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Everything posted by CrazyManiac

  1. No way..... Noone can't be an angel to l2 server M8!!!!!!!!!!! :P all are hackers there..... :P Almost.....
  2. a0xa0xx0a0x0xa0xax0x0ax0x0ax0x0aa OMG ax0ax0ax0x0a0xx0ax0ax0x0a egw telika 9a di9w tambakis axax0xa0x0ax0x0ax0x0ax0ax0a :P
  3. And what about GM Behaviour???? Are they helpfull when u need them??? or it's just online to show that they are GM's and anything else???
  4. Doesn't matter.... Anything he will going to do is the same like other servers.... Also it's better to make something by his own knowledge and don't try to make his server like the others.... with same customs and areas and anything else....
  5. Sumfwnw mazi sou.... Kalutera na xazeueis to MxC kai pernaei i wra sou enw me to l2 9a ginetai panikos.... kai episis dn xreiazetai na eimaste toso poromenoi sto L2..... kai e3alou dn a3izei gia 2 logous: 1on:Gt dn exeis sta9ero server gia na pe3eis.... 2on:Mporei na kanete gnwrimies tis opoies dn tis 3erete ka9olou.... me skopo na sas odigisoun se empodio......
  6. I think that if u have helpfull GM's and friendly community all will be Nice As well as i imagine it...
  7. dn xreiazetai na kaneis double post...... gia na to duone.... apla dn einai to monadiko topic.....
  8. To 9ema einai oti an 3enerwseis arketa sigoura 9a einai xasimo xronou giati dn kerdizeis tpt pezwntas l2... apla opws leei k o titlos tou topic einai xasimo xronou......
  9. a0x0xax0ax0x0ax0ax0x0a tsonta live axx0ax0ax0x0ax0xa0x0ax0a :P krima p dn eimai ekei na to dw live k egw xD :P
  10. Lol??? Who told that max equip 1 week??? :S i never play server with this kind of problem etc....
  11. axax00xax0ax0x0a Noob axx0axx0ax0x0a ^^
  12. These kind of servers are rock M8!!!!!!! If u need them allready to your hand doesn't matter to play there....
  13. Maybe you are right but this guy must rated by his own try Doesn't he????
  14. [GR]Wraios re file! An kai i9ele liga parapanw pragmata.... Text klp.... Katatala einai teleio![/GR]
  15. Sou proteinw na 3ekiniseis AION Official!!!! Edw apo tin prwth mera p vgike to AION mazepse kosmo!!!!!!.... fantasou ston official poso kosmo 9a exei :O :O
  16. I don't aggreed with you DarkLord! @Devangelli:Nc try br0!!!!! Continue Sharing this kind of sigs!!!!
  17. +1 And also Site it shows just like one simple site..... Anyway good luck with your server M8!!!!!!!!!
  18. 9.5/10 I think that was need better edit in text.... Background etc it's awesome the only one fault was Text... Nc try Btw! :)
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