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Posts posted by Belzebul

  1. lol Shushei fanboi.


    Top AP carries are Brand, Orianna, Annie and Cass.


    Gragas not that good :*

    right now, morg is.

    I play Gragas with:

    5 archangel

    1 deathcap

    you should try it and after complete this build buy all potions,recently i reached 1500 ap and my ulty killed some weak champions with once ;P

    faking greek trollers that join ranked games. GF.

  2. Dude, get serious. I have better overall stats than you with both Shaco and Lee Sin @ Ranked Stats and I've been playing them for like 1 month each(Actually these ranked games with Shaco are the only games I've used him at. Haven't even played him at normals). Mastering the champion is nothing. All you need is game knowledge.

    Never said i master lee sin, but im proud of my shaco playing since i carried so many russians-brasillians-leavers-haters-afkers-flamers-ebay accounts from -500 elo to 1200.


    Also, who the fuck cares for the score? You guys think that lol is dota?

    nvm and i have such score cause i had to do almost everthing in my games.


    and dude, u should get serious u have 5 games with shaco and i got 70(ranked). just lol.


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