan hall's wrong merchant ids.
    - Cleaned and improved a part of hating code.
    - Fixed GMViewWarehouse packet. Thanks DanielaCZ.
    - From now on, if buff slots exceed 30, since client can't support more of them, extra buff slots are set in the place of first buff slots.
      For example, a character has wind walk Lv.2 as a first buff, and Fist Fury as a toggle buff.
      First Fury will replace Wind Walk, but both effects will be active.
      If character turns off Fist Fury, Wind Walk will reclaim its slot.
    - Corrected duplicate SA stats. Thank you Flopix.
    - Added a custom option to set buff duration for NPC buffs without affecting skills duration.
      For example, NPC Dance of Mystic buff may last for 2 hours if setting is set to 7200 seconds, but if casted by Blade Dancer, it lasts for 2 minutes (retail).

    Have a nice day,

  9. Revision 500

    After many requests, we use L2J Abstraction Layer GeoEngine.
    This is definitely for the best, and i believe it's more stable than old GeoEngine.
    Thank you all for suggesting, testing, and contributing. 
    ~List of done~
    - Updated LS & GS decryption communication data. Might fix login checksum problem that rarely occurs.
    - Reworked PathFinding.
    - Added small check for calling minions.
    - Added a check to prevent inventory from dropping stackable items when full.
    - Pets won't delevel in PvP zones anymore. Also, AltGameDelevel setting should be applied to pets as well.
    - Cleaning in L2GroupSpawn.
    - Corrected spawn Z for quest addSpawn.
    - Pets can enter derby track zone, too.
    - Fix for Faenor range.
    Thank you all for your precious support, and i hope you enjoy these new changes. ^^
  10. Revision 482

    - Updated and fixed all bugs for SQL Account Manager. It cleans all account & character-related tables, just like it should. (still buggy with clan data in l2j project).
    - Added new settings for server & settings, classpath and javabuilder for datapack. Thanks pandragon.
    - Corrected login warning if illegal argument exception is thrown. Account name is not set at that time, so we use account IP instead.
    - From now on, hexid file will be saved as hexid.txt. This will get rid of file renaming, which was useless.
  11. I know it's hard that project is so inactive and i feel sorry about this, but i'm afraid there is no other choice.
    I took the chance of holidays to do some work, so here we are.

    Revision 473

    - Dimensional Rift implementation.
    After many requests, it's ready for gameplay. Thanks xlinkinx, and many others.
    The party rules are slightly different however, in order to stabilize the system.
    1) If a party member is dismissed, party will be ported to the waiting room (retail-like).
    This will prevent exploits such as leader being greedy and dismiss most of the members in order to keep boss drops.
    2) If a party member leaves party, clicks to village button or logs out, he/she will be expelled to the waiting room.
    3) Once ported to the next room, all dead members will be revived (excluding the use of a chance card and all members having died).
    4) If all members have died, they will be ported to the waiting room, once room timer is over (retail-like).
    Missing parts.
    - Moving to another room of your choice with adena fee.
    - Teleportation from Oracle of Dawn/Dusk to Dimensional Rift.
    General fixes.
    - TvT Event update. Teleportation is working more correctly now, since it was exploitable before.
      Now, players will be informed 20 seconds before the event starts that they will be ported to arena.
    - Improved TvT Event revive.
    - GMs can now attack Festival & Rift monsters.
    - Added missing message for Mercenary Redfoot.
    - Exp penalty will now be applied to a character during death, even if he's reached Lv78 & 100%. Thanks Karakan.
    - Small change in Test of Reformer. Now, Aruraune will spawn wherever the last Nameless Ghoul dies. Thanks Karakan.
    - Small correction for Rift teleport quest condition.
    - Magic skill block has become a just broadcast skill, just like in L2j.
    - Fixed Zombie Lord Farakelsus bad coords, making the boss unable to be attacked. Thanks Meteoro.
    - Added 2 missing spellbooks and description for all of them. Thanks lordeze.
    - Party range is configurable now.
    - Fixed duplicate message, if player tried to use a Scroll of resurrection on an NPC.
    - NPE checks in DayNightSpawnManager.
    - Small improvements and NPE fix in SevenSignsFestival.
    - Fixed a bug that monsters were getting respawned, even when respawn has stopped. It's met mostly in Siege guards, and Dimensional Rift monsters.
    - Added a check to prevent participants of Festival of Darkness to register to the Grand Olympiad games (just in case).

    Thanks a lot for your precious support, and patience.

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