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Posts posted by hmzzz

  1. Cause im simply the best, most cute and the most awesome legendary person in this forum :3  :wub:

    Suck meh :3

    and im tha most hated person in this forum :(

    Nope :D Infaimous is


    I was sitting at homy it was totally boring, then i just started thinking about sex and i ended up horny lel

    You will always have me by your side, at least for that part :D

  3. I know these feelings... Sometimes I just wake up in the middle of the night, all sweaty, you know... So I just put on pants, go outside on the garden, take a shovel and dig out a hole in the ground, about 0,5x2m top.


    Then I just lay in it, I cover myself with the mud I digged out (I just leave face above the ground so I can breathe) and I pretend Im a potato.

    Professional help  ? :D

  4. You want to open a server, but you can't find 150$? :lol:

    You know nothing.. He got 70k from l2 he doesn't need our money :troll: He just want to give them back to us *from where he got the eventually selling us pro codes* by giving us work and food :/

  5. You know Access is probably a guy, right :y u no?: Not that there's anything wrong with some homo tho :dat:

    Don't give a fuck :D u mad, bro ?


    It's good that you know my opinion about you ^_^
  6. I told you im objective, if someone speak to me in bad way i rape him no matter if this is you or elfo or maxtor or anyone else.. i dont lick.. now if you're good to me, i m your best friend :3

       ~Actually if I remember correct I haven't even speked to you before you started hating me :D Anyways :wub: 

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